Side effects of medicine

Legally proscribed drugs kill far more people than illegal drugs do in the USA.

Iatrogenesis is the 4TH leading killer of Americans, folks.

The number on abused drug in Maine is OXICOTIN, not heroin, not pot, not LDF or crank, not amphetimines, but DRUGS THAT PEOPLE GET FROM THEIR DOCTORS.
Fear is a crazy thing. One would think millions are dying when in fact almost no one is affected.

One of the medications I take for controlling my depression ( it is also an anti psycotic)can have a chance to affect the heart and can cause higher blood sugar. I have diabetes.

For what that medication does for me I do not care what the side effects are.

Informed choice is the word you are looking for. Learn the side effects and potential side effects before you take it. Funny thing is that for every medication over the counter or prescribed one can and does get a sheet that clearly lists all known and suspected side effects.

And that is the reality. Every foreign substance you put in your body (to include the "magical cure all drug Marijuana") is risk/reward.

guax there was a reason people use to say you go into the hospital to die...and they still say it for a good my opinion based on my observation when i worked in er admitting....your chances of dying in the hospital due to medical mistakes is still damned good....doctors are like anyone else......with 4 regular er had one that you wouldnt let treat your dog ...and then the dude that if you are in trouble he was the one you wanted to see....but on average doctors are very egotistical people who think they have an ability that no one else has....the majority of doctors are still egotistical money grubbing assholes...simple as that...i am always amazed at doctors who do the patient ever 15 minutes and convince themselves that they are giving valid card..they are not...
Remember those Carter's Little Liver Pills? At some point in time they renamed them to Carter's Little Pills. Well, anyway, I had an uncle that took one of those pills every day of his life. He always said they worked great. As fate would have it, he died. When he did, they had to beat his liver to death.
Remember those Carter's Little Liver Pills? At some point in time they renamed them to Carter's Little Pills. Well, anyway, I had an uncle that took one of those pills every day of his life. He always said they worked great. As fate would have it, he died. When he did, they had to beat his liver to death.

that is so bad
Fear is a crazy thing. One would think millions are dying when in fact almost no one is affected.

One of the medications I take for controlling my depression ( it is also an anti psycotic)can have a chance to affect the heart and can cause higher blood sugar. I have diabetes.

For what that medication does for me I do not care what the side effects are.

Informed choice is the word you are looking for. Learn the side effects and potential side effects before you take it. Funny thing is that for every medication over the counter or prescribed one can and does get a sheet that clearly lists all known and suspected side effects.

And that is the reality. Every foreign substance you put in your body (to include the "magical cure all drug Marijuana") is risk/reward.

guax there was a reason people use to say you go into the hospital to die...and they still say it for a good my opinion based on my observation when i worked in er admitting....your chances of dying in the hospital due to medical mistakes is still damned good....doctors are like anyone else......with 4 regular er had one that you wouldnt let treat your dog ...and then the dude that if you are in trouble he was the one you wanted to see....but on average doctors are very egotistical people who think they have an ability that no one else has....the majority of doctors are still egotistical money grubbing assholes...simple as that...i am always amazed at doctors who do the patient ever 15 minutes and convince themselves that they are giving valid card..they are not...

By all means, forward your concerns to the patient population that clogs up ERs with routine complaints that either refuse to or can't see a regular PCP for in order to establish long term care with someone that actually knows them like the back of their hand and can give them the time they deserve so that that the ER then only has really sick people, medical resusciations, and traumas to deal with and have the time to afford to give the "really sick" people a thorough once over. As you should know, the main job of an ER doc is to decided "sick or not sick?" and provide the minimal treatment to the "not sick".

I mean, what did you expect in an ER? They were never intended to turn into the primary care facilities that our healthcare system has turned them into. Of course you don't get comprehensive care there. You aren't supposed too. That is not the intent of an ER.
Pfizer drug increases risk of heart attacks...
'Quit smoking' drug linked to heart risk
4 July 2011 - A drug used by smokers to help them quit increases the risk of heart attacks and other serious cardiovascular problems, research says.
An international team reviewed studies involving more than 8,000 smokers, and found more of those taking Champix fell ill than those on dummy drugs. The review, in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, suggests smokers should not use the drug to stop. But makers Pfizer say it is an "important option" to help people quit. And heart experts stress smoking itself is a major heart disease risk factor. Champix (varenicline) accounted for over 955,000 prescriptions in England last year. It works by cutting cravings, but in the past it has been linked to depression and suicidal thoughts.

'Benefits versus risks'

This review, carried out by researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Maryland, and the UK's University of East Anglia, looked at 14 studies into cardiovascular problems in people taking the drug. All bar one excluded people with a history of heart disease, and lasted for between seven weeks and a year. The majority of those involved were men aged under 45.

In all, of the 4,908 people taking Champix (known as Chantix in the US), 52 experienced serious cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) compared with 27 of the 3,308 taking dummy drugs. The US Food and Drug Administration has already placed a warning on the drug's information leaflet about the risk of suicidal thoughts and it recently added a second about additional cardiovascular risk to people who already have heart disease after looking at one study of 700 people.

