Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Yes, but once they stop receiving welfare, they should be able to vote again in one year. People voting themselves money is not only a clear conflict of interest, but that which is in fact destroying us now.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy."

See Obama, W, Slick, ... to see it in action.
Corporations, government and the Constitution are 3 different things.

Of course I hate voter fraud.

yes, they are, but the analogy is valid.

Do you support Reid sitting on 290 house passed bills?
290 House Bills Waiting for Senate Approval - CBS News

No, I am not good with that..

Is this a test? :D

Have you told your senators to kick reid in the ass and get those bills voted on?

not a test, just trying to calibrate you.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

Yes. With a cut-off timeline. If you are a current welfare/public assistance receipient - you can't vote. You regain your voting abilities after getting off the public assistance.

Funny Democrats know where their votes come from. Currently if you sign up for public assistance a social worker will have you registered to vote. The lefts argument in this thread has less to do about compassion and more to deal with power.
Good, are you also mad at the voter fraud perpetrated by Acorn?

Here's an analogy for you:

A corporation consists of stock holders and employees---should the non share holding employees get to vote at the annual meeting?

those on 100% govt assistence are the same as the employees---they have no skin in the game so why should they vote on how the money is spent?

remember, I am only talking about those on 100% govt support.

Corporations, government and the Constitution are 3 different things.

Of course I hate voter fraud.

ACORN did not create one false vote in ANY election you fools

LYING is not fact

Horseshit. they created hundreds right here in their New Orleans office. Why do you think they changed their name? Why was their CEO fired? Because they got caught, thats why.
Conservatives want the poor to have the full poverty experience,

unalleviated by any assistance, on the demented notion that the pain of poverty is


You are an ignorant ass who does not want to learn how and why others think as they do.

Ignorant and arrogant.

What a lonely life you must lead.....likely the only thing you lead.

If conservatives want to "teach a man to fish"

Name some the programs they have initiated to improve job training and help the poor find jobs

How did the older generations do it before government job assistance programs? Did they not look for any job willing to hire, then push their way through night courses based on the income they attained? Quite possibly they even looked into various scholarship programs available, if not even consider the opportunities gained by choosing the military, which can provide the education assistance they need.
right, and Jarhead is right, you need to step away because you are not qualified.

Redfish, like Jarhead, do not understand the role of government, and that its functions cannot be serviced by business without injuring the citizen taxpaying base.

Yes, we know, jake-------the govt is your momma, wet nurse, and snuggle bunny all rolled up into one.

Considering that I have retired after very successful careers in the military, business, and community leadership, having been blessed as a family for a short time more than forty years ago with food stamps and wiche, I would suggest strongly to those like you that government has a definite role in taking care of and helping up the citizen base.

Government is about service to its citizens, son, business is only about profit.
ACORN turned in people who were CHEATING their efforts to get voters voting.

You see it make NO sense to claim they were trying to fix elections.

there was no way what they were accused of can get false votes tallied.

they turned in the people themselves to the GOVERNMENT.

ACORN was following the laws by turning those people who cheated ACORN out of a days work.

A BIASED house and senate then pretended that was election cheating.

You IDIOTS lapped up those fucking lies.


because you wanted to pretend the left cheated so you can get cover for your DECADES long court record of cheating and being caught cheating by the courts.

right up to the SCOTUS decision just last year.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Yes, but once they stop receiving welfare, they should be able to vote again in one year. People voting themselves money is not only a clear conflict of interest, but that which is in fact destroying us now.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy."

See Obama, W, Slick, ... to see it in action.

Dear partisan idiot,

you have just landed on a plan that makes it a good idea to make Americans POOR so you can gain dictatorship of the USA.

jesus you people are as dumb as a box of round rocks
New York City has 8 million people living in close proximity
Food, water, sanitation, sewers, transportation, communication......

Seems pretty efficient to me

and throw a trillion more dollars at it and it will be even more efficient.

My point was not about efficiency.

My point was the cost for government to achieve efficiency compared to a likely much less cost to achieve the same efficiency via the private sector.


To achieve the level of efficiency it now touts, it took a half a billion dollars and over 3 years.

My guess is Amazon, Priceline, Stub Hub and others did the same in half the time and 1/3 the cash.

Definitions 101 once again for Jarhead

Government is about service to its clients the citizens

Business is about profit for its stockholders and management

Service to citizens v Efficiency/Profit to stockholders

I will take government USPS rather than FedEx

The Army rather than Blackwater

Our government executive branch rather than J.P. Morgan's CEO

And so forth and so on.

Does that include the growing debt of the United States Post Office?
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As long as one is a US citizen they should never be denied the right to vote. If we are going to say welfare then how about "should anyone that makes over $250,000 a year be denied the right to vote"? Those people will just vote themselves into making more and more and paying less.... Once we start eliminating groups, where does it stop?
You are an ignorant ass who does not want to learn how and why others think as they do.

Ignorant and arrogant.

