Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

Yes, the old "Teach a man to fish" parable

Liberals want to both teach a man to fish and give him a fish while he is learning

Conservatives want to keep him away from the fishing hole

Sounds great. Give a guy a fish while he is learning. Admirable.

What happens when he doesn't ever decide to start fishing for himself though? Just keep giving him fish? And when he has kids who don't go fish for themselves either? And then they have kids who also don't fish for themselves?

Still good with giving him fish while he "learns"?

Sure thing conservatives want to limit how many fish he takes from the fishing hole... until he is fishing for himself. Once he is fishing for himself he is free to get as many fish as he can catch.
More righie idiocy ... remind me again .... which party controlled the Congress in 2003 and 2004 ... ? Remind me again how the minority party prevented the majority oarty from passing oversight of the GSE's ... ?

Use the same logic that you far left Obama drones applied to republicans from 2008 to 2010 in regards to Obamacare.

Then again the far left trolls will say or do anything to protect their religious leaders.

When I pointed out that Republicans failed to pass oversight while they controlled Congress whereas Democrats did pass oversight when they took over, you claimed I was wrong....

.... so why am I still waiting for you to prove it???

Believe me it's not all that hard when public testimony speaks for itself.

September 2008

Rep. Arthur Davis, whose testimony is found above in October 2004, now admits Democrats were in error: "Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie and Freddie. I defended their efforts to encourage affordable homeownership when in retrospect I should have heeded the concerns raised by their regulator in 2004. Frankly, I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong."

Archived-Articles: Why the Mortgage Crisis Happened
Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

That would cut out a LOT of white votes in the south then. OP, is that what you want you fucking racist?
I actually disagree with the George Carlin line as well. I know better than that.

THE most compassionate people I have ever know are conservatives. I have know some pretty nice lefties too

I generally disagree with Carlin's line also. However, this argument reinforces the notion put forward by people on the left.

that is because you refuse to understand the other side.

I disagree with it....but I sure as hell understand it.

Let me ask you a question.......

How would you feel if congress unanimously agreed that they are to be exempt from paying taxes?

I refuse to understand what other side? What side are you referring to?
While I'm here, enough already with the demonizing of business.

Business profits off their employees, but employees get no benefit from business?


Let's see... how much is my paycheck going to be without a business to work for again?

How much is my fancy public education worth when there is no-one to pay me for it?

Why is it that the happiest employees I know of aren't government employees?

I don't remember ever seeing government jobs on those lists of best places to work.
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Because you want it... you are not owed something because someone earns more...

And you spout out WE continually with this.. when it is others you want to foot the bill.. when you are not among those who you advocate taking from, there is no WE in this...

Great people give of themselves... great idiots think it is great to force others to contribute so you can give of them

What you WANT is a place to live, food for your children, a chance to educate your children

If you moan because your tax dollars have to pay for that, it is your own problem

Most Americans feel otherwise

I fail to see where subsidizing births among the poor is a good thing. Unless you're a leftist attempting to breed yourself a dependent voting block.

[ame=]Thomas Sowell - Welfare - YouTube[/ame]

Sick....just sick
A noble and easy thing when it is voluntary and out of the goodness of your heart.

Not so noble and easy when we give people power to demand how much of our help they are entitled to.

Sounds good doesn't it?

Help people by popularity contest. If I like will be helped
If not....too bad for you

But the government does more than help individuals. They help impoverished regions. They help impoverished sectors .......Old people, children, minorities, the disabled

Local charities cannot do that

Do they?

Or do they throw bones that encourage people to become impoverished and/or remain in poverty lest they lose those bones thrown to them by the government? And who will those people then vote for? The guy who has a vision of greater, stronger, more prosperous America with more choices and opportunity for everybody to prosper? Or the guy who assures them they will continue to get those bones?

The wise will look at all the unintended consequences of the New Deal, the Great Society, and all the programs that have been built on them. If we listened to or read only stuff like you posted here, it is easy to believe that the partisan fanatic sees only the noble sounding titles on those programs and feels righteous and does not concern himself/herself with whether they are producing more negative consequences than anything good.

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever
What you WANT is a place to live, food for your children, a chance to educate your children

If you moan because your tax dollars have to pay for that, it is your own problem

Most Americans feel otherwise

I fail to see where subsidizing births among the poor is a good thing. Unless you're a leftist attempting to breed yourself a dependent voting block.

[ame=]Thomas Sowell - Welfare - YouTube[/ame]

Sick....just sick

You were creeped out by the feeling he was talking about you, eh big guy?

Did you see the stat at the end of the clip that the 12% they were discussing was 36% by the eighties? And it's higher now. Clearly throwing money at the poor isn't fixing anything, maybe we should try a different approach. But when half the country gets government checks, they are just going to keep voting for government checks.

