Simple and Honest Qst. on Trump's deportation scheme....

I'm still looking for a simple answer to the original question....

Do we drop 11 million illegals on Tijuana or not?
You ship them where ever the hell they came from with just the clothes on their backs. They supposedly came here with nothing, they leave with nothing. Unless of course if they save us the money and self deport.

So, picture emptying out the ENTIRE state of Pennsylvania of every living soul in that state, placing them in box cars and buses......and THEN, and only then, agree with the Trumpster.

Actually, I would say the real numbers are twice that, but hey, feel free to show how people can be returned to China, Vietnam, Europe, Africa or other countries over seas by bus or train. Damn you're one ignorant broad.

I think one can assume that they will have to be in some bus or car in order to get to the airport or port.....but are you under the impression that since they have to be sent to China, Vietnam, etc., that it is going to be cheaper than what you thought he suggested when you thought he meant they would be sent by box cars or buses to those countries?

Seems to me you're the ignorant one here.

No the dipshit has been trying to draw parallels, several times in this thread, to how Hitler transported Jews to concentration camps.

It doesn't seem to far removed from what Trump wants to do.

It's called intellectual dishonesty, a trait you regressives seem to value. conservatives are the regressives.....aren't you the ones that claim you want to "take the country back......ward". You're the ones that want to revert back to the 50's when everything was peachy keen....and blacks were still subjected to second-rate citizen treatment.

I simply pointed out that about 40% of illegals come from a different continent.
I'm sure everyone is aware of that....something that Trump supporters who claim to be "conservative" don't seem to be able to compute the cost and improbability of it ever happening.
You aren't losing money. Perry never cracked down on illegals there

I believe that it was Perry who candidly stated that Trump's idea of in building a wall in TX across the Rio Grande was simply "moronic."
Pretty sure all Conservatives,on this board at least,have all said they'd support high fines for businesses that hired illegals.
I know I would.

If THAT were the case, then Trump would be talking about such fines (including on his own businesses)....but he isn't, is he?

Expect if that were to happen for your cost on goods and services to skyrocket...The cost of fixing your roof or constructing a new house would double. Ready for that?

Not necessarily. He's already said he's not giving details on several issues.
He's not like barry who tells the opposition his next move.

Except Donald doesn't have any details. We'll find out when Hillary debates him next month and obliterates him. He makes great promises, many which go against the Constitution...(how's that for most conservatives who claim they love the Constitution?) but he never explains how he is going to do it. So, most of his supporters are just gullible people, who don't even bother to check out what it would take to accomplish some of his promises, and know that he can't possibly do it. Go figure.

Central to Mr. Trump’s campaign, and to his national security strategy, is his intent to clamp down on illegal immigration, using a vast deportation “force” to relocate people to the other side of a wall, funded by Mexico, that would stretch nearly the length of the southern border.

Mr. Trump has suggested he will flesh out his ideas in a forthcoming speech. But experts across many fields who have analyzed his plans so far warn that they would come at astronomical costs — whoever paid — and would in many ways defy the logic of science, engineering and law.

Feel free to elaborate how enforcing existing law would be unconstitutional or how any other of his policies on immigration would violate the Constitution. Please cite by Article, Section and Clause.

Don't be an idiot. I didn't say that enforcing existing law would be unconstitutional. Trump has claimed that he is going to change the "citizenship birthright" which is in the Constitution and he would be violating the Constitution if he tried to do that.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The 1868 text states "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."[

Really, have you read Article V?
You aren't losing money. Perry never cracked down on illegals there

I believe that it was Perry who candidly stated that Trump's idea of in building a wall in TX across the Rio Grande was simply "moronic."
It would also hurt Texas, a lot. Mexico and Texas are pissed-off twins joined at the hip. Even an asshole like Perry manages to be honest enough to admit that.
I'm still looking for a simple answer to the original question....

Do we drop 11 million illegals on Tijuana or not?
Hell no. To deport that many would take a decade or more, and turn the US into a police state. This ain't 1954 no more, boys.

And the process would drop 5% out of 18 trillion right off the top. No thank you, sir, I would not like another.
You ship them where ever the hell they came from with just the clothes on their backs. They supposedly came here with nothing, they leave with nothing. Unless of course if they save us the money and self deport.

So, picture emptying out the ENTIRE state of Pennsylvania of every living soul in that state, placing them in box cars and buses......and THEN, and only then, agree with the Trumpster.

Actually, I would say the real numbers are twice that, but hey, feel free to show how people can be returned to China, Vietnam, Europe, Africa or other countries over seas by bus or train. Damn you're one ignorant broad.

