Sick of the Carping About Wal-Mart!

Well if one can work a low wage job at Walmart and get gov't assistance to help them pay some bills then I am a fan of Walmart. I believe a full time worker at Walmart is deserving of the gov't benefits. To disagree with this is purely an anti worker point of view. Plus, low wage jobs mean that one simply shows up. No need to kill oneself for minimum wage.
Well if one can work a low wage job at Walmart and get gov't assistance to help them pay some bills then I am a fan of Walmart. I believe a full time worker at Walmart is deserving of the gov't benefits. To disagree with this is purely an anti worker point of view. Plus, low wage jobs mean that one simply shows up. No need to kill oneself for minimum wage.

Perfectly appropriate user name you have there, guy! Just showing up at your minimum wage job more or less guarantees you will remain at minimum wage.
You believe a full time worker deserves government assistance? Why? The average full time WakMart employee earns $27,000/year. That's way above the poverty level for families of under 5 persons.
Just showing up at your minimum wage job more or less guarantees you will remain at minimum wage.
Exactly. Show no ambition and just mail it in every day, then demand the either artificially prop up your wages or subsidize your life with handouts.
Just showing up at your minimum wage job more or less guarantees you will remain at minimum wage.
Exactly. Show no ambition and just mail it in every day, then demand the either artificially prop up your wages or subsidize your life with handouts.

But that is exactly what people have been taught by a cavalcade of Democrat Presidents.

Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.”

As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.”

It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

So...this outcome was known...and it is the reason why the government schools don't teach this history lesson.
Why didn't you comment on the import of the OP?

Here.....try again:

"... the new Washington D.C. stores received 23,000 applications for only 600 positions."

Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance. It's another from of corporate welfare and government subsidy. They haven't gotten the memo that increasing wages results in a competitive advantage.

Hey! Who left the doggie-door open and let you in????

"Walmart's low-wage model results in full-time employees on public assistance."


Meaning the job forces people onto welfare???


You are a simple fellow, a simpleton, 'else you wouldn't fall for Leftist propaganda.

The 23,000 applications for Wal-Mart jobs is proof that the jobs, and Wal-Mart, are beneficial to all concerned....unless you believe (I almost said 'think") that the workers were Shanghaied..

Now, you've tried the talking point that welfare, food-stamps, etc. are necessary for those who work at the Wal-Mart jobs.
Not true.

What is true is that Obama-style Liberals make it so simple to obtain said perks that few turn them down.
The proof is that no one was starving on the streets before the food-stamps, etc.

"In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare
spending has increased by 41 percent, more
than $193 billion per year.....….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part
of the program’s growth is due to conscious
policy choices by this administration
to ease
eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have
risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007
and are now roughly 10 percent higher than
they were when Obama took office."

What planet are you on? Wow.
All this talk about Walmart reminded me to go do some shopping there.

I bought a travel case for under $18 after comparison shopping two other chain stores within 5-miles of the Walmart Superstore. Each had the same case, same brand, same size, same colour. One for $49. The other for $69.

One of the two "other" stores is union; the other is not. Can you guess which one is a union shop?
1. All you have done is prove my indictment, as you have not been able to provide same.

2. And, proved what an imbecile you are by posting the LATimes article, which speaks of Wal-Mart customers......."low-income shoppers..."

It goes on to admit that it has nothing to do with Wal-Mart employees:

" ....sidelight of Wal-Mart’s disclosure is that it doesn’t actually discuss how the company benefits from public assistance programs by sticking the U.S. taxpayer with the bill for keeping its workforce fed and clothed." are an imbecile who swallows whatever Leftist propaganda is offered.....true?

Skewered you again, didn't I.

Wal-Mart is a perfect example of huge economies of scale, which should give its workers economic gains, but they deliver much less and retain the benefits of economies of scale. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.

Changing the subject.....?

Pretty much of an admission of what I posted.

Oh...and as far a you being an imbecile? No admission necessary.

Been readin' the posts and as far as I can tell, your the imbicile. ann coulter?? Really??
I know who you are now. No alligiance to our country only to corporate profits. Your kind are the ones who are driving this country into the dirt.
Our Leftist politicians here in the Big Apple..... won't believe this:

"Last week, Walmart announced that it distributed $3 million last year to charities in New York City.
The giving included $1 million to the New York Women’s Foundation, which offers job training, and $30,000 to Bailey House, which distributes groceries to low-income residents.

Naturally, there was one group that was appalled by the charitable giving: local politicians.

More than half the members of the New York City Council sent a letter to Walmart demanding that it stop giving millions in charitable contributions to local groups in the city.

For the sake of argument, let’s concede Walmart is trying to “buy influence and support” in New York City. Such activity is called “lobbying.” Are these NYC council members against lobbying? Will they soon be sending a cease-and-desist letter to their political contributors who are trying to “buy influence and support”?
NYC Council to Walmart: Stop Giving Money to Our Local Charities! | Acton PowerBlog

You know the folks who claim that Liberalism is a mental disease?