Getting welfare, including social security and welfare in any other form, no, they should not be voting themselves money. That's just the democracy of three wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner.
Redfish, like Jarhead, do not understand the role of government, and that its functions cannot be serviced by business without injuring the citizen taxpaying base.

Yes, we know, jake-------the govt is your momma, wet nurse, and snuggle bunny all rolled up into one.

Considering that I have retired after very successful careers in the military, business, and community leadership, having been blessed as a family for a short time more than forty years ago with food stamps and wiche, I would suggest strongly to those like you that government has a definite role in taking care of and helping up the citizen base.

Government is about service to its citizens, son, business is only about profit.

Yes, the govt should help those who are unable to help themselves. No one has said that the govt should not provide a safety net. But there should be limits, it should not go on for life and for generations. We have generational welfare in many of our cities------that is a terrible thing for the nation and for those who have become slaves to the government.

Thats where we differ.
Sounds good doesn't it?

Help people by popularity contest. If I like will be helped
If not....too bad for you

But the government does more than help individuals. They help impoverished regions. They help impoverished sectors .......Old people, children, minorities, the disabled

Local charities cannot do that

Do they?

Or do they throw bones that encourage people to become impoverished and/or remain in poverty lest they lose those bones thrown to them by the government? And who will those people then vote for? The guy who has a vision of greater, stronger, more prosperous America with more choices and opportunity for everybody to prosper? Or the guy who assures them they will continue to get those bones?

The wise will look at all the unintended consequences of the New Deal, the Great Society, and all the programs that have been built on them. If we listened to or read only stuff like you posted here, it is easy to believe that the partisan fanatic sees only the noble sounding titles on those programs and feels righteous and does not concern himself/herself with whether they are producing more negative consequences than anything good.

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

You think they would? Jobs would just kill their free-stuff buzz, man.
ACORN turned in people who were CHEATING their efforts to get voters voting.

You see it make NO sense to claim they were trying to fix elections.

there was no way what they were accused of can get false votes tallied.

they turned in the people themselves to the GOVERNMENT.

ACORN was following the laws by turning those people who cheated ACORN out of a days work.

A BIASED house and senate then pretended that was election cheating.

You IDIOTS lapped up those fucking lies.


because you wanted to pretend the left cheated so you can get cover for your DECADES long court record of cheating and being caught cheating by the courts.

right up to the SCOTUS decision just last year.

Did you spend the years 2007 and 2008 on some other planet? Acorn's vote rigging was proven.

Yes, 50 or 60 years ago there was an effort to keep blacks from voting----------and it was mostly democrats in the south who were behind it.

You really really need to study some american history, and stop repeating the lies told to you by your left wing handlers.
Sounds good doesn't it?

Help people by popularity contest. If I like will be helped
If not....too bad for you

But the government does more than help individuals. They help impoverished regions. They help impoverished sectors .......Old people, children, minorities, the disabled

Local charities cannot do that

Do they?

Or do they throw bones that encourage people to become impoverished and/or remain in poverty lest they lose those bones thrown to them by the government? And who will those people then vote for? The guy who has a vision of greater, stronger, more prosperous America with more choices and opportunity for everybody to prosper? Or the guy who assures them they will continue to get those bones?

The wise will look at all the unintended consequences of the New Deal, the Great Society, and all the programs that have been built on them. If we listened to or read only stuff like you posted here, it is easy to believe that the partisan fanatic sees only the noble sounding titles on those programs and feels righteous and does not concern himself/herself with whether they are producing more negative consequences than anything good.

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

they have: 290 House Bills Waiting for Senate Approval - CBS News
Do they?

Or do they throw bones that encourage people to become impoverished and/or remain in poverty lest they lose those bones thrown to them by the government? And who will those people then vote for? The guy who has a vision of greater, stronger, more prosperous America with more choices and opportunity for everybody to prosper? Or the guy who assures them they will continue to get those bones?

The wise will look at all the unintended consequences of the New Deal, the Great Society, and all the programs that have been built on them. If we listened to or read only stuff like you posted here, it is easy to believe that the partisan fanatic sees only the noble sounding titles on those programs and feels righteous and does not concern himself/herself with whether they are producing more negative consequences than anything good.

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

You think they would? Jobs would just kill their free-stuff buzz, man.

So, let me get this straight

Republicans do not want to offer the poor good paying jobs because they would rather just accuse them of wanting free stuff?
Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

You think they would? Jobs would just kill their free-stuff buzz, man.

So, let me get this straight

Republicans do not want to offer the poor good paying jobs because they would rather just accuse them of wanting free stuff?

If Republicans didnt want to offer the poor good paying jobs they would be Democrats. Democrats want to encourage dependence.
Do they?

