Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

If a false narrative is intentionally pushed, it is propaganda. There are many things I disagree with that are not propaganda. Much that comes from govt or media these days is propaganda IMO.
Normally, there are reasons which led you to a particular conclusion. Drawing conclusions not predicated on facts, is just an opinion. And opinions don't prove anything.

I hear what you are saying and understand your position, but point to this report. IMO, this clearly was designed to conclude that WS violence is an epidemic. Data collection begun "since 9/11" why? All WS gangs were combined why? Why was the phrase "more than any other group" used when it is obviously hyperbole or an out and out lie?
I know, the people you call heros tried to set a bomb off in a park where kids play. That's pretty hard core to be okay with retroactive abortion to. Maybe your ANTIFA terriorist will get it right next time and kill some little kids for you or another white girl so you can get your little hard on.
ANTIFA doesn't place bombs and they're not terrorists. White supremacists are terrorists.
But it's still creepy how you library's cum all over your selves when you get dead black people. Y'all have your circle jerk and get all worked up.
You know I saw the Dead at Pauly Pavillion. They were good!

Yeah sure. You are just a cool old hipster. More likely. That's what you say to try and get barely 18's to take off their pants just before they call the cops .
I know, the people you call heros tried to set a bomb off in a park where kids play. That's pretty hard core to be okay with retroactive abortion to. Maybe your ANTIFA terriorist will get it right next time and kill some little kids for you or another white girl so you can get your little hard on.
ANTIFA doesn't place bombs and they're not terrorists. White supremacists are terrorists.

Yes they do, yes they did and you like it. Stop being a coward and own it hipster .
I hear what you are saying and understand your position, but point to this report. IMO, this clearly was designed to conclude that WS violence is an epidemic. Data collection begun "since 9/11" why? All WS gangs were combined why? Why was the phrase "more than any other group" used when it is obviously hyperbole or an out and out lie?
Those are very good questions and unfortunately, I do not have the answers.
I hear what you are saying and understand your position, but point to this report. IMO, this clearly was designed to conclude that WS violence is an epidemic. Data collection begun "since 9/11" why? All WS gangs were combined why? Why was the phrase "more than any other group" used when it is obviously hyperbole or an out and out lie?
Those are very good questions and unfortunately, I do not have the answers.

But you cited it as proof black people are having crosses burnt in their yards every night. Sorry hipster, but the Black people kill more black people then anyone else.
The OP is a fucking liar.

Don't you know how fucking stupid you look when you post totally loony shit like that, jackass?
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?

What the hell is up with the constant barrage of all these Onion job auditions on this board? They're pathetic, not anywhere talented enough to land a gig there, so why do they keep trying?
What the hell is up with the constant barrage of all these Onion job auditions on this board? They're pathetic, not anywhere talented enough to land a gig there, so why do they keep trying?
Do you have anything to say on the threat of white supremacy in this country?
But you cited it as proof black people are having crosses burnt in their yards every night. Sorry hipster, but the Black people kill more black people then anyone else.
I didn't say anything like that at all. This thread is not about blacks, it's about white supremacy and the threat it poses in this country. It is also about the fact that white supremacists are not Americans, do not embrace American values and have no clue as to what our American heritage is.

Why don't you fuckers stop trying to derail this thread and start talking about the danger of white supremacy.
Yeah sure. You are just a cool old hipster. More likely. That's what you say to try and get barely 18's to take off their pants just before they call the cops .
Got any more off topic comments?
Yeah sure. You are just a cool old hipster. More likely. That's what you say to try and get barely 18's to take off their pants just before they call the cops .

lol yes, this nails the poor old pervert to a T.
Ok, not sure what your point is.
My point is, if that had been a Muslim march, many white Americans would be reacting the same way ANTIFA did.
Actually worse.

They already kill innocent Muslims right here on US soil. Whenever some crazy terrorist does something anywhere in the world, Muslims in America feel the brunt of it by violence from white Americans.

It's been happening since 911.
Actually worse.

They already kill innocent Muslims right here on US soil. Whenever some crazy terrorist does something anywhere in the world, Muslims in America feel the brunt of it by violence from white Americans.

It's been happening since 911.
"We only kill black people"


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