Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

they have: 290 House Bills Waiting for Senate Approval - CBS News

What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?
Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote

Reid controls which bills get discussed and voted on in the senate. Reid is sitting on 290 bills approved on bi-partisan votes in the house. It has nothing to do with fillibustering, a fillibuster only delays the vote, it does not block it. Reid is blocking senate voting on bills passed by the house. He is not doing his job.
Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

they have: 290 House Bills Waiting for Senate Approval - CBS News

What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?
Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote

One more point, did Reid insist that 60 senate votes were required to pass obamacare?
did the dems ram that terrible law up our collective asses on a totally one party vote?

you are nothing but a partisan dem/lib liar. Grow the fuck up or go away.
And let's look at all the jobs we provide and how my employees all benefit from those things too. I employ dozens of people. If I shut down, they go home. Explain how those costs only get pegged on me.

Who paid for your employee's educations?

So when my employees got an education and worked for me and I paid them more, that was to my benefit, not theirs, so it's on me, not them. Wow, the crap you sheep believe.

Let's be clear.

Your claim is that your employees are of no benefit to you?

What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?

Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote

One more point, did Reid insist that 60 senate votes were required to pass obamacare?

did the dems ram that terrible law up our collective asses on a totally one party vote?

you are nothing but a partisan dem/lib liar. Grow the fuck up or go away.

It passed with 60 votes.
I'm talking Ron Paul....not the idiot in the audience
Paul said if you don't have insurance it is your own essence...let em die

Note: No Republican at that debate disagreed

How is that different than saying you don't have a car? That is your problem. You don't have a TV? That is your problem. It is not saying you should not have the ability to buy a car. It is not saying that you should not have the ability to by a TV. It is saying that we each need to develop the discipline and integrity to do what we need to do to acquire those things we need. It is saying that if I have something and you don't, you don't have the right to demand what I have. It is not saying that you shouldn't get your own.

We as a society have not 'just sentenced people to die' as you put it. I was working for hospitals before the government provided ANY medical assistance of any kind, and nobody was being turned away because he/she didn't have insurance.

So a little intellectual honesty here would be in order.

It is different because not having a car or TV does not lead to your death

Having cancer and no insurance to pay for it will

Republican response....let em die

Is that why the Obama administration increased the cost of health care for veterans? Doesn't sound like a positive approach to making health care more affordable.

Obama to Cut Health Benefits
for Active Duty, Retired Military
Jan 27,2013

The Obama administration's proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to PAY SHARPLY MORE for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers' benefits untouched.

The proposed increases in healthcare payments by service members, which must be approved by Congress, are part of the Pentagon's $487 billion cut in spending. It seeks to save $1.8 billion from the Tricare medical system in the fiscal 2013 budget, and $12.9 billion by 2017.

Administration officials told Congress that one goal of the increased fees is to force military retirees to reduce their involvement in Tricare and eventually opt out of the program in favor of alternatives established by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Obama to Cut Health Benefits for Active Duty, Retired Military

What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?
Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote

Reid controls which bills get discussed and voted on in the senate. Reid is sitting on 290 bills approved on bi-partisan votes in the house. It has nothing to do with fillibustering, a fillibuster only delays the vote, it does not block it. Reid is blocking senate voting on bills passed by the house. He is not doing his job.
He does it at the behest of Obvama...they are of like mind...POWER is within their grasp...villianize all opposition and pretend they have NO solutions. It's their plan.

What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?
Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote

Reid controls which bills get discussed and voted on in the senate. Reid is sitting on 290 bills approved on bi-partisan votes in the house. It has nothing to do with fillibustering, a fillibuster only delays the vote, it does not block it. Reid is blocking senate voting on bills passed by the house. He is not doing his job.

Again....why should Republican bills come up for a vote if they only have 45 votes?

Republicans block the Democrats bills even though Dems have 55 votes

What makes Republucans think they are special?
Sick....just sick

You were creeped out by the feeling he was talking about you, eh big guy?

Did you see the stat at the end of the clip that the 12% they were discussing was 36% by the eighties? And it's higher now. Clearly throwing money at the poor isn't fixing anything, maybe we should try a different approach. But when half the country gets government checks, they are just going to keep voting for government checks.

Getting welfare, including social security and welfare in any other form, no, they should not be voting themselves money. That's just the democracy of three wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner.

Among American blacks that statistic today is 73%! Blacks also make up 13% of the population but 32% of the welfare recipients. (The largest statistic on welfare by numbers alone!). They have a high school dropout rate over 50%. They also vote Democrat over 94%. To give you an idea of how bad these numbers are, under Jim Crow all these statistics were much lower! Indeed, the welfare mentality is the new slavery! Brought to you by Democrats.
Blacks had better be worried though...Immigration reform is rearing it's ugly head and so-called Hispanics will replace blacks for #1 voting block prized by the politicians.

It's for it.
What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?
Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote

Reid controls which bills get discussed and voted on in the senate. Reid is sitting on 290 bills approved on bi-partisan votes in the house. It has nothing to do with fillibustering, a fillibuster only delays the vote, it does not block it. Reid is blocking senate voting on bills passed by the house. He is not doing his job.

Again....why should Republican bills come up for a vote if they only have 45 votes?

