Simple English

This simple English is actually expressed in our federal Constitution:

to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States

Are they general powers or not?
Whine-troll thread.
from the resident, allegedly higher educated troll- priceless.
Trolls, intentionally try to derail threads- you do it on everything I post- you can call attention to yourself all you want- it gains you no credibility- but, it does draw attention to the fact you're an attention whore, just like a typical troll-

Aren’t you overdue for another troll thread about da scary JOOOOOS?
English is the common language of the world
There are a few languages there.....but Mandarin Chinese language will be the official world language in a few decades.

No Chinese languages are spoken outside of China.
If a foreign nation does business inside of China, they speak English.
Even if they are French, German or Italian

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