They're right.

ummmm...arent charities a tax write off?
I don't know PC. I could complain all day about my totally negative experiences with Walmart and most of it isn't ideological at all.
Walmart just plain sucks. Walmart gets bad customer satisfaction reviews, it's viewed for having terrible customer service, one of the worse offenders in retail today and they don't give a shit.
I'd rather pay more, get good customer service, not have to walk down their narrow aisles jammed with merchandise displays and not have to stand in line forever because Walmart never has enough cashiers on duty.
I haven't darkened the door of a Walmart store in almost five years.:D
Our Leftist politicians here in the Big Apple..... won't believe this:

"Last week, Walmart announced that it distributed $3 million last year to charities in New York City.
The giving included $1 million to the New York Women’s Foundation, which offers job training, and $30,000 to Bailey House, which distributes groceries to low-income residents.

Naturally, there was one group that was appalled by the charitable giving: local politicians.

More than half the members of the New York City Council sent a letter to Walmart demanding that it stop giving millions in charitable contributions to local groups in the city.

For the sake of argument, let’s concede Walmart is trying to “buy influence and support” in New York City. Such activity is called “lobbying.” Are these NYC council members against lobbying? Will they soon be sending a cease-and-desist letter to their political contributors who are trying to “buy influence and support”?
NYC Council to Walmart: Stop Giving Money to Our Local Charities! | Acton PowerBlog

You know the folks who claim that Liberalism is a mental disease?

They're right.

ummmm...arent charities a tax write off?
Our Leftist politicians here in the Big Apple..... won't believe this:

"Last week, Walmart announced that it distributed $3 million last year to charities in New York City.
The giving included $1 million to the New York Women’s Foundation, which offers job training, and $30,000 to Bailey House, which distributes groceries to low-income residents.

Naturally, there was one group that was appalled by the charitable giving: local politicians.

More than half the members of the New York City Council sent a letter to Walmart demanding that it stop giving millions in charitable contributions to local groups in the city.

For the sake of argument, let’s concede Walmart is trying to “buy influence and support” in New York City. Such activity is called “lobbying.” Are these NYC council members against lobbying? Will they soon be sending a cease-and-desist letter to their political contributors who are trying to “buy influence and support”?
NYC Council to Walmart: Stop Giving Money to Our Local Charities! | Acton PowerBlog

You know the folks who claim that Liberalism is a mental disease?

They're right.

ummmm...arent charities a tax write off?

You must understand that the more liberal of Democrats do not donate to charity, only to their party and the anointed candidates thereof.
Wal-Mart is a perfect example of huge economies of scale, which should give its workers economic gains, but they deliver much less and retain the benefits of economies of scale. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.

Changing the subject.....?

Pretty much of an admission of what I posted.

Oh...and as far a you being an imbecile? No admission necessary.

Been readin' the posts and as far as I can tell, your the imbicile. ann coulter?? Really??
I know who you are now. No alligiance to our country only to corporate profits. Your kind are the ones who are driving this country into the dirt.

Really??? YOU are calling PolicicalChic an imbecile?
Wal-Mart is a perfect example of huge economies of scale, which should give its workers economic gains, but they deliver much less and retain the benefits of economies of scale. If you don't understand this, I can't help you.

Changing the subject.....?

Pretty much of an admission of what I posted.

Oh...and as far a you being an imbecile? No admission necessary.

Been readin' the posts and as far as I can tell, your the imbicile. ann coulter?? Really??
I know who you are now. No alligiance to our country only to corporate profits. Your kind are the ones who are driving this country into the dirt.

" far as I can tell, your the imbicile."

That should be " far as I can tell, you're the imbecile."

So.....aside from grammar, spelling and've produced a perfect post.
Guillotining you would make only an aesthetic difference. Need a moment to get the dictionary?

I'm certain that there's no reason to ask which of Ms. Coulter's best sellers you've it is clear that reading is not one of your....endeavors.

This: "....only to corporate profits..." identifies you as the boilerplate government school grad.

Looking forward to more of your can always use a bit of comic relief.
Changing the subject.....?

Pretty much of an admission of what I posted.

Oh...and as far a you being an imbecile? No admission necessary.

Been readin' the posts and as far as I can tell, your the imbicile. ann coulter?? Really??
I know who you are now. No alligiance to our country only to corporate profits. Your kind are the ones who are driving this country into the dirt.

" far as I can tell, your the imbicile."

That should be " far as I can tell, you're the imbecile."

So.....aside from grammar, spelling and've produced a perfect post.
Guillotining you would make only an aesthetic difference. Need a moment to get the dictionary?

I'm certain that there's no reason to ask which of Ms. Coulter's best sellers you've it is clear that reading is not one of your....endeavors.

This: "....only to corporate profits..." identifies you as the boilerplate government school grad.

Looking forward to more of your can always use a bit of comic relief.

That, my dear, is the funniest thing I've read in months. You owe me a keyboard, though.

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