Republicans block the Democrats bills even though Dems have 55 votes

What makes Republucans think they are special?
WHY is Reid not even bringing HOUSE BILLS to the floor? YOU blatantly obfuscated the question. TRY again shitflinger.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

No, but I wouldn't mind seeing Republicans banned from voting.

If this was to happen then who would pay for all you food?
You were creeped out by the feeling he was talking about you, eh big guy?

Did you see the stat at the end of the clip that the 12% they were discussing was 36% by the eighties? And it's higher now. Clearly throwing money at the poor isn't fixing anything, maybe we should try a different approach. But when half the country gets government checks, they are just going to keep voting for government checks.

Getting welfare, including social security and welfare in any other form, no, they should not be voting themselves money. That's just the democracy of three wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner.

Among American blacks that statistic today is 73%! Blacks also make up 13% of the population but 32% of the welfare recipients. (The largest statistic on welfare by numbers alone!). They have a high school dropout rate over 50%. They also vote Democrat over 94%. To give you an idea of how bad these numbers are, under Jim Crow all these statistics were much lower! Indeed, the welfare mentality is the new slavery! Brought to you by Democrats.
Blacks had better be worried though...Immigration reform is rearing it's ugly head and so-called Hispanics will replace blacks for #1 voting block prized by the politicians.

It's for it.

I'm curious of how the liberals are going to react to the Hispanic/black racial war for political support. If Hispanics come out on top they will transition to the republican side. However, I think the backs are going to beat them to it. I'm not sure, but I see a black backlash against the Democrats in the political future.
So, let me get this straight

Republicans do not want to offer the poor good paying jobs because they would rather just accuse them of wanting free stuff?

No, but if you can oversimplify people's motivations, I ought to be able to as well.
I'm not oversimplifying

I am offering Republicans a way to pick up votes in impoverished areas.......bring in jobs

That is supposed to be the key for being Republican. They create jobs

But Republucans do not even have offices in poor areas. Their candidates do not show their faces in poor communities. Get the poor used to the idea that if they want jobs.....Republicans will deliver

Instead , Republucans just bitch about free stuff

Which is annoying and idiotic.

And leads to democratic victories at the polls.

But what is reprehensible and un-Constitutional is the hateful, ignorant notion maintained by many on the right that those receiving public assistance, or those who are not property owners, should have their fundamental right to vote denied.
Reid controls which bills get discussed and voted on in the senate. Reid is sitting on 290 bills approved on bi-partisan votes in the house. It has nothing to do with fillibustering, a fillibuster only delays the vote, it does not block it. Reid is blocking senate voting on bills passed by the house. He is not doing his job.

Again....why should Republican bills come up for a vote if they only have 45 votes?

Republicans block the Democrats bills even though Dems have 55 votes

What makes Republucans think they are special?
WHY is Reid not even bringing HOUSE BILLS to the floor? YOU blatantly obfuscated the question. TRY again shitflinger.

Why should Republucan bills come to the floor when Republicans filibuster the Democrats bills?

Doesn't make sense does it?

Let me give you a hint......start allowing some Democratic bills to come to the floor and Reid will release some of yours
No, but if you can oversimplify people's motivations, I ought to be able to as well.
I'm not oversimplifying

I am offering Republicans a way to pick up votes in impoverished areas.......bring in jobs

That is supposed to be the key for being Republican. They create jobs

But Republucans do not even have offices in poor areas. Their candidates do not show their faces in poor communities. Get the poor used to the idea that if they want jobs.....Republicans will deliver

Instead , Republucans just bitch about free stuff

Which is annoying and idiotic.

And leads to democratic victories at the polls.

But what is reprehensible and un-Constitutional is the hateful, ignorant notion maintained by many on the right that those receiving public assistance, or those who are not property owners, should have their fundamental right to vote denied.

It isn't hateful to suggest that it is scary to see people on welfare voting for people who promise more welfare. Even if you do blatantly rob the rich to pay for it you can't keep growing the gravy train forever. There have to be limits.

What people on here are suggesting is in their opinion one method for limiting that cycle. They see a problem and are suggesting a solution. Is it the right solution? Maybe not. It definitely isn't a popular solution though which means it will never get off the ground in anything but hypothetical discussions. At least not anytime soon.

By the grace go I.

But you gotta have an ID to get welfare.

So you will need one to vote.

But requiring an ID might discriminate against someone who doesn't want to get an ID. That's voter discrimination. You're gonna get in trouble for that.
Use the same logic that you far left Obama drones applied to republicans from 2008 to 2010 in regards to Obamacare.

Then again the far left trolls will say or do anything to protect their religious leaders.

When I pointed out that Republicans failed to pass oversight while they controlled Congress whereas Democrats did pass oversight when they took over, you claimed I was wrong....

.... so why am I still waiting for you to prove it???

Believe me it's not all that hard when public testimony speaks for itself.

September 2008

Rep. Arthur Davis, whose testimony is found above in October 2004, now admits Democrats were in error: "Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie and Freddie. I defended their efforts to encourage affordable homeownership when in retrospect I should have heeded the concerns raised by their regulator in 2004. Frankly, I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong."

Archived-Articles: Why the Mortgage Crisis Happened
You didn't answer the first time, but who knows, maybe you'll answer this time ... ?

Remind me again ... which party was in control of Congress in 2004?

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