Should We Take Obama At His Word ?


Silver Member
Mar 2, 2012
Remember when Obama said this ?:

Obama: My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years

President Barack Obama said in February 2009 that his presidency would be “one-term proposition” if the economy did not recover in three years, giving him less than six months from today.

“Look, I'm at the start of my administration. One nice thing about the situation I find myself in is that I will be held accountable. You know, I've got four years,” Obama told The Today Show’s Matt Lauer on February 1, 2009.

“A year from now I think people are going to see that we're starting to make some progress," said Obama. "But there's still going to be some pain out there. If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition.”

FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be

Okay, now obviously Obama wasn't meaning he would 'voluntarily' step down if he failed to get the economy rolling again, but when he goes around this country pissing and moaning and blaming his terrible economy on his predecesors he should realize that he at least was admitting that if he wasn't up for the job he deserves to be replaced.
I just think it's funny of all these "independant" thinkers and moderates on this board that swallow everything the democrats and Obama say. He'll say that was during an orange sky and those only count in odd years, and they'll buy it.
Just from the title alone I would say no since he is a politician and they all lie.
I just think it's funny of all these "independant" thinkers and moderates on this board that swallow everything the democrats and Obama say. He'll say that was during an orange sky and those only count in odd years, and they'll buy it.

Like the right wingers bought the patriot act?
The Iraq war was going to cost 40 billion tops and take maybe 6 months?
Since Pubs have blocked everything he wanted since 2/2010- NOT A FEGGING CHANCE, dupes.
Since Pubs have blocked everything he wanted since 2/2010- NOT A FEGGING CHANCE, dupes.

Just one more reason to get rid of his lousy ass. We need someone who garners at least some respect from the other side, and someone that most in D.C. feels the occupant of the White Houise deserves to be there.
I think one of the key reasons the opposition fights him so much, is that they simply do not have any respect for him and believe he has not paid enough dues to be there. This guy practically started running for president before his Senate seat even became warm.
Pretty much every economic measure that was trending negatively has been turned around since Obama was elected,

UE was trending higher, now it's trending lower.

Job gain/loss was trending down, now it's trending up.

GDP was trending down, now it's trending up.

Things have turned around.
Pretty much every economic measure that was trending negatively has been turned around since Obama was elected,

UE was trending higher, now it's trending lower.

Job gain/loss was trending down, now it's trending up.

GDP was trending down, now it's trending up.

Things have turned around.

What about Global Warming.....

Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

Genuine question. Are you capable of posting just once without lying?

For you to call anyone incompetent should be funny - because of the irony... but for some reason, I'm not laughing.
Global warming? Pfffft! The GOP is the only party in the world that fights science....The Koch brothers are huge at paying for THAT BS propaganda...
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

Genuine question. Are you capable of posting just once without lying?

For you to call anyone incompetent should be funny - because of the irony... but for some reason, I'm not laughing.

What lie is that, dupe? Add in the sig, tell me ONE, and Ill reveal your mistake and your party's total BULLSHYTTE.:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

3 sentences, a new record for franco, but it is still gibberish :)
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

Genuine question. Are you capable of posting just once without lying?

For you to call anyone incompetent should be funny - because of the irony... but for some reason, I'm not laughing.

What lie is that, dupe? Add in the sig, tell me ONE, and Ill reveal your mistake and your party's total BULLSHYTTE.:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

I don't have a 'party'. I have a country. It comes first - pity you are not capable of doing likewise, you ranting loon-e-toon.

I'm not interested in your sig. I haven't read it, I have no intention of reading it. Your ranting is not 'my mistake', sweetpea. But you are the equivalent of TruthMocker for honesty and rational thought... you have none. You have no integrity, no honor, no morals. You're just a babbling left wing hack. Even other fucking liberals avoid your bullshit... that should tell you something... only you're too fucking stupid to get the message.
Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

3 sentences, a new record for franco, but it is still gibberish :)

He's Mr Shaman's alter ego. :lmao:
No lies yet, just Pubcrappe. As if a few E-mails in East Anglia disprove years of proof and every scientist who hasn't been bought off....Pub dupe/dittoheads... ya got NOTHING.

Cal girl- you're a moron LOL. READ IT!! LOL

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