Signups for Official USMB Mafia Game #5

Why the sad face, Mertex? You're a good player, and you're active and alert. :D

I've been playing for six years, and Scum STILL bamboozles me more often than not. The game's only as complicated as the human personalities that join it, which makes for very intriguing play.
Why the sad face, Mertex? You're a good player, and you're active and alert. :D

I've been playing for six years, and Scum STILL bamboozles me more often than not. The game's only as complicated as the human personalities that join it, which makes for very intriguing play.

You're right about being's just frustrating.
I'm in. At least we have found 1 scum so far in game 4. Hopefully we will find 2 more before it's done. :D
I have no clue what this is or how it works or whether I'm smart enough to do it. But I do love games. If it is unfair to my team or group or whatever to miss a day, I shouldn't be signed up though because real life can get very complicated for me really quickly these days.
I have no clue what this is or how it works or whether I'm smart enough to do it. But I do love games. If it is unfair to my team or group or whatever to miss a day, I shouldn't be signed up though because real life can get very complicated for me really quickly these days.

You can miss a day. Quality posts are more important than quantity of posts. We can show you the ropes as you play. You are definitely smart enough.
I have no clue what this is or how it works or whether I'm smart enough to do it. But I do love games. If it is unfair to my team or group or whatever to miss a day, I shouldn't be signed up though because real life can get very complicated for me really quickly these days.

As long as a player posts once a per three days, that's alright. Plus, life takes precedence, so players can go on V/LA (Vacation/Limited Access), which means they can take a break from the game and come back when they can. The longest V/LA we've had here was a week, and I'm very flexible for each player's time issues. :smiliehug:
Count me in! It will take me awhile to learn the ropes.

It will come Bob, this was basically my first full game. Game three was cut short due to technical difficulties.

Anyway, I already told Wake I'm in for this game in the Dead QT. I will be out from the 25th-30ish though of this month. So I will see you there. :eusa_angel:
Count me in! It will take me awhile to learn the ropes.

A word of advice--no matter what you say, someone will accuse you of being scum and that what you said, no matter what it was, will be their "proof".

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Too much going on. If you get in a real bind and need a sub in a pinch, I would probably be willing to help maintain the game state but otherwise.....
Count me in! It will take me awhile to learn the ropes.

A word of advice--no matter what you say, someone will accuse you of being scum and that what you said, no matter what it was, will be their "proof".

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] Too much going on. If you get in a real bind and need a sub in a pinch, I would probably be willing to help maintain the game state but otherwise.....

There's some truth to this so if you act scummy, by ready to defend yourself. But since you are new, I'll most likely ask you why you feel the way you do.

For example, why you do you think a newbie townie would be more defensive being called scum then a newbie scum?

Why do you think being helpful and cooperative and paying attention are town traits?

Why did you vote for this person? Why do you think he's town? What is scummy about that comment?

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Toast-well that's it, you are scum. ;)
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Count me in! It will take me awhile to learn the ropes.

A word of advice--no matter what you say, someone will accuse you of being scum and that what you said, no matter what it was, will be their "proof".

There's some truth to this so if you act scummy, by ready to defend yourself. But since you are new, I'll most likely ask you why you feel the way you do.

I'm getting a lot of that right now. Being put through the ringer. For example, why you do you think a newbie townie would be more defensive being called scum then a newbie scum?

Why do you think being helpful and cooperative and paying attention are town traits?

Why did you vote for this person? Why do you think he's town? What is scummy about that comment?

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Toast-well that's it, you are scum. ;)

If you post too much, you're trying to distract everyone - Yoar Scum!

If you post too little, you're trying to hide - Yoar Scum!

If you post an average amount, you're trying to blend in - Scummity Scum!
I know Wake is probably dying to kill me off. It would be downright unsporting of me not to oblige.

Count me in.
A word of advice--no matter what you say, someone will accuse you of being scum and that what you said, no matter what it was, will be their "proof".

There's some truth to this so if you act scummy, by ready to defend yourself. But since you are new, I'll most likely ask you why you feel the way you do.

I'm getting a lot of that right now. Being put through the ringer. For example, why you do you think a newbie townie would be more defensive being called scum then a newbie scum?

Why do you think being helpful and cooperative and paying attention are town traits?

Why did you vote for this person? Why do you think he's town? What is scummy about that comment?

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Toast-well that's it, you are scum. ;)

If you post too much, you're trying to distract everyone - Yoar Scum!

If you post too little, you're trying to hide - Yoar Scum!

If you post an average amount, you're trying to blend in - Scummity Scum!

Only BobPlumb would be scummy enough to night kill someone named "Grandma" so we don't get no fresh baked cookies :splat:

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