Or do they throw bones that encourage people to become impoverished and/or remain in poverty lest they lose those bones thrown to them by the government? And who will those people then vote for? The guy who has a vision of greater, stronger, more prosperous America with more choices and opportunity for everybody to prosper? Or the guy who assures them they will continue to get those bones?

The wise will look at all the unintended consequences of the New Deal, the Great Society, and all the programs that have been built on them. If we listened to or read only stuff like you posted here, it is easy to believe that the partisan fanatic sees only the noble sounding titles on those programs and feels righteous and does not concern himself/herself with whether they are producing more negative consequences than anything good.

Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

they have: 290 House Bills Waiting for Senate Approval - CBS News

What do Republucans think needs to be done to get bills approved in the Senate

Are they aware of the number of Democratic bills they have filibustered? Somehow it is OK to require the Democrats to need 60 votes to advance bills but they expect their bills to proceed with just 45 votes

Want your 290 bills to go for a vote?
Stop blocking the Democrats bills from going for a vote
Why don't republicans offer them something better?

Want to get the poor to vote Republucan? Offer them good paying jobs, move businesses into their communities, provide jobs programs

The poor will vote Republican forever

You think they would? Jobs would just kill their free-stuff buzz, man.

So, let me get this straight

Republicans do not want to offer the poor good paying jobs because they would rather just accuse them of wanting free stuff?

No, but if you can oversimplify people's motivations, I ought to be able to as well.
Definitions 101 once again for Jarhead

Government is about service to its clients the citizens

Business is about profit for its stockholders and management

Service to citizens v Efficiency/Profit to stockholders

I will take government USPS rather than FedEx

The Army rather than Blackwater

Our government executive branch rather than J.P. Morgan's CEO

And so forth and so on.

Does that include the growing debt of the United States Post Office?

Show me another "business" required to fund 75 years of retirement in a very short time.

Now ask me a question that is pertinent or admit you have nothing.

I believe the private sector's ability to manage their own capital, the fact they are more financially efficient to work within their budget without believing as if they have an unlimited resource (like the United States Post Office) makes it very relevant and telling. Why is it the private sector is very good at managing their financial resources, while government looks to them (referred to as among the rich) to cover or "bail-out" their financial incompetence? There is a reason why most politicians are lawyers and not successful business owners, and how they mismanage taxpayer revenue only further emphasizes it. Don't get into a debate about how well the Federal Government manages their books because you'll only look like a laughing stock.
You think they would? Jobs would just kill their free-stuff buzz, man.

So, let me get this straight

Republicans do not want to offer the poor good paying jobs because they would rather just accuse them of wanting free stuff?

No, but if you can oversimplify people's motivations, I ought to be able to as well.
I'm not oversimplifying

I am offering Republicans a way to pick up votes in impoverished areas.......bring in jobs

That is supposed to be the key for being Republican. They create jobs

But Republucans do not even have offices in poor areas. Their candidates do not show their faces in poor communities. Get the poor used to the idea that if they want jobs.....Republicans will deliver

Instead , Republucans just bitch about free stuff
I fail to see where subsidizing births among the poor is a good thing. Unless you're a leftist attempting to breed yourself a dependent voting block.

Thomas Sowell - Welfare - YouTube

Sick....just sick

You were creeped out by the feeling he was talking about you, eh big guy?

Did you see the stat at the end of the clip that the 12% they were discussing was 36% by the eighties? And it's higher now. Clearly throwing money at the poor isn't fixing anything, maybe we should try a different approach. But when half the country gets government checks, they are just going to keep voting for government checks.

Getting welfare, including social security and welfare in any other form, no, they should not be voting themselves money. That's just the democracy of three wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner.

Among American blacks that statistic today is 73%! Blacks also make up 13% of the population but 32% of the welfare recipients. (The largest statistic on welfare by numbers alone!). They have a high school dropout rate over 50%. They also vote Democrat over 94%. To give you an idea of how bad these numbers are, under Jim Crow all these statistics were much lower! Indeed, the welfare mentality is the new slavery! Brought to you by Democrats.
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So, let me get this straight

Republicans do not want to offer the poor good paying jobs because they would rather just accuse them of wanting free stuff?

No, but if you can oversimplify people's motivations, I ought to be able to as well.
I'm not oversimplifying

I am offering Republicans a way to pick up votes in impoverished areas.......bring in jobs

That is supposed to be the key for being Republican. They create jobs

But Republucans do not even have offices in poor areas. Their candidates do not show their faces in poor communities. Get the poor used to the idea that if they want jobs.....Republicans will deliver

Instead , Republucans just bitch about free stuff

People in impoverished areas will not vote Republican. Certainly they wont because the GOP floated some fake "jobs" program like the Democrats do.

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