Shouldn't we just get rid of welfare all together?

Are you aware that your lies are easily revealed?

The ones you tell are far more difficult to reveal....

we should get rid of cockroaches like you

She should not be late in the morning. Just get up earlier, attend to the children earlier and have a back up person if someone has to wait with the children for the bus to arrive.

I know you mean this "tongue in cheek", but there are working parents all over the nation. It is there responsibility to tend to the children. making arrangements for them is the parent if working and be a productive employee is the responsibility of the employee. Can you imagine half of the nation showing up for work late?

To late. She just go canned.

Oh well, there's another fast food joint right down the road.
I really don't see the need for welfare anymore since unemployment is at historic lows. I mean I know unemployment rate was lower during all previous presidencies but that doesn't mean we can't use the phrase 'historic low' since history begins and ends with the birth of OBama and his death (hopefully soon) so we don't have to think about the past to much. We really don't need welfare anymore so why even have it?

I'm going to get my fellow co-worker fired today because she is a liberal. It will be fun because no one will even suspect what I am doing. I know she is a single mom and all who desperately needs the money but I'm so sick and tired of these people ruining this country with their crys for more welfare and freebies from the government. It would serve her right to let her starve out in the streets. The best part of all is that she is kind of a nice person so doing this will be so vindictive in many ways. She is always late because she has to deal with her kids in the morning. I cover for her because of that but I think today honesty will be the best policy and I will tell the boss what she has been doing. I can even justify it by saying it is just telling the truth. It will be a wonderful day in the neighborhood....
Did you know in 1996 Bill Clinton and the Republican house and senate signed a bill turning welfare over to the States. I believe in Michigan the most you can be on welfare is 5 years. When governor Rick Snyder signed that bill, anyone who was on welfare for 4 years 11 months was cut off next month.

I think 5 years is too long but 1 year might not be enough
I really don't see the need for welfare anymore since unemployment is at historic lows. I mean I know unemployment rate was lower during all previous presidencies but that doesn't mean we can't use the phrase 'historic low' since history begins and ends with the birth of OBama and his death (hopefully soon) so we don't have to think about the past to much. We really don't need welfare anymore so why even have it?

I'm going to get my fellow co-worker fired today because she is a liberal. It will be fun because no one will even suspect what I am doing. I know she is a single mom and all who desperately needs the money but I'm so sick and tired of these people ruining this country with their crys for more welfare and freebies from the government. It would serve her right to let her starve out in the streets. The best part of all is that she is kind of a nice person so doing this will be so vindictive in many ways. She is always late because she has to deal with her kids in the morning. I cover for her because of that but I think today honesty will be the best policy and I will tell the boss what she has been doing. I can even justify it by saying it is just telling the truth. It will be a wonderful day in the neighborhood....

You must think of the parasites!
"It will be fun because no one will even suspect what I am doing" - sounds like being a pussy.
What's the pleasure in avoiding confrontation with the co-worker? You've been used and I don't see the sense in not telling her that being taken advantage of ain't happening anymore.
I remember a GOP debate in which the moderator pointed out that welfare entitlements were only a few billion dollars but the deficit was over 1_trillion dollars.

That left a lot of questions in my head like what are we spending all this money on?
I really don't see the need for welfare anymore since unemployment is at historic lows. I mean I know unemployment rate was lower during all previous presidencies but that doesn't mean we can't use the phrase 'historic low' since history begins and ends with the birth of OBama and his death (hopefully soon) so we don't have to think about the past to much. We really don't need welfare anymore so why even have it?

I'm going to get my fellow co-worker fired today because she is a liberal. It will be fun because no one will even suspect what I am doing. I know she is a single mom and all who desperately needs the money but I'm so sick and tired of these people ruining this country with their crys for more welfare and freebies from the government. It would serve her right to let her starve out in the streets. The best part of all is that she is kind of a nice person so doing this will be so vindictive in many ways. She is always late because she has to deal with her kids in the morning. I cover for her because of that but I think today honesty will be the best policy and I will tell the boss what she has been doing. I can even justify it by saying it is just telling the truth. It will be a wonderful day in the neighborhood....
You fucking asshole.
Ya, too cowardly to inform the worker he would not continue his dishonest behavior of covering for her about being late, he decided to be a rat and betray her. Asshole coward and then he brags about it like it is something to be proud of.
"I know unemployment rate was lower during all previous presidencies"

Look up the UE rates for Reagan.

