Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?


Next question.

Of course, if welfare was a disqualification for voting the Democrat Party would cease to exist.

If elections were won or lost on ideas and not money, the current crop of GOP Pols would lose every election.

Your belief that Democrats have newer or better ideas is hilarious.

Demagoguery only works on those who are easily and always fooled.

That explains the people who vote Democrat.
Oh my goodness no. You know that old Sinatra song that goes I've been up, I've been down,? I know I have been. Never on welfare but I've had to take a turkey from the goodness of the Salvation Army one time in my life.

You are insane. Anyone who thinks that voting is not a fundamental right in a darn democracy is completely delusional. No one has a right to money. Did anyone claim that? But the act of receiving money should not arbitrarily forfeit your right to participate in a democracy. Whatever happened to representative democracy? Everyone deserves representation.
Just because voting is fundamental does not mean it is universal. Plenty of people lose rights to vote or dont have them. Why not make welfare dependence one of those disqualifiers?
Why not show some balls and get directly to what you really want: Why not make membership in the Democratic Party one of the disqualifiers? Or why not make low income a disqualifier? For example, only those making more than a 6 figure yearly income can vote. Or how about making living in certain voting districts a disqualifier? Isn't this what you really want, to remove voting rights from fellow Americans because they think and vote different than you?
Oh, and one other thought. People who lose voting rights have had those rights taken from them because they committed a crime. The last I looked being poor and on welfare IS NOT A CRIME (even though you would like it to be one).
On the other hand :lol: I've heard Hannity's man on the street one to many times. Maybe we should have a voter test?

And how fun would that be? Just coming up with a voter test?

You are insane. Anyone who thinks that voting is not a fundamental right in a darn democracy is completely delusional. No one has a right to money. Did anyone claim that? But the act of receiving money should not arbitrarily forfeit your right to participate in a democracy. Whatever happened to representative democracy? Everyone deserves representation.
Just because voting is fundamental does not mean it is universal. Plenty of people lose rights to vote or dont have them. Why not make welfare dependence one of those disqualifiers?
Why not show some balls and get directly to what you really want: Why not make membership in the Democratic Party one of the disqualifiers? Or why not make low income a disqualifier? For example, only those making more than a 6 figure yearly income can vote. Or how about making living in certain voting districts a disqualifier? Isn't this what you really want, to remove voting rights from fellow Americans because they think and vote different than you?
Oh, and one other thought. People who lose voting rights have had those rights taken from them because they committed a crime. The last I looked being poor and on welfare IS NOT A CRIME (even though you would like it to be one).
I guess when you are mentally unable to debate the strategy is simply to throw out evethiung else.
No one, except liberals, want to disqualify people based on their beliefs. No one wants to disqualify people based on their income.
You made that up. The only one saying that is you.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

No, but I wouldn't mind seeing Republicans banned from voting.

So that's clear, you want a one-party state. The question now arises which sort you would prefer? Communist , Fascist or a good old fashioned tyranny?

Next question.

Of course, if welfare was a disqualification for voting the Democrat Party would cease to exist.

If elections were won or lost on ideas and not money, the current crop of GOP Pols would lose every election. Demagoguery only works on those who are easily and always fooled.
You have that exactly backwards. The Democrat party exists solely because they hand out money, not ideas.
ou realize that 47% of the population pays no income tax, right? So you must approve of eliminating the the exemptions for lower income people that cause that.
First of all, no one is totally immune from paying taxes. Even if a person falls below the poverty level they still end up paying state and local taxes. Second, you do realize that some of those 47% belong to the wealthy, don't you? Should a man who is able to hide his money and pay little or no tax be allowed to vote when you are saying that people living below the poverty level who are unable to pay taxes should be denied the vote?

