Silencing religious leaders with the tax code was never Constitutional...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
....and now it will no longer be done.

For good or bad, we will now see the churches, synagogues and mosques take a more active role in promoting political candidates.
Forcing religion on everyone be they none religious or of another religion is also bullshit.

Of course it is only Christianity that you want to force on everyone. That is also wrong.
That does not even relate to the topic of this thread.
If you can force your religious trash on people I can force my beliefs on your kids. It is a two way street.

My beliefs are of the great mighty dick god that fucks everything in sight and urges his children to fuck freely and take 30 wives. Produce as many children as possible and cum in the river in praise of him.

How would you feel about that being taught to your child?
If you can force your religious trash on people I can force my beliefs on your kids. It is a two way street.

My beliefs are of the great mighty dick god that fucks everything in sight and urges his children to fuck freely and take 30 wives. Produce as many children as possible and cum in the river in praise of him.

How would you feel about that being taught to your child?
Matthew, you prove every day that you are the stupidest member of this forum, but now I think you're insane as well.
Will you be happy when the church of satan is in your childs school? Or islam is being taught to your child.
Again, this is not the topic of the thread.

It sounds like you think this thread is about choice in schools, but that's not what this thread is about.

This thread is about religious leaders having the freedom to support political candidates, without penalty from the tax code.
Will you be happy when the church of satan is in your childs school? Or islam is being taught to your child.
Again, this is not the topic of the thread.

It sounds like you think this thread is about choice in schools, but that's not what this thread is about.

This thread is about religious leaders having the freedom to support political candidates, without penalty from the tax code.

They always could, as individuals; they just couldn't do so from the pulpits and using church funds and literature to support some individual candidate. It was always a red herring claim they couldn't, which is why no one ever took such a case to the SC. I personally think it is a bad idea still, but I'm not sure what your OP is referring to, something that happened recently? Churches are never required to incorporate as 501.c(3)'s, either, another myth some seem to believe; all they need is just a letter recognizing them under that Code for their records, so donors can claim charitable tax deductions on their 1040's.
If you can force your religious trash on people I can force my beliefs on your kids. It is a two way street. ... How would you feel about that being taught to your child?

Seriously, your equating free speech for pastors with government fascism? Seriously, you're just rationalizing your own desire for fascist leaders.
Get ready for the Christian version of Sharia law to overtake the country.

Most Christians are more interested in helping Judases who impose Judas law, like Jewish judges who legislate the sodomizing of America. A real Christian wouldn't lie about Sharia law being imposed anywhere in America. A real Christian find anything offensive about most of Sharia law.
Get ready for the Christian version of Sharia law to overtake the country.

Most Christians are more interested in helping Judases who impose Judas law, like Jewish judges who legislate the sodomizing of America. A real Christian wouldn't lie about Sharia law being imposed anywhere in America. A real Christian find anything offensive about most of Sharia law.

WTF is "Judas law"? Are you trying to say "Jewish law"?

And yeah, if the preachers are able to start campaigning for their candidate from the pulpit, expect religion to creep into our government and take over.
WTF is "Judas law"? Are you trying to say "Jewish law"?

And yeah, if the preachers are able to start campaigning for their candidate from the pulpit, expect religion to creep into our government and take over.

"Judas" means Jew, so what's the problem?

Most church pastors avoid politics and the Bible because they want their sermons to be non-offensive to everyone, so there's won't ever be many pastors engaged in endorsing candidates, except in churches where the whole congregation is going to vote that way, anyway.

I'm sorry to hear the Free Speech terrifies you. You don't feel comfortable unless you're in chains.
WTF is "Judas law"? Are you trying to say "Jewish law"?

And yeah, if the preachers are able to start campaigning for their candidate from the pulpit, expect religion to creep into our government and take over.

"Judas" means Jew, so what's the problem?

Most church pastors avoid politics and the Bible because they want their sermons to be non-offensive to everyone, so there's won't ever be many pastors engaged in endorsing candidates, except in churches where the whole congregation is going to vote that way, anyway.

I'm sorry to hear the Free Speech terrifies you. You don't feel comfortable unless you're in chains.

You don't know much about those of the Jewish faith or your own Bible for that matter. Judas refers to a disciple of Jesus who betrayed Him and turned Him over to the authorities.

And, how many Southern churches have you been to? Lots of them are not too shy about letting their congregation know how they feel about things, politics included.
You don't know much about those of the Jewish faith or your own Bible for that matter. Judas refers to a disciple of Jesus who betrayed Him and turned Him over to the authorities.

And, how many Southern churches have you been to? Lots of them are not too shy about letting their congregation know how they feel about things, politics included.

I have more intelligence and knowledge in my pinky than you have in your whole extended family, so you should reconsider calling me ignorant. If Judas doesn't mean Jew, what does it mean? I don't think it's a coincidence that the only Jew among Jesus' apostles was the one who betrayed him. Nor, that it was the apostle with a name that means Jew who Jesus.
You don't know much about those of the Jewish faith or your own Bible for that matter. Judas refers to a disciple of Jesus who betrayed Him and turned Him over to the authorities.

And, how many Southern churches have you been to? Lots of them are not too shy about letting their congregation know how they feel about things, politics included.

I have more intelligence and knowledge in my pinky than you have in your whole extended family, so you should reconsider calling me ignorant. If Judas doesn't mean Jew, what does it mean? I don't think it's a coincidence that the only Jew among Jesus' apostles was the one who betrayed him. Nor, that it was the apostle with a name that means Jew who Jesus.

Hey stupid. Jesus was Jewish as well. So were all his apostles.

Were the 12 apostles all Jewish?

You really are quite the ignorant little twit, ain't ya?
Hey stupid. Jesus was Jewish as well. So were all his apostles.

Were the 12 apostles all Jewish?

You really are quite the ignorant little twit, ain't ya?

I wouldn't be surprised if you literally have shit for brains. But, I conceded, you can find other shitheads who claim the Apostles were Jewish. That's all you've done with that link.

Let's back up Judas, you said Judas does't mean Jew, and I asked you then what does it mean. I'm still waiting for your answer.
Hey stupid. Jesus was Jewish as well. So were all his apostles.

Were the 12 apostles all Jewish?

You really are quite the ignorant little twit, ain't ya?

I wouldn't be surprised if you literally have shit for brains. But, I conceded, you can find other shitheads who claim the Apostles were Jewish. That's all you've done with that link.

Let's back up Judas, you said Judas does't mean Jew, and I asked you then what does it mean. I'm still waiting for your answer.

Google is your friend if you know how to use it properly. Judas is a Hebrew name that means "praised one".

Biblical Meaning:
The name Judas is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Judas is: The praised one.

Judas name meaning

You really are quite the little retarded idiot, ain't ya? Concede again you sperm burping colon jouster.
....and now it will no longer be done.

For good or bad, we will now see the churches, synagogues and mosques take a more active role in promoting political candidates.

Well they kind of already did before the tax bill.

All you had to do was say to support pro-life candidates.

Luckily for the GOP, that means a straight GOP ticket.

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