Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

More nuttiness from the loony right ... Democrats pass the Heritage Foundation's individual mandated healthcare plan and the loony right calls the Democrats' "Socialists" for passing it but not the Heritage Foundation for providing the concept.

Truth is nuttiness? Really? Seems YOU are a stranger to the truth, and a drone protecting yer Gubmint check. Tell us? Are YOU on welfare? Are YOU a moocher defending it?


Spits the rightard who just got through telling back-to-back lies about me. :eusa_doh:

And not only do I not take anything from the government -- there's a good chance I make more than you.
Good for you...BUT I doubt it.
Or in your case, help those who spent their money and didn't save and now you want more so you don't starve.

As Foxfyre said, the charitable choice should be on the giver, not the taker.

There is no morality in voting for someone to take guns from someone else and giving it to you. It's just armed robbery.

Oh yes...the old

Poor people deserve to be poor

Strawman and strawman. Ironic since our first encounter when I joined the site was me telling you that you didn't know what a strawman was based on your use of the term. You sure know how to do them though.

So in your limited knowledge, the only way you can think of to help "the poor" is for the Federal government to redistribute wealth by force. There is no other solution. None.

In your case, you're not even poor. Though you would be if you stopped getting government checks. But why does that you never saved a dime and lived paycheck to paycheck make your bills my problem exactly?

The difference here, which he may not be able to grasp, is your speaking from the ability to "build" something for yourself while looking to ways in which you can expand your own potential. Using resources that are available (education, experience, some additional efforts) to which you took time and personal investment in.

Rightwinger apparently can't see beyond just taking from the resources of others efforts, and is trying to find a way to justify it.
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Their concept was a socialist one.

But last time I checked the heritage foundation does not enact laws.

Isn't it amazing how the LEFT in order to prove their point will assign legislative or other POWERS to those that don't posses it?
Now you're lying again -- a clear sign that you've lost both your mind and the debate.

I never said the Heritage Foundation had legislative powers.

The Foundation like any US citizen can create/sponsor a bill to pass into law.
I had no idea the Heritage Foundation was socialist. Who knew?

Their concept was a socialist one.

But last time I checked the heritage foundation does not enact laws.


So the Heritage Foundation is socialist then. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. It highlights my belief that nutty righties think everyone left of Joseph McCarthy is a Socialist.

Your reading comprehension sucks. As does your reasoning ability and your knowledge base.
In what world does "that idea is socialist" become "that organization is socialist"??
Isn't it amazing how the LEFT in order to prove their point will assign legislative or other POWERS to those that don't posses it?
Now you're lying again -- a clear sign that you've lost both your mind and the debate.

I never said the Heritage Foundation had legislative powers.

The Foundation like any US citizen can create/sponsor a bill to pass into law.

Wrong. Only Congressmen can create and sponsor bills and pass them into law.
You are a dunce.
Isn't it amazing how the LEFT in order to prove their point will assign legislative or other POWERS to those that don't posses it?
Now you're lying again -- a clear sign that you've lost both your mind and the debate.

I never said the Heritage Foundation had legislative powers.

The Foundation like any US citizen can create/sponsor a bill to pass into law.

Did you SERIOUSLY just post this idiotic outright lie???
Sounds good doesn't it?

Help people by popularity contest. If I like will be helped
If not....too bad for you

But the government does more than help individuals. They help impoverished regions. They help impoverished sectors .......Old people, children, minorities, the disabled

Local charities cannot do that

Because you think you are owed something because you want it, need it, think you need it, or scream for it..

Sorry Charlie.. the only one responsible for you is you... I am not your mommy, your nanny, your allowance giver, your kisser of boo boos, nor your sugar daddy

Government is not charged to bring you or the group that you in out of poverty.. it is not there to redistribute upon your whim nor the whim of people who like the charity yet do not want to pay for it

Actually, because we are America

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and we can afford to treat the needy better. We do not want people begging door to door. We do not want people suffering from illness or injury. We want our old people taken care of

Great societies take care of their less fortunate. We do what we can to help people who are struggling.

Well you know we are among the most wealthy nations on earth when those in poverty are given a free cell phone by their government. I have seen several desolate places with sponsors asking for donations to provide basic nourishment for those who are less fortunate. Unfortunately our perception of what it really means to be poverty stricken has really been distorted when we can't differentiate where there is a basic need from a want.
Sounds good doesn't it?

Help people by popularity contest. If I like will be helped
If not....too bad for you

But the government does more than help individuals. They help impoverished regions. They help impoverished sectors .......Old people, children, minorities, the disabled

Local charities cannot do that

Do they?

Or do they throw bones that encourage people to become impoverished and/or remain in poverty lest they lose those bones thrown to them by the government? And who will those people then vote for? The guy who has a vision of greater, stronger, more prosperous America with more choices and opportunity for everybody to prosper? Or the guy who assures them they will continue to get those bones?

The wise will look at all the unintended consequences of the New Deal, the Great Society, and all the programs that have been built on them. If we listened to or read only stuff like you posted here, it is easy to believe that the partisan fanatic sees only the noble sounding titles on those programs and feels righteous and does not concern himself/herself with whether they are producing more negative consequences than anything good.