I did and it was pretty fuckin low. It is amazing how the left can't see how they are constantly being lied to by their own kind. You know that most people in the democratic party would leave the minute they find out the truth that your economic system doesn't work and you are desperate to keep these people from knowing the truth.
It was 10.8% under Reagan at its highest month. Here it is for you. Look it up to verify it if you want. Not once does it reach 5% much less 4.9%

1981 7.5
1982 9.5
1983 9.5
1984 7.4
1985 7.1
1986 6.9
1987 6.1
1988 5.4

As a Republican, this is why I despise the far right morons like you.

" As a republican"......Lol
"Ya, too cowardly to inform the worker he would not continue his dishonest behavior of covering for her about being late, he decided to be a rat and betray her."

The employee will know what the rat continue her not longer fucking him, which is the real reason for sd's actions, but she will not be fired (1) She will be counseled and admonished with what she must do. (2) She and the boss will laser focus on sd for being a super loser. He needs to go.
10.8% UE was Reagan's highest report. The last four years of Obama trumps (heh) Reagan.
" As a republican"......Lol
You are a pretend Republican. A Prick like you cannot have a place in the party, simply no way.

Well, thats not very nice there, JS. I didn't call you a prick. Are all those wives of yours beating you down out there in your utah compound in the side of the mountain?
You are a beta, so of course you don't outwardly libel, you insinuate. :lol: False dilemma fallacy and a rules violation whether I have the one wife or two like TyroneWeaver or three like BobBlaylock. And I am writing from the Texas Hill County in a place I have out here. My other place is in down town SLC you would give your left ball (if you had it left) for.
She should not be late in the morning. Just get up earlier, attend to the children earlier and have a back up person if someone has to wait with the children for the bus to arrive.

I know you mean this "tongue in cheek", but there are working parents all over the nation. It is there responsibility to tend to the children. making arrangements for them is the parent if working and be a productive employee is the responsibility of the employee. Can you imagine half of the nation showing up for work late?

She might be better off working for a company and boss that provides flexibility she needs.
That way, we reward and invest in the companies and people who share our ethics and priorities.
If we all organize around like principles, then most things can be worked out.

The issue still remains to fix flaws so that all groups and systems are sustainable.

So yes, if a group is TOO flexible where nothing is getting done on time or at all,
then that will cause that group to collapse.

Many people see that our govt is not sustainable and needs to be revamped.
So we could be created more jobs for more people to take on the burdens dumped on govt,
such as health care and welfare, and invest money in programs proven to manage these effectively.

If the programs are run by local districts and communities,
they can be more sensitive and flexible to meet the needs of the people running them.

Less bureaucracy, more autonomy, means more freedom locally to adjust to meet local needs and demands.

We'd have more people working and less conflicts like the one in this case.
" As a republican"......Lol
You are a pretend Republican. A Prick like you cannot have a place in the party, simply no way.

Well, thats not very nice there, JS. I didn't call you a prick. Are all those wives of yours beating you down out there in your utah compound in the side of the mountain?
You are a beta, so of course you don't outwardly libel, you insinuate. :lol: False dilemma fallacy and a rules violation whether I have the one wife or two like TyroneWeaver or three like BobBlaylock. And I am writing from the Texas Hill County in a place I have out here. My other place is in down town SLC you would give your left ball (if you had it left) for.

Hi LordBrownTrout and JakeStarkey
Instead of calling someone a prick, I think the more correct protocol is to spell out literally what is coming across wrong with the person's approach, like "coming across as a jerk" or
as a high upitty "snob" looking down the nose at everyone else. What specifically is the problem?

Jake I didn't catch all the "insinuations" or references to Utah and polygamy.
Are you really associated with Mormon or LDS?
Is Avatar on here also conservative Mormon? I agree with most of what Avatar has posted,
so what we are doing differently where you and I get stuck here and there.