What a lonely life you must lead.....likely the only thing you lead.

If conservatives want to "teach a man to fish"

Name some the programs they have initiated to improve job training and help the poor find jobs

How did the older generations do it before government job assistance programs? Did they not look for any job willing to hire, then push their way through night courses based on the income they attained? Quite possibly they even looked into various scholarship programs available, if not even consider the opportunities gained by choosing the military, which can provide the education assistance they need.

They "Let em die" just like conservatives advocate
As long as one is a US citizen they should never be denied the right to vote. If we are going to say welfare then how about "should anyone that makes over $250,000 a year be denied the right to vote"? Those people will just vote themselves into making more and more and paying less.... Once we start eliminating groups, where does it stop?

Thats the dumbest thing I've read today.
We already disqualify people from voting for, e.g. felonies. I hope people making over 250k want to make more and more. It will help everyone else as well. Of course libs dont get that. They think that's greed because there is only so much money in the world.
If conservatives want to "teach a man to fish"

Name some the programs they have initiated to improve job training and help the poor find jobs

How did the older generations do it before government job assistance programs? Did they not look for any job willing to hire, then push their way through night courses based on the income they attained? Quite possibly they even looked into various scholarship programs available, if not even consider the opportunities gained by choosing the military, which can provide the education assistance they need.

They "Let em die" just like conservatives advocate

Shooting presidents in the head from school book repositories.. like leftists advocate

See how that works??
If conservatives want to "teach a man to fish"

Name some the programs they have initiated to improve job training and help the poor find jobs

How did the older generations do it before government job assistance programs? Did they not look for any job willing to hire, then push their way through night courses based on the income they attained? Quite possibly they even looked into various scholarship programs available, if not even consider the opportunities gained by choosing the military, which can provide the education assistance they need.

They "Let em die" just like conservatives advocate

Thats ridiculous, the war on poverty has created more poverty, Obozo and his libtardian policies have put more people in poverty than ever before.

conservatives want everyone to have a job and be self supporting, we want a country that is business friendly and creates jobs for everyone.

you libs want a society where everyone is dependent on the govt and are willing to give up your rights for all that free stuff.

The war on poverty was working until Reagan turned it into a war on the poor

I thought you lived through the 70's?

50 years later, war on poverty has new battle lines

The government's safety net programs cut the poverty rate last year by nearly half, the Census Bureau reports. Without them, the poverty rate would have been 29% in 2012. Government benefits lifted 41 million people, including 9 million children, out of poverty.

Many of those programs were launched by LBJ. During his administration, a pilot program for food stamps became permanent. The federal government established the Head Start program for preschoolers, began to help finance elementary and secondary school education, and started college aid and loan programs. Social Security benefits were raised and Medicare and Medicaid were created.

And a significant change: Income inequality has soared. The share of income that goes to the top 1% has more than doubled, from 10% in 1964 to 22% in 2012, according to data analyzed by economist Emmanuel Saez. Income inequality, now the highest in a century, stoked the Occupy Wall Street protests and the current debate.
Conservatives want the poor to have the full poverty experience,

unalleviated by any assistance, on the demented notion that the pain of poverty is


Thats ridiculous, the war on poverty has created more poverty, Obozo and his libtardian policies have put more people in poverty than ever before.

conservatives want everyone to have a job and be self supporting, we want a country that is business friendly and creates jobs for everyone.

you libs want a society where everyone is dependent on the govt and are willing to give up your rights for all that free stuff.

The war on poverty was working until Reagan turned it into a war on the poor

Can you provide any statistical facts that can back that up? I'd be very interested in seeing what government poverty research figures liberal democrats are using to come up with that conclusion.
As long as one is a US citizen they should never be denied the right to vote. If we are going to say welfare then how about "should anyone that makes over $250,000 a year be denied the right to vote"? Those people will just vote themselves into making more and more and paying less.... Once we start eliminating groups, where does it stop?

Why is that?
The war on poverty was working until Reagan turned it into a war on the poor

I thought you lived through the 70's?

50 years later, war on poverty has new battle lines

The government's safety net programs cut the poverty rate last year by nearly half, the Census Bureau reports. Without them, the poverty rate would have been 29% in 2012. Government benefits lifted 41 million people, including 9 million children, out of poverty.

Many of those programs were launched by LBJ. During his administration, a pilot program for food stamps became permanent. The federal government established the Head Start program for preschoolers, began to help finance elementary and secondary school education, and started college aid and loan programs. Social Security benefits were raised and Medicare and Medicaid were created.

And a significant change: Income inequality has soared. The share of income that goes to the top 1% has more than doubled, from 10% in 1964 to 22% in 2012, according to data analyzed by economist Emmanuel Saez. Income inequality, now the highest in a century, stoked the Occupy Wall Street protests and the current debate.

More welfare, more unequal treatment, and more government intervention and things get WORSE?? Say it isn't SO!!!!!

Jeez, you are dumb

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