Writing in the journal, the researchers said: "Clinicians should carefully balance the risk of serious cardiovascular events associated with varenicline use against the known benefits of the drug on smoking cessation." Dr Yoon Loke of the University of East Anglia, who worked on the review, agreed the numbers involved were small, but said that was likely to be because the studies looked at healthy people - and that the risk could be greater for smokers who already had heart problems. He added: "There are lots of other options to help people stop smoking that don't involve drugs."

'Talk to your doctor'
Which is why one should stick to what granny's granny did back in wagon wheel days. Home remedies, deal with the ailment the best you can, and know you live, then you die. All this medicine being shoved in our bodies is killing us more than the disease that may be inhabiting it.

Commercials for drugs scare the bejesus out of me.
I really really really need to study up on herbal remedies, edible plants with healing properties and just become a witch with my own concoctions.

I don't have yellow nails but when I get older and if they turn yellow, I'll keep it in mind.

I think I'll go to the used book store and stock up on some herbal remedy books.

Be CAREFUL with those, too.

Some of those nostrums can be very strong medicines with very serious contraindications.

Just because it is natural, does not mean it is benign.

I have a slur called ¨problem profiteering.¨Fix one thing and cause three more,That is what our masters do. Find an old herbalist at the first sign of a problem.
The yunguns, especially in the empire, are snake oil salesmen. Mine is an 82 year old Guatuso Indian. His 49 year old son is coming along nicely too. Those guys are my first line of defense..
I´m alive because of them.
Grace said:
All this medicine being shoved in our bodies is killing us more than the disease that may be inhabiting it.

Nature gave us NATURAL REMEDIES which are 1000x better.. I cant believe people take all this BIG PHARMA CRAP that has all kinds of possible side affects!! -- They didnt used to have all these side affects years ago (80s and earlier) they have made stuff MUCH MORE HARSH!! (Designed to keep ppl sick so they spend $$$ TRYING TO GET BETTER!)

Its really quite sad and disgusting!
Commercials for drugs scare the bejesus out of me.
I really really really need to study up on herbal remedies, edible plants with healing properties and just become a witch with my own concoctions.

I don't have yellow nails but when I get older and if they turn yellow, I'll keep it in mind.

I think I'll go to the used book store and stock up on some herbal remedy books.

Be CAREFUL with those, too.

Some of those nostrums can be very strong medicines with very serious contraindications.

Just because it is natural, does not mean it is benign.

Very true cyanide is a natural substance.
Legally proscribed drugs kill far more people than illegal drugs do in the USA.

Iatrogenesis is the 4TH leading killer of Americans, folks.

The number on abused drug in Maine is OXICOTIN, not heroin, not pot, not LDF or crank, not amphetimines, but DRUGS THAT PEOPLE GET FROM THEIR DOCTORS.

Problem is most of them do not get it from THEIR doctor.
They know it causes these things,they know people WILL HOPEFULLY SPEND MORE $$$ TO GET OVER WHATS CAUSED FROM IT!

Its all a BIG PHARMA scam to keep $$$ flowing!!
They know it causes these things,they know people WILL HOPEFULLY SPEND MORE $$$ TO GET OVER WHATS CAUSED FROM IT!

Its all a BIG PHARMA scam to keep $$$ flowing!!

farming proves the need for pharming and without farming pharming would not be as necessary... so?? ... Oh! I know! Let's kill off all the farmers! :cuckoo:
I'm going to enjoy the side effects of a couple Percocets here in a little bit... :eusa_whistle:
S, um, what are the enhancements of taking prescriptions, other than, of course, the potential cure from whatever provoked one to take such. :confused:
Contradictions of this over-the-counter remedy include instant death.

If instant death occurs immediately discontinue use of this medication and consult your physician.
My posts seem really snide and sarcastic, but it amazes me how many people DON'T take their prescriptions as they are prescribed and yet the consequences that arise from such is what they want to hold against the prescribing practitioner instead of being accountable for their own actions.

There are so many good points within this topic.

One of the most influencing factors of taking medications of any kind is concern about the body's liver. It seems to be one of the organs that takes the heaviest beatings... And yet we only have ONE.
Which is why one should stick to what granny's granny did back in wagon wheel days. Home remedies, deal with the ailment the best you can, and know you live, then you die. All this medicine being shoved in our bodies is killing us more than the disease that may be inhabiting it.

And their average life expectancy was 45. Ever wonder why Cancer has become such a big deal in the past 80 years? Because people generally need to live for about 50 years to start worrying about cancer.

Things were soooooooooooooooo much better back in the good old days.
Some of the oldest people on record are of the indigenous groups.
They have no "doctor' Goldsmiths dealing them drugs.One of my buddies is 96...........and walks to the liquor store daily.He eats more fresh fruit in a week than the average murkin does in a year.
Iatrogenesis is the 4th leading cause of death in the USA.

I don't doubt it... Yet the pharmaceutical companies nor the medical practitioners can logically be held accountable when fine-tuning of the masses is completely inconceivable in current conditions. There is too much to consider and too many. The powers that be do a commendable job with what they have to work with at this point in time, or so is my opinion.

It is only logical to expect, if not demand, the people to better educate themselves about their own health issues and to be more selective in choosing their primary practitioners. Insurance companies do help in this way, at least they limit the forever 'shopping' patients who are usually the ones that are the most difficult to treat effectively. Some people have a condition that is only made worse because of their inability to be consistently seen by their prescribing practitioner and lack of communication.

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