Since Election Trump has gone to only 2 Presidential Daily Intel. Briefings


Defend Trump. That's an order!

I didn't vote for him so I don't have to defend him.

However, typical for a Moon Bat I don't see you defending that Obama asshole for missing half of his intelligence briefings.

You voted for him so defend him. That is an order!
Donald can't handle it. He's a delicate flower. He'll delegate his presidential duties.
--------------------------------------------- MAYBE , as President Trump he can do as he likes Cowman !!

You're right, the God Emperor Trump can do as he likes. We will will worship him, and abandon Jesus Christ in order to be bathed in his holy orange glow.

Say it with me. Jesus is Dead, Trump is Lord!

When did you ever believe in Jesus Christ?

Trump is our Jesus now.
I am enjoying the whine of, "My God Trump is doing everything wrong!" and in the same breath, "Trump is just like Obama."
Ah, he'll figure it out in January. He already knows the Anti-American Communist Organizer left him a tragic mess. He'll have to reset all Hussein and Clinton's 'Reset Buttons.' He knows he has his work cut out for him.
If Trump doesn't what to take on the FULL responsibilities of POTUS why the Hell did he run? If Trump doesn't give a tinkers damn about world events as he engages to be sworn in in less than two months, just how is he going to prepare for the unforeseen??

"President-elect Donald Trump has received two classified intelligence briefings since his surprise election victory earlier this month, a frequency that is notably lower — at least so far — than that of his predecessors, current and former U.S. officials said.

A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, by contrast, has set aside time for intelligence briefings almost every day since the election, officials said.

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

But others have interpreted Trump’s limited engagement with his briefing team as an additional sign of indifference from a president-elect who has no meaningful experience on national security issues and was dismissive of U.S. intelligence agencies’ capabilities and findings during the campaign.

A senior U.S. official who receives the same briefing delivered to President Obama each day said that devoting time to such sessions would help Trump get up to speed on world events."
~~ Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win ~~
Why bother with intelligence briefings when you already know more than the generals?
If Trump doesn't what to take on the FULL responsibilities of POTUS why the Hell did he run? If Trump doesn't give a tinkers damn about world events as he engages to be sworn in in less than two months, just how is he going to prepare for the unforeseen??

"President-elect Donald Trump has received two classified intelligence briefings since his surprise election victory earlier this month, a frequency that is notably lower — at least so far — than that of his predecessors, current and former U.S. officials said.

A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, by contrast, has set aside time for intelligence briefings almost every day since the election, officials said.

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

But others have interpreted Trump’s limited engagement with his briefing team as an additional sign of indifference from a president-elect who has no meaningful experience on national security issues and was dismissive of U.S. intelligence agencies’ capabilities and findings during the campaign.

A senior U.S. official who receives the same briefing delivered to President Obama each day said that devoting time to such sessions would help Trump get up to speed on world events."
~~ Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win ~~
Why bother with intelligence briefings when you already know more than the generals?

Probably does know more than Hussein and Clinton's 'Generals.' They'll have to be sacked immediately.
Donald can't handle it. He's a delicate flower. He'll delegate his presidential duties.
--------------------------------------------- MAYBE , as President Trump he can do as he likes Cowman !!

You're right, the God Emperor Trump can do as he likes. We will will worship him, and abandon Jesus Christ in order to be bathed in his holy orange glow.

Say it with me. Jesus is Dead, Trump is Lord!

When did you ever believe in Jesus Christ?

Trump is our Jesus now.
You're a douche bag.
Donald can't handle it. He's a delicate flower. He'll delegate his presidential duties.
--------------------------------------------- MAYBE , as President Trump he can do as he likes Cowman !!

You're right, the God Emperor Trump can do as he likes. We will will worship him, and abandon Jesus Christ in order to be bathed in his holy orange glow.

Say it with me. Jesus is Dead, Trump is Lord!

When did you ever believe in Jesus Christ?

Trump is our Jesus now.
You're a douche bag.

Worship Trump or GET THE FUCK OUT.
naw , do as you like , love him , hate him , worship him , don't worship him , doesn't matter . It doesn't matter what YOU do Cowman plus you hangin about and commenting with foolishness make me and other Deplorables smile . YOU and your ilk help to make the message board fun Cowman !!
If Trump doesn't what to take on the FULL responsibilities of POTUS why the Hell did he run? If Trump doesn't give a tinkers damn about world events as he engages to be sworn in in less than two months, just how is he going to prepare for the unforeseen??

"President-elect Donald Trump has received two classified intelligence briefings since his surprise election victory earlier this month, a frequency that is notably lower — at least so far — than that of his predecessors, current and former U.S. officials said.

A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, by contrast, has set aside time for intelligence briefings almost every day since the election, officials said.

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

But others have interpreted Trump’s limited engagement with his briefing team as an additional sign of indifference from a president-elect who has no meaningful experience on national security issues and was dismissive of U.S. intelligence agencies’ capabilities and findings during the campaign.

A senior U.S. official who receives the same briefing delivered to President Obama each day said that devoting time to such sessions would help Trump get up to speed on world events."
~~ Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win ~~
Why bother with intelligence briefings when you already know more than the generals?

