Silence at Times Square as ultrasound shows 4D baby in utero

You're a sad fuck, Joe
Never ever have children you selfish, miserable sad leftist fuck.

In fact? Consider depopulation of the planet.
Then get past you're considered anything more than a leftists ass fuck

Whine, whine, whine. some people don't want kids. Deal with it.

I'm still curious how you guys are going to mandate obligatory parenthood on people. Are you going to lock women up until they deliver?
By the way ass fuck our children were wanted and welcomed.

Sit your overused ass down

Okay, that's awesome, but we aren't talking about "wanted Children".

We are talking about pregnancies that aren't wanted, and I"m still waiting to hear how you guys are going to force women to have babies they don't want.

Again- pointed out lots of examples of how the Religious Assholes of other countries have tried this and failed, miserably.

Let's not do that here.
Abortionists see late term pregnancies and start cackling and rubbing their hands together, because the bigger the dead babies are the more money they get for their parts. But if they have to do a sonogram,and the sonogram reflects how far along the pregnancy is (instead of the lie they give to the moms) it just rains on their parade.

Very few abortions are performed late term, and almost always because the fetus is deformed.

no one really wants deformed fetus parts.
You just lie and lie.

Keep defending abusers and human traffickers who benefit from state subsidized abortion.

And no, I don't think ALL men are sick fucks. I just think the men, and women, who are willing to risk the health and lives of women and children, for the sake of the $$$$ and control that the abortion industry gives them over women, are sick fucks.

You're just a garden variety liar, in other words.

Yes, every woman who has an abortion is a whore being exploited by men.

Koshy needs to keep telling herself that.

Nope I don't believe they're whores. That's what you think, that's why you are cool with torturing them and killing them.

I believe they are the victims of people like you.
Abortionists see late term pregnancies and start cackling and rubbing their hands together, because the bigger the dead babies are the more money they get for their parts. But if they have to do a sonogram,and the sonogram reflects how far along the pregnancy is (instead of the lie they give to the moms) it just rains on their parade.

Very few abortions are performed late term, and almost always because the fetus is deformed.

no one really wants deformed fetus parts.

Yeah that's a lie. A complete lie.
Nope I don't believe they're whores. That's what you think, that's why you are cool with torturing them and killing them.

I believe they are the victims of people like you.

1) Reported. This is how i am going to treat your libelous claims from now on.

2) sorry, most women who have abortions arent' victims. They knew what they were doing when they got knocked up, they knew what they were doing when they got an abortion. Funny thing, i actually respect women can make their own decisions and fuck it up just about as often as the men do.

Yeah that's a lie. A complete lie.

Nope, sorry. No woman goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, 'Meh, let's just get an abortion... I hear they're offering money for fetus meat."

Nope, a woman who is getting an abortion at 7 months has already picked out a name and set aside a nursery, and then some doctor gives her horrible news.

The only thing that could possibly make that situation worse is some religious asshole sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.
The pro baby murder crowd has an angry

Naw, we just get bored with how easily led you bible thumpers are. The One Percent has used your anger over abortion to dismantle your middle class lifestyle, and most of you are too stupid to see it.

One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is a fetal's life.

Oh snap baby killers

Yeah, listening to a screaming little turd machine at 1 AM that you didn't want... not so much.

You're a sad fuck, Joe
Never ever have children you selfish, miserable sad leftist fuck.

In fact? Consider depopulation of the planet.
Then get past you're considered anything more than a leftists ass fuck
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.
^ walks around with posters of bloody fetus parts, calls others anti-social

So it's bad to show the ugly truth? But the ugly truth itself is not bad to you? Makes loads of sense. :cuckoo:
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.

Dude, time to move on from the Dark Ages.
All death cultists think they're *progressive* and *modern*...*evolved* and *civilized*.

The spartans..who threw their 8 year old children into the wilderness to sink or swim...also left children out in the cold, if they were deformed, unwanted, or otherwise undesirable.

The point being, your understanding of what is primitive, and what is evolved, is skewed.

Very good point. It's actually barbaric, primitive, immature and completely lacking in both compassion and personal responsibility. NOTHING "progressive" about it. What IS progressive is non-violence, empathy and respect for innocent life.
Near the end of Alive From New York - a pro-life event held in New York City May 4, 2019 - a Live ultrasound was performed to reveal a third-trimester baby. The mother of the baby shown in the Live ultrasound is Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

Before the Live ultrasound, a video explaining how and why the picture appears a certain way plays.

Please share this video, and videos like it, with everyone you know.
who is Abby Johnson.
Johnson revealed in January 2011 that she had had two abortions herself before the birth of her daughter.[6] She lives in Texas with her husband Doug[2] and seven children.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.
We get it, baby butchery is far too profitable to ignore by politically correct fuck ups like yourself...
The pro baby murder crowd has an angry

Naw, we just get bored with how easily led you bible thumpers are. The One Percent has used your anger over abortion to dismantle your middle class lifestyle, and most of you are too stupid to see it.

One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is a fetal's life.

Oh snap baby killers

Yeah, listening to a screaming little turd machine at 1 AM that you didn't want... not so much.

You're a sad fuck, Joe
Never ever have children you selfish, miserable sad leftist fuck.

In fact? Consider depopulation of the planet.
Then get past you're considered anything more than a leftists ass fuck
Nope, the people that call for babies and other humans to be killed because they come from poor parents, or because they're *deformed*, or because they MIGHT have down's, or because they're suffering from a disease...still the *progressives*.

We don't kill people just because they look different, come from a different economic strata, or can't defend themselves.

That's all you guys. You're death cultists, cowards, killers. You kill the people you don't want to care for, and you expect other people to care for you.
Nope, the people that call for babies and other humans to be killed because they come from poor parents, or because they're *deformed*, or because they MIGHT have down's, or because they're suffering from a disease...still the *progressives*.

We don't kill people just because they look different, come from a different economic strata, or can't defend themselves.

That's all you guys. You're death cultists, cowards, killers. You kill the people you don't want to care for, and you expect other people to care for you.

Well, since fetuses aren't people, no one is being killed.

Look, I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you plan to enforce your desired abortion ban.

What do YOU do for them?

Screaming I pay taxes won't work

Well, um, yeah, it kind of does. Of course, I want my taxes to go to helping them become useful citizens, not buying Billion dollar bombers that can't fly in the rain.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event

I LOVE 4D ultrasound! Here is mine, ours. Mine ain’t as good, but it does make one stop and look.

View attachment 259950
Crixus, what does 4D mean? I thought there were 3 dimensions, unless we were in Dr. Who Land.
The 4th dimension allows you to smell and feel the baby...or was that the name of a band?
What a weird sign, considering black babies are aborted at far higher rates than any others, followed by hispanics.

They couldn't have picked a better way to commit black genocide if they'd planned it on purpose.
Its because you dont give a shit about them after they're born.
They aren't given a chance to be born. Black genocide. Be proud.
Nobody said life was fair..

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