I think one can assume that they will have to be in some bus or car in order to get to the airport or port.....but are you under the impression that since they have to be sent to China, Vietnam, etc., that it is going to be cheaper than what you thought he suggested when you thought he meant they would be sent by box cars or buses to those countries?

Seems to me you're the ignorant one here.

No the dipshit has been trying to draw parallels, several times in this thread, to how Hitler transported Jews to concentration camps.

It doesn't seem to far removed from what Trump wants to do.

It's called intellectual dishonesty, a trait you regressives seem to value. conservatives are the regressives.....aren't you the ones that claim you want to "take the country back......ward". You're the ones that want to revert back to the 50's when everything was peachy keen....and blacks were still subjected to second-rate citizen treatment.

I simply pointed out that about 40% of illegals come from a different continent.
I'm sure everyone is aware of that....something that Trump supporters who claim to be "conservative" don't seem to be able to compute the cost and improbability of it ever happening.

Conservatives regressives, hardly, you regressives are the ones wanting the US to adopt the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. Read the rest of my posts in the thread, I've already said how the cost is covered.
Here's an additional question based on the map below......How does one build a "beautiful [an impenetrable] wall", Trumpsters

You aren't losing money. Perry never cracked down on illegals there

I believe that it was Perry who candidly stated that Trump's idea of in building a wall in TX across the Rio Grande was simply "moronic."

It would be along the Rio Grande, not across it moron.
And all you have to do is confiscate the private property of tens of thousands of Texans, who don't wish to sell, Mr. Property Rights.
54B in 16T is peanuts. Learn the math. 16,000 - 54? Peanuts.

There you go pulling shit out of your but again.
No. How big is the US economy? 16 trillion. How much is 54 billion from 16 trillion, which is 16,000 billion?

Well Texas we get screwed because there is so much money being taken from local economies,and the same can be said with all border states.
But of course you dont give a shit about that.

I think Texas worthless leaders take out much more money from local economies with their frivolous laws and ideas. Like Abbott...spending so much money having the National Guard to watch that special work force that he thought was Obama's army coming to take Texas away from conservatives. What a doofus. He made G W Bush look smart.

Wow, please show how much was spent and on how many personnel. To my knowledge he appointed one to act as a liaison between the US military and the State.

Thank God for the backlash that he got....or who knows, he might have called in the Texas National Guard, too and wasted their services. The paranoid people that were wanting him to keep watch are probably the same people that support Trump. :badgrin:

After telling the State Guard to keep watch over Jade Helm, Abbott was pilloried in the media, by former state officials and by many of his own constituents. According to emails Gawker got through its own public information request, angry messages bombarded the governor’s office from all sides.
Texas Did the Bare Minimum to ‘Monitor’ Jade Helm – War Is Boring
Thank God for the backlash that he got....or who knows, he might have called in the Texas National Guard, too and wasted their services. The paranoid people that were wanting him to keep watch are probably the same people that support Trump.

Of that (your last sentence) I have NO doubt.
It can't be on the Mexico side. That would require yet another war, and we haven't won one since WWII.

Indeed....I'm just baiting the toothless Texan Tiger
He's got it all figured out.

You add in a few guns and bus them back to San Diego when they hit Brownsville to start all over again, releasing one tub every 10 minutes.

Fence? We don't need no stinkin' fence!
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So, picture emptying out the ENTIRE state of Pennsylvania of every living soul in that state, placing them in box cars and buses......and THEN, and only then, agree with the Trumpster.

Actually, I would say the real numbers are twice that, but hey, feel free to show how people can be returned to China, Vietnam, Europe, Africa or other countries over seas by bus or train. Damn you're one ignorant broad.

I think one can assume that they will have to be in some bus or car in order to get to the airport or port.....but are you under the impression that since they have to be sent to China, Vietnam, etc., that it is going to be cheaper than what you thought he suggested when you thought he meant they would be sent by box cars or buses to those countries?

Seems to me you're the ignorant one here.

No the dipshit has been trying to draw parallels, several times in this thread, to how Hitler transported Jews to concentration camps.

It doesn't seem to far removed from what Trump wants to do.

It's called intellectual dishonesty, a trait you regressives seem to value. conservatives are the regressives.....aren't you the ones that claim you want to "take the country back......ward". You're the ones that want to revert back to the 50's when everything was peachy keen....and blacks were still subjected to second-rate citizen treatment.

I simply pointed out that about 40% of illegals come from a different continent.
I'm sure everyone is aware of that....something that Trump supporters who claim to be "conservative" don't seem to be able to compute the cost and improbability of it ever happening.