Probably does know more than Hussein and Clinton's 'Generals.' They'll have to be sacked immediately.
What an idiot. Clinton, Obama, Bush, and all other presidents have nothing to do with the officer corps of the armed forces. These are career officers who probably began their careers 25 or 30 years ago when Reagan or the first Bush was president. They aren't either incompetent or geniuses depending upon who the president is. Your disrespect for our military is noted.
naw , do as you like , love him , hate him , worship him , don't worship him , doesn't matter . It doesn't matter what YOU do Cowman plus you hangin about and commenting with foolishness make me and other Deplorables smile . YOU and your ilk help to make the message board fun Cowman !!

You'll see if it's fun when you receive your mark.
If Trump doesn't what to take on the FULL responsibilities of POTUS why the Hell did he run? If Trump doesn't give a tinkers damn about world events as he engages to be sworn in in less than two months, just how is he going to prepare for the unforeseen??

"President-elect Donald Trump has received two classified intelligence briefings since his surprise election victory earlier this month, a frequency that is notably lower — at least so far — than that of his predecessors, current and former U.S. officials said.

A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, by contrast, has set aside time for intelligence briefings almost every day since the election, officials said.

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

But others have interpreted Trump’s limited engagement with his briefing team as an additional sign of indifference from a president-elect who has no meaningful experience on national security issues and was dismissive of U.S. intelligence agencies’ capabilities and findings during the campaign.

A senior U.S. official who receives the same briefing delivered to President Obama each day said that devoting time to such sessions would help Trump get up to speed on world events."
~~ Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win ~~
Why bother with intelligence briefings when you already know more than the generals?

Probably does know more than Hussein and Clinton's 'Generals.' They'll have to be sacked immediately.
What an idiot. Clinton, Obama, Bush, and all other presidents have nothing to do with the officer corps of the armed forces. These are career officers who probably began their careers 25 or 30 years ago when Reagan or the first Bush was president. They aren't either incompetent or geniuses depending upon who the president is. Your disrespect for our military is noted.

Nah, Hussein and Clinton purged the top brass. Anyone who wouldn't go along with their Anti-American NWO agenda, was removed. Trump will need to make drastic changes. Time to make America great again.
If Trump doesn't what to take on the FULL responsibilities of POTUS why the Hell did he run? If Trump doesn't give a tinkers damn about world events as he engages to be sworn in in less than two months, just how is he going to prepare for the unforeseen??

"President-elect Donald Trump has received two classified intelligence briefings since his surprise election victory earlier this month, a frequency that is notably lower — at least so far — than that of his predecessors, current and former U.S. officials said.

A team of intelligence analysts has been prepared to deliver daily briefings on global developments and security threats to Trump in the two weeks since he won. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, by contrast, has set aside time for intelligence briefings almost every day since the election, officials said.

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

But others have interpreted Trump’s limited engagement with his briefing team as an additional sign of indifference from a president-elect who has no meaningful experience on national security issues and was dismissive of U.S. intelligence agencies’ capabilities and findings during the campaign.

A senior U.S. official who receives the same briefing delivered to President Obama each day said that devoting time to such sessions would help Trump get up to speed on world events."
~~ Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win ~~
Why bother with intelligence briefings when you already know more than the generals?

Probably does know more than Hussein and Clinton's 'Generals.' They'll have to be sacked immediately.
What an idiot. Clinton, Obama, Bush, and all other presidents have nothing to do with the officer corps of the armed forces. These are career officers who probably began their careers 25 or 30 years ago when Reagan or the first Bush was president. They aren't either incompetent or geniuses depending upon who the president is. Your disrespect for our military is noted.

Nah, Hussein and Clinton purged the top brass. Anyone who wouldn't go along with their Anti-American NWO agenda, was removed. Trump will need to make drastic changes. Time to make America great again.
He'll probably just farm it out. Maybe his buddy Pootypoot could spare a general.
Obama's still president moron.
So the President-Elect shouldn't hit the ground running when he gets sworn in? Really, you dumb ass?

Did you want Trump to take over for Barry now? Cause if you don't...then you should let the man concentrate of picking his Cabinet so he actually CAN hit the ground running!
There sure are a lot of Trump apologists out there thinking it's OK for him to walk into the future unprepared or that some-fucking-how for the incoming POTUS to delegate his coming presidential decision making foundations, like the PDB's, to others while he plays his fiddle! You fucks are NUTS!

He may be the one to make the final decision to drop the hammer or not and that takes sound judgment based on knowledge of the various aspects of a given situation!
Obama's still president moron.
So the President-Elect shouldn't hit the ground running when he gets sworn in? Really, you dumb ass?

Did you want Trump to take over for Barry now? Cause if you don't...then you should let the man concentrate of picking his Cabinet so he actually CAN hit the ground running!
There sure are a lot of Trump apologists out there thinking it's OK for him to walk into the future unprepared or that some-fucking-how for the incoming POTUS to delegate his coming presidential decision making foundations, like the PDB's, to others while he plays his fiddle! You fucks are NUTS!

He may be the one to make the final decision to drop the hammer or not and that takes sound judgment based on knowledge of the various aspects of a given situation!
Pretty sad when all the left has any more is hate. Blindly lashing out in a display lacking reason or patriotism.

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