Are you a fellow Texan but you also own property or a business in SLC?
Are there laws or ways in Texas you think other states should adopt; or vice versa, are there
laws or ways in Utah that you think Texas or other states should model after?

For example, do you believe marriage laws should be kept out of govt, and only keep "civil contracts" with govt
and allow religious freedom of individuals to decide the rules of marriage and benefits, that could
be better managed through private affiliated groups.

How this related to the OP about welfare: What do YOU think of the idea of delegating welfare and benefits programs by PARTY so people who WANT to fund and manage programs for the poor and undereducated are directly responsible for selecting more sustainable means of providing help (such as microlending and training to follow financial and educational plans that work long term). And people who WANT to "lend" can CHOOSE which programs have the best track record of getting people out of poverty and back on track, and paying back loans before reinvesting in the next round. Do you think microlending could be managed by party, and still give TAX BREAKS for people who choose to invest in programs proven EFFECTIVE, instead of forcing this burden on people who ask to see PROOF the money is going into training people to become independent.

How does your religious or political affiliation represent or influence your beliefs on marriage or
on other issues of "so called" "separation of church and state" or personal beliefs from public policy?

Thank you!
" As a republican"......Lol
You are a pretend Republican. A Prick like you cannot have a place in the party, simply no way.

Well, thats not very nice there, JS. I didn't call you a prick. Are all those wives of yours beating you down out there in your utah compound in the side of the mountain?
You are a beta, so of course you don't outwardly libel, you insinuate. :lol: False dilemma fallacy and a rules violation whether I have the one wife or two like TyroneWeaver or three like BobBlaylock. And I am writing from the Texas Hill County in a place I have out here. My other place is in down town SLC you would give your left ball (if you had it left) for.

Hi LordBrownTrout and JakeStarkey
Instead of calling someone a prick, I think the more correct protocol is to spell out literally what is coming across wrong with the person's approach, like "coming across as a jerk" or
as a high upitty "snob" looking down the nose at everyone else. What specifically is the problem?

Jake I didn't catch all the "insinuations" or references to Utah and polygamy.
Are you really associated with Mormon or LDS?
Is Avatar on here also conservative Mormon? I agree with most of what Avatar has posted,
so what we are doing differently where you and I get stuck here and there.

Are you a fellow Texan but you also own property or a business in SLC?
Are there laws or ways in Texas you think other states should adopt; or vice versa, are there
laws or ways in Utah that you think Texas or other states should model after?

For example, do you believe marriage laws should be kept out of govt, and only keep "civil contracts" with govt
and allow religious freedom of individuals to decide the rules of marriage and benefits, that could
be better managed through private affiliated groups.

How this related to the OP about welfare: What do YOU think of the idea of delegating welfare and benefits programs by PARTY so people who WANT to fund and manage programs for the poor and undereducated are directly responsible for selecting more sustainable means of providing help (such as microlending and training to follow financial and educational plans that work long term). And people who WANT to "lend" can CHOOSE which programs have the best track record of getting people out of poverty and back on track, and paying back loans before reinvesting in the next round. Do you think microlending could be managed by party, and still give TAX BREAKS for people who choose to invest in programs proven EFFECTIVE, instead of forcing this burden on people who ask to see PROOF the money is going into training people to become independent.

How does your religious or political affiliation represent or influence your beliefs on marriage or
on other issues of "so called" "separation of church and state" or personal beliefs from public policy?

Thank you!

See, JS, this is an excellent well thought out post. I need to follow emily's lead.
" As a republican"......Lol
You are a pretend Republican. A Prick like you cannot have a place in the party, simply no way.

Well, thats not very nice there, JS. I didn't call you a prick. Are all those wives of yours beating you down out there in your utah compound in the side of the mountain?
You are a beta, so of course you don't outwardly libel, you insinuate. :lol: False dilemma fallacy and a rules violation whether I have the one wife or two like TyroneWeaver or three like BobBlaylock. And I am writing from the Texas Hill County in a place I have out here. My other place is in down town SLC you would give your left ball (if you had it left) for.

I was out in fredericksburg, tx drinking red wines last week. I think i ran into you. I like SLC alot. Been there alot flyfishing. I bet you'd give your right ball for the place I have in montana.

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