Conservatives regressives, hardly, you regressives are the ones wanting the US to adopt the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah,
You're the ones that want to do away with contraceptives.......that's pretty regressive. I don't know the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah...but I do know the Constitution claims equality for all....but you all seem to want to make exceptions here and there.

you can't get more regressive than that.
Wanting equality for all is regressive to you? Yeah, I suppose you would prefer going back to when we were able to own slaves. Now that's regressive.

Read the rest of my posts in the thread, I've already said how the cost is covered.
You're not that important that I'm going to waste my time reading your past posts....besides, I don't care what your opinion is on how the cost is covered....the "experts" all agree that it would be an impossible task, and I'm more apt to listen to the experts than some conservative who supports a governor that thinks Obama is trying to harm Texas and take your guns away!:badgrin:

Besides....Trump's ideas would turn this country into a police state. How's that for the "freedom" you all seem to value so much?

By any tally, the costs would be enormous. The American Action Forum, a conservative-leaning research group, calculated the federal outlay to be at least $400 billion, and then only if the deportations were stretched over 20 years.

But the proposals’ main flaw, former officials said, is that they are unrealistic. “Unless you suspend the Constitution and instruct the police to behave as if we live in North Korea,” Mr. Chertoff said, “it ain’t happening.”
Yeah.....they only send 54 billion a year out of the country in remittance,which of course wouldn't have helped the US economy right?
As a reference thats the second largest income for mexico next to PEMEX.
54B in 16T is peanuts. Learn the math. 16,000 - 54? Peanuts.

There you go pulling shit out of your but again.
No. How big is the US economy? 16 trillion. How much is 54 billion from 16 trillion, which is 16,000 billion?

Well Texas we get screwed because there is so much money being taken from local economies,and the same can be said with all border states.
But of course you dont give a shit about that.
You aren't losing money. Perry never cracked down on illegals there, he knows who does the real work and so do I. Without illegals Texas would have the economy of Mississippi. It's why Arizona made a stink and Texas pretended not to notice a thing. It can't afford to. You might not want them to live next door, or vote, but they are the only reason you have a new roof over your head. They knock that shit out under brutal conditions. The white guy sells the contract and the brown guys do the work. I know the system well. You can't have lived in Texas and not. It's how shit gets done there, Tex.

Wrong again, I told the salesman that I would check IDs of everyone on the job when I had my roof replaced. None were illegals or they had good enough forged documents to get a TX drivers license.
54B in 16T is peanuts. Learn the math. 16,000 - 54? Peanuts.

There you go pulling shit out of your but again.
No. How big is the US economy? 16 trillion. How much is 54 billion from 16 trillion, which is 16,000 billion?

Well Texas we get screwed because there is so much money being taken from local economies,and the same can be said with all border states.
But of course you dont give a shit about that.
You aren't losing money. Perry never cracked down on illegals there, he knows who does the real work and so do I. Without illegals Texas would have the economy of Mississippi. It's why Arizona made a stink and Texas pretended not to notice a thing. It can't afford to. You might not want them to live next door, or vote, but they are the only reason you have a new roof over your head. They knock that shit out under brutal conditions. The white guy sells the contract and the brown guys do the work. I know the system well. You can't have lived in Texas and not. It's how shit gets done there, Tex.

Wrong again, I told the salesman that I would check IDs of everyone on the job when I had my roof replaced. None were illegals or they had good enough forged documents to get a TX drivers license.

Geez, you must be a pleasure to do business with.........:badgrin:
54B in 16T is peanuts. Learn the math. 16,000 - 54? Peanuts.

There you go pulling shit out of your but again.
No. How big is the US economy? 16 trillion. How much is 54 billion from 16 trillion, which is 16,000 billion?

Well Texas we get screwed because there is so much money being taken from local economies,and the same can be said with all border states.
But of course you dont give a shit about that.
You aren't losing money. Perry never cracked down on illegals there, he knows who does the real work and so do I. Without illegals Texas would have the economy of Mississippi. It's why Arizona made a stink and Texas pretended not to notice a thing. It can't afford to. You might not want them to live next door, or vote, but they are the only reason you have a new roof over your head. They knock that shit out under brutal conditions. The white guy sells the contract and the brown guys do the work. I know the system well. You can't have lived in Texas and not. It's how shit gets done there, Tex.

Wrong again, I told the salesman that I would check IDs of everyone on the job when I had my roof replaced. None were illegals or they had good enough forged documents to get a TX drivers license.
Gee, I've never heard of fake ID? Oh, that's right, I did, they used it to try and trap Planned Parenthood and it's used by every underage college girl in America.

And the reason you wanted to check ID? You know that shit gets done mostly by illegals, which you just admitted to. Your Holier Than Thou doesn't change how shit gets done in Texas, Tex.

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