You understand your second post contradicts your first, right?
The bttom line is you are OK with lower income people paying no taxes. You jsut want to stick higher income people because you think you're punishing them.
Look, maybe you cannot grasp this simple concept: The people living below the poverty level do not pay taxes because they cannot pay taxes. There is a difference between not being able to pay taxes and hiding your money so you have little or no taxes to pay.
And as for being '"OK' with lower income people paying no taxes," I am not happy with that but at the same time I realize that you cannot get blood out of a stone. If a person can barely feed himself and his family is it fair to make him pay taxes? Oh, and as for "sticking higher income people," how about those who are using tax dodges to avoid paying tax be forced to carry their share of the load? There is a difference between being unable
to pay taxes due to poverty and being able to pay taxes but hiding your money to avoid doing so.
Just because voting is fundamental does not mean it is universal. Plenty of people lose rights to vote or dont have them. Why not make welfare dependence one of those disqualifiers?
Why not show some balls and get directly to what you really want: Why not make membership in the Democratic Party one of the disqualifiers? Or why not make low income a disqualifier? For example, only those making more than a 6 figure yearly income can vote. Or how about making living in certain voting districts a disqualifier? Isn't this what you really want, to remove voting rights from fellow Americans because they think and vote different than you?
Oh, and one other thought. People who lose voting rights have had those rights taken from them because they committed a crime. The last I looked being poor and on welfare IS NOT A CRIME (even though you would like it to be one).
I guess when you are mentally unable to debate the strategy is simply to throw out evethiung else.
No one, except liberals, want to disqualify people based on their beliefs. No one wants to disqualify people based on their income.
You made that up. The only one saying that is you.
I only offered those idiotic ideas to disqualify voters to illustrate the stupidity of your wanting to disqualify people on welfare.
And as to "No one, except liberals, want to disqualify people," perhaps you should educate yourself on all the red states that are working to disinfranchise and take the vote away from those who would vote Democratic. The day after the SC struck down a major part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 six red states started to work on changing/removing the voting rights from those who would vote Democratic. Your willingness to ignore the actions of red state governors combined with your ignorant statement above shows your lack of knowledge.
I perfectly believe in SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and taking care of the sick, elderly, and the poor, and giving them a hand up.

Those who don't should not be allowed to vote.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

Why would anybody ask a question like that? Nobody in the last 200 years has suggested that citizens who access government assistance should be prevented from voting and the right of corporations to contribute to political candidates has been upheld by the supreme court. Why would "tax breaks" be a bad thing unless the assumption is that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while.
On the other hand :lol: I've heard Hannity's man on the street one to many times. Maybe we should have a voter test?

And how fun would that be? Just coming up with a voter test?

I'd love to see a small test that demonstrates that people understand the basic workings of government and the Constitution. After all? Aren't legalized aliens taking tests to demonstrate knowledge before they are granted citizenship? We have citizens born here that could care less about anything except what the TAXPAYER will give them through politicians and their vote buying schemes for power.
More far left revisionism.

Oh? Which part do you contest? That the Democrat-led Congress delivered oversight during Bush's final two years or that the Republican-led Congress failed to pass oversight during the previous 4 years.

Be prepared to defend your idiocy with links ... your pre-K insults won't carry you.

You have not proven there was oversight, but yet want others to do what you refuse to do.

Typical far left Obama drone, posts propaganda and then expects others to prove them wrong.

Even a two year old would recognize this.(to come down to your level)

The oversight was in H.R.3221

Now which part of my post do you contest?
It occurs to me that we could initiate a 0.1% national sales tax with no exemptions and that would make everyone who consumed anything a taxpayer. Would such a solution be satisfactory to the Right? I think I could sell it to the most ardent on the Left. Everyone would have "skin in the game".
I perfectly believe in SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and taking care of the sick, elderly, and the poor, and giving them a hand up.

Those who don't should not be allowed to vote.

Now I'm frozen out here like you wouldn't beleive so I can spend some time.

Who should have the right to vote?

I put mine up that I didn't believe that anyone should be denied on welfare because although I have never taken a welfare check I at one point in my life had to go to food banks and took a turkey from the Salvation Army. We've all been up and down in our lives.

So what makes a voter? I can't deny a woman in Harlem and yes I have been there, seen it done it. (CBGB days) I can't deny her a right to vote. Because of welfare.
On the other hand :lol: I've heard Hannity's man on the street one to many times. Maybe we should have a voter test?

And how fun would that be? Just coming up with a voter test?

I'd love to see a small test that demonstrates that people understand the basic workings of government and the Constitution. After all? Aren't legalized aliens taking tests to demonstrate knowledge before they are granted citizenship? We have citizens born here that could care less about anything except what the TAXPAYER will give them through politicians and their vote buying schemes for power.

I'd love to see a true test. I "in the words of a great American" YOU BETTCHA " See who you are voting for?

No colors. Real deal. No Party line beside them. Whoa geeze some fun.

Only their names.
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It occurs to me that we could initiate a 0.1% national sales tax with no exemptions and that would make everyone who consumed anything a taxpayer. Would such a solution be satisfactory to the Right? I think I could sell it to the most ardent on the Left. Everyone would have "skin in the game".

I don't get it. My son words a low wage job. I was just looking at his pay stub the other day.
And guess what? He is definitely paying taxes. Federal taxes, state and local.

So at tax time he will file on the income earned and qualify for the Earned Income Tax credit.
Which will give him back all his Federal taxes he paid in.

How in the fuck is it my sons (or any other low wage workers) fault that the tax code was written in this manner?

You all got a problem with low wage workers and the EIC, take it up with your Congressperson. They are the ones making tax law. And poor people don't have much in the way of lobbyists.

You are blaming the wrong people. It ain't the poor persons fault they get a refund of all taxes paid in. How could it be their fault?

Are you really gonna blame them for taking advantage of tax law? Good God.

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