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

I'm not sure I'd agree with you there. Once an individual has grown accustomed to having certain provisions given to them, they are less likely to give them up in favor of having to provide it themselves. Simply because you give them a means to provide them with skills, a free public education with an opportunity to work towards a scholarship for college or trade school, what "incentives" do they have over what the government already promises to provide? Are they not provided for through public housing food stamps/welfare, and free health care?
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Again....why should Republican bills come up for a vote if they only have 45 votes?

Republicans block the Democrats bills even though Dems have 55 votes

What makes Republucans think they are special?
WHY is Reid not even bringing HOUSE BILLS to the floor? YOU blatantly obfuscated the question. TRY again shitflinger.

Why should Republucan bills come to the floor when Republicans filibuster the Democrats bills?

Doesn't make sense does it?

Let me give you a hint......start allowing some Democratic bills to come to the floor and Reid will release some of yours

Then the Democrats want to say that it's the Republicans that are bickering and holding up this economy? Does that really sound like the kind of party President Obama boasts of, one that's willing to do the "peoples' business"?
Democrats are a drain on our resources.


Guess What Political Party Gets More Support from Welfare Recipients? | Independent Journal Review

Isn't it amazing how the LEFT in order to prove their point will assign legislative or other POWERS to those that don't posses it?
Now you're lying again -- a clear sign that you've lost both your mind and the debate.

I never said the Heritage Foundation had legislative powers.

The Foundation like any US citizen can create/sponsor a bill to pass into law.

I don't know about that, but they can certainly inspire Congressmen to draft bills based on their ideas. The individual mandate is a prime example. The Heritage Foundation came up with that idea back in the 80's. In the 90's, some Republicans adopted the concept as a counter-proposal to HillaryCare; though they never did draft a bill after HillaryCare faded away.
Now you're lying again -- a clear sign that you've lost both your mind and the debate.

I never said the Heritage Foundation had legislative powers.

The Foundation like any US citizen can create/sponsor a bill to pass into law.

I don't know about that, but they can certainly inspire Congressmen to draft bills based on their ideas. The individual mandate is a prime example. The Heritage Foundation came up with that idea back in the 80's. In the 90's, some Republicans adopted the concept as a counter-proposal to HillaryCare; though they never did draft a bill after HillaryCare faded away.

Even more far left propaganda!
Their concept was a socialist one.

But last time I checked the heritage foundation does not enact laws.


So the Heritage Foundation is socialist then. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. It highlights my belief that nutty righties think everyone left of Joseph McCarthy is a Socialist.

Your reading comprehension sucks. As does your reasoning ability and your knowledge base.
In what world does "that idea is socialist" become "that organization is socialist"??
That "idea" came from that "organization." If that "idea" is "socialist," how is the "organization" not "socialist?"
So the Heritage Foundation is socialist then. Thanks for that pearl of wisdom. It highlights my belief that nutty righties think everyone left of Joseph McCarthy is a Socialist.

Your reading comprehension sucks. As does your reasoning ability and your knowledge base.
In what world does "that idea is socialist" become "that organization is socialist"??
That "idea" came from that "organization." If that "idea" is "socialist," how is the "organization" not "socialist?"

Still can't back up your comments with actual facts, but far left propaganda!
I guess ow that the idea of Santa Claus is spouted off by many, that they believe in complete philanthropy and not forced assistance.. good.. now many liberals must abandon their belief that government owes them something and they must create what they wish to give away and do it all by themselves
Help those who need helping

Easy enough

A noble and easy thing when it is voluntary and out of the goodness of your heart.

Not so noble and easy when we give people power to demand how much of our help they are entitled to.

The forcing of others to have their pockets fleeced for your sense of who should be helped and how much is not a noble thing... you doing it yourself is

Something wrongwinger just cannot understand

If you don't lilke how this country was set up then you should leave.

Oh and BTW Pure or direct democracy are two different things.

do you REALLY not know that?

Its in EVERY dictionary and encyclopedia in the world.
The Foundation like any US citizen can create/sponsor a bill to pass into law.

I don't know about that, but they can certainly inspire Congressmen to draft bills based on their ideas. The individual mandate is a prime example. The Heritage Foundation came up with that idea back in the 80's. In the 90's, some Republicans adopted the concept as a counter-proposal to HillaryCare; though they never did draft a bill after HillaryCare faded away.

Even more far left propaganda!

Your delusional denials do nothing to alter history.
see the right hates democracy

That's why I love this country. We are a Constitutional Republic.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

In the Pledge of Allegiance we all pledge allegiance to our Republic, not to a democracy. "Republic" is the proper description of our government, not "democracy." I invite you to join me in raising public awareness regarding that distinction.


Law Notes -- Home Page

what the hell kind of site is that crap?
A noble and easy thing when it is voluntary and out of the goodness of your heart.

Not so noble and easy when we give people power to demand how much of our help they are entitled to.

The forcing of others to have their pockets fleeced for your sense of who should be helped and how much is not a noble thing... you doing it yourself is

Something wrongwinger just cannot understand

If you don't lilke how this country was set up then you should leave.

Oh and BTW Pure or direct democracy are two different things.

do you REALLY not know that?

Its in EVERY dictionary and encyclopedia in the world.

Sorry twatwaffle... this country was not set up to have government take care of all your personal needs for you by fleecing the pockets of ones who you are jealous of....

BTW.. we are not a democracy, direct or indirect.. we are a republic with many offices filled by democratic style election, but with differing ways of representation selection and a constitution that trumps popular whim

Now... go fuck yourself again

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