Shrooms - Love Em or Leave Em

Love mushrooms!!
The ones you find in an oriental buffet are the shit!!!

Hell yeah! I always get a big ole spoon full of those with whatever else I get!!!


I actually tried them once, my friends and I got a little goofy but nobody saw pink elephants floating around.

We went out a picked a bread sack full of them.
The problems is you never really know how potent they are.
I actually forgot why I was so high,it was the closest thing I've ever come to that could be considered a bad trip.
I didnt touch em again for a few decades,then we went to Jamaica where they're legal....
Good old Tedds Shroom Boom.
We went out a picked a bread sack full of them.
The problems is you never really know how potent they are.
I actually forgot why I was so high,it was the closest thing I've ever come to that could be considered a bad trip.
I didnt touch em again for a few decades,then we went to Jamaica where they're legal....
Good old Tedds Shroom Boom.
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We must have got a bag full of duds obviously not the SHROOM BOOM!!! LOL
We must have got a bag full of duds obviously not the SHROOM BOOM!!! LOL

We had several cow pastures to choose from.
We would go in the morning after a night time rain and there were shitloads of them.
We actually carried a clipboard with some cow info and a disposable camera in case the rancher caught us.
He eventually did catch us and we told him we were members of the Katy High FFA and we were doing a paper on cattle raising.
He bought it hook line and sinker and told us we were free to come into his pasture whenever we wanted as long as we didnt leave the gate open.
Had a buddy named Jim Pongrass who loved the things,we'd pick em in the morning before school and he'd slap a few pieces of bread on em and eat em at lunch.
Nowadays you cant find em in most cow pastures because they put an additive in the feed that killed the spores.

Printed. PJ and I are definitely shroom fans. She is usually not interested in USMB, but when told of your thread and seeing the pictures, her first words were ooooh, cool! Where's the recipe?:D
Love mushrooms!!
The ones you find in an oriental buffet are the shit!!!
I've never actually eaten at an oriental buffet, but I do know that shitake mushrooms are popular and considered a gourmet food in the orient. They are very tasty.

I grow shitake mushrooms myself in the crawlspace of my home. I drilled holes into chunks of oak firewood about a half inch to an inch deep or so, just enough to get through the bark, inoculated the holes with mushroom spores, and then covered the holes with beeswax to keep out any unwanted fungi spores.

And waited... and waited... and waited...

It took a while, but after several months I had shitake mushrooms growing out of those logs.

I also grow oyster mushrooms down there. Those seem to be easier and faster to grow. Weeks rather than months. But not quite as savory.

But my favorite are the Morels. I've tried to grow them at home on several occasions but have been unsuccessful so far. :(
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The only time that I eat mushrooms is through the Prego spaghetti sauce jar that says fresh mushrooms on it.

God bless you always!!!

Buttons and Portabellas are the best.

When stuffing them, I usually add cream cheese, shredded cheddar or whatever I have, some bacon, maybe some salsa and/or jalapenos and chopped stems.

Mushrooms are one thing I'd rather buy at the store, than to try foraging in the yard or wild. Just too many poisonous look a likes.
The only time that I eat mushrooms is through the Prego spaghetti sauce jar that says fresh mushrooms on it.

God bless you always!!!

It's better than nothing. I used to eat Prego often before I started canning my own tomato sauce. I would choose Prego over the other spaghetti sauces at the grocery store.
Damn you Smuggler! I never met a mushroom I didn't love! You're making me hungry, I can smell those things cooking!

See the source image
Mushrooms are one thing I'd rather buy at the store, than to try foraging in the yard or wild.

Oh, yeah, but if you know someone who can pick them out, there are some wild mushroom recipes out there that are just to die for! (Sorry--- --- poor choice of wording). :SMILEW~130:

I Made These Stuffed Mushrooms.

Stuffed with Black Beans, Baby Spinach, Green Onions, and Tillamook Cheddar Cheese ...
Topped with Honey plus Spicy Humus Sauce, and Fresh Italian Parsley.


It wasn't a recipe, and I just made it up as I was going.
They turned out pretty good and then were all gone when I made a larger batch again for a party.

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I like mushrooms very much!🥰

....and I love mushroom risotto!!!!!with lots of Parmesan cheese on top.....ohhhhhhhhh

so so tasty and delicious!!!!

It's better than nothing. I used to eat Prego often before I started canning my own tomato sauce. I would choose Prego over the other spaghetti sauces at the grocery store.
To me, Prego is most definitely better compared to Ragu.

God bless you always!!!

Oh, yeah, but if you know someone who can pick them out, there are some wild mushroom recipes out there that are just to die for! (Sorry--- --- poor choice of wording). :SMILEW~130:

I found a few Morels in my yard......atleast I think they were Morels. I googled for look a likes and it said true Morels are one complete piece, NOT separate cap & stem. Mine were all one piece, but I chickened out and tossed them

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