Since Earth Has Only 10-12 Years Left

If these stupid Moon Bats really believed that silly shit that the Moon Bat Presidential candidates are telling them then would be for militarily destroying the economies of China, India, Russia and Brazil because those countries are the major polluters of the earth.

WAR, TO SAVE THE PLANET! Do it for the children!
Think of all the fun you can have with the money you do not need to save for retirement
If these stupid Moon Bats really believed that silly shit
They don't, nor is anyone claiming it. the fool who started the thread makes a daily habit of creating threads based on hilariously stupid lies.

That's not true. Beto said their was scientific fact that the earth would end in 12 years and he has just come out with a climate plan that will make us
emission free by 2050. ('Course we'll have all been dead for 19 years but who's counting)
Liberals are too brain-addled to understand that China and India produce so many orders of magnitude greater than America of air pollution, NOTHING we do to cut our CO2 emissions is going to make the slightest difference. But due to liberal American self-loathing, it's somehow magically our fault anyway.

In Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" back in 2006, he stated that in 10 years both of the planet's polar icecaps will have melted. Well, 2016 has come and gone and the icecaps still exist just as always. "Global Warming" nuts are no different than Rapture-obsessed Christian fanatics who have been predicting the end of the world by a certain date over and over and over again......and always wrong every single fucking time. Apparently neither have heard the Aesop tale of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.
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Which Democrat Presidential Candidates is willing to bomb coal plants in China and India to save the earth and its occupants?

If not, why do they want all life on earth dead in ten years?

My guess is they presume nuclear fallout would be vastly more destructive to the environment than coal, reducing that 10 year time frame considerably.
In Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" back in 2006, he stated that in 10 years both of the planet's polar icecaps will have melted.

Sure he did.

"In the years 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore made statements about the possibility of a complete lack of summer sea ice in the Arctic by as early as 2013. While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting. The comments became a popular talking point for human-caused climate change deniers in 2014 and onward when the predictions, which in some cases were overstated, did not pan out."

FACT CHECK: Did Al Gore Predict Earth's Ice Caps Would Melt by 2014?

But you've upped the game. Both polls?

Prove it!
Think of all the fun you can have with the money you do not need to save for retirement

It's all a scheme by AOC to have her followers cash their IRA's in early so the government can take half.
All I am sayin' ...

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Democrats and the socialist aka communist democrats can go pound sand they are all ingoramous.
They forget there is a huge population in the world and think they can control the world
Which Democrat Presidential Candidates is willing to bomb coal plants in China and India to save the earth and its occupants?

If not, why do they want all life on earth dead in ten years?

My guess is they presume nuclear fallout would be vastly more destructive to the environment than coal, reducing that 10 year time frame considerably.
Radioactivity is CO2 neutral.
If these stupid Moon Bats really believed that silly shit
They don't, nor is anyone claiming it. the fool who started the thread makes a daily habit of creating threads based on hilariously stupid lies.
"Having said that, I want to make sure those who work in the oil and gas industry, those who work in the fossil fuel industry are brought along as partners to make sure that we make this transition in the ten years we have left to us as the science and scientists tell us to make the kind of bold change that we need,"
In Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" back in 2006, he stated that in 10 years both of the planet's polar icecaps will have melted.

Sure he did.

"In the years 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore made statements about the possibility of a complete lack of summer sea ice in the Arctic by as early as 2013. While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting. The comments became a popular talking point for human-caused climate change deniers in 2014 and onward when the predictions, which in some cases were overstated, did not pan out."

FACT CHECK: Did Al Gore Predict Earth's Ice Caps Would Melt by 2014?

But you've upped the game. Both polls?

Prove it!

You phony-e-baloneys are screwed. Carry on though, cause we get a laugh!

Lets ALL get with the BARTENDRESS and BLINDBOO!

If you believe what they are selling, I got some swampland in Florida up for sale-)
If these stupid Moon Bats really believed that silly shit
They don't, nor is anyone claiming it. the fool who started the thread makes a daily habit of creating threads based on hilariously stupid lies.

That's not true. Beto said their was scientific fact that the earth would end in 12 years and he has just come out with a climate plan that will make us
emission free by 2050. ('Course we'll have all been dead for 19 years but who's counting)

Isn't it funny how the filthy ass Libtards preach that silly shit but then deny that they really mean it when pressed, like give the cost?

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