Since Palin sounds like a compulsive liar...

AH, as you told Unknown, LIGHTEN UP!

Sometimes you just have to laugh, you're getting too worked up over this.

What other lies are on there, since I'm not up on all this Palin love/hate thing.

I think it's fair to both sides to have the truth, be it dem or repub., don't you dive?
well, i was laughing, then you wanted an asnwer


i have seen a lot of lies thrown around in this campaign, from both sides
and even from sides that are attached to neither side
politics as usual, unfortunately

so much to "the hope for change"
Chris Wallace was wrong
congress didnt kill the money for it or the state of Alaska wouldnt have got the money to be used for other projects

No, Congress raised objections to it, so the state of Alaska killed it and kept the money!


You don't even have to build a bridge! Just keep the money for whatever you want to do with it. Which is worse? Getting the money and building the bridge, or getting the money and just keeping it without building the bridge?

Why is Alaska, the richest state in the Union, getting more earmarks per capita than any other state?
I think you mean the state that gets the lowest earmark funding per square mile :)

So the Caribou need funding?

The state of Alaska pays every citizen $3,000 dollars in oil money every year. Why should the federal government be paying Alaska more money per person than any other state, if Alaska has that much oil money. A $250 million dollar bridge for 50 people? WTF is that about? We have 3 MILLION people here in Southeastern Virginia, and we need bridges badly. Something is really wrong with this country.

One good thing though. Alaska Senator Ted Stevens is on trial for taking bribes.
Palin lied when she said she didn't support the bridge to nowhere, she lied when she said she didn't request earmarks, and she lied when she said no one in her administration had ever contacted the Public Safety Department about Troopergate. She does seem to lie with great ease. It is a little frightening.

You lie when you touch a keyboard, bitch.
i know its funny to call it "the bridge to nowhere" but it really is insulting to those people that live there
since there have been bridges built in this country that really DO go to no where(not even a road to either side)
it was a bridge that someone wanted, but when all things were considered it was too high a price for so small a population

and its not a lie, because that IS what she said

Do you understand that that is most definitely NOT how "Thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere" sounds?????
NO, I don't know anything about andrew sullivan but that's why I included a full-length example (second quote) in the OP. Her words don't add up. That's how she sounds, every time I hear her talk.

I argue issues when the candidates in question are honorable, like Obama v McCain. I point out character flaws like compulsive lying when it seems appropriate. Palin sounds like bad news from start to finish.

You don't know who Sullivan even is but use him as a source to claim Palin has repeatedly told "lies"? Why would you use him as a source if you haven't first checked whether HE is honorable himself - or nothing but a big fat liar and rabid idealogue pushing his own political agenda no matter what it takes? Sullivan would never be a reliable source for facts and information. Just "reliable" for pushing his own lies, smear and slime. Not as if it takes much to find that out either. Just look how enthusiastically he did his part in spreading the lie about Bristol Palin -and so unwilling to stop even days after it became known it would be physically impossible for Bristol to have given birth to Trig. If Bristol hadn't been so far along in her own pregnancy to kill this rumor dead -it would STILL be going and Sullivan still doing all he could to make sure it did. Anyone EVER heard Sullivan (or DailyKos who created this lie) even apologize for his role in that filth? Nah -he just moved on to the next lie, no less intent on destroying Palin at the cost of any truth.

This is how liberal idealogues work -they are so routinely deceptive and such blatant unapologetic liars -they assume everyone is just as guilty of doing it as they are and therefore have no problem accusing opponents of any kind of "lie" and conspiracy without a shred of evidence. They deal in filth, wallow in filth and their own lies - and in order to live with themselves, they must assume everyone else is too.

So maybe all those "red flags" are really due to these bomb-throwing idealogues you use as "sources" whose only intent is to try and manipulate your opinion -even if it requires outright deception and lies to do it. These kind of rabid ideaologues don't care if they get caught lying. They just go right on to the next one and count on people like you to swallow their next lie too. This kind of bomb-throwing idealogue firmly believes that if the truth doesn't serve their agenda -and it usually doesn't - then they will go with lies.

If Palin were the "atrocity" and "political abomination" the bomb-throwing idealogues want to pretend she is, it wouldn't require ANY of them to find that out. The people most likely to know about ANY state level politician are never going to be their new national political enemies trying to re-write her record as governor and mayor to suit themselves NOW. It would be her own constituents who would not only know best what Palin really did and did not do -but whether they LIKED what she did. But even the Alaska Democrat Party won't lie about this woman -because so many Alaskan Democrats are part of that 80% approval rating she has! Her constituents were not duped by a pathological liar or they would not approve of the job she has done by this kind of margin. It is because they LIKE what she has actually done (and not just SAID) and believe she has done it very, very well.

So for someone like Sullivan to come along and have "discovered" that all this time she had been nothing but a pathological liar just making up one lie after another about her own record should be what raises a red flag for you. You have to WANT to believe this kind of crap -and pretend she is such a clever sociopathic liar that even the vast majority of Alaskans were duped into believing she was doing an outstanding job as governor! One so clever that even someone as politically savvy as McCain was totally duped by her as well. Give me a break. NO Presidential nominee chooses a VP without making sure to turn over every rock first -and neither did McCain. Which is why when Palin was asked about what she thought about all those lawyers sent to Alaska to dig up dirt on her, replied that she hoped they spent a lot of money in Alaskan local communities because they could really use the money.

What her OWN constituents think about Palin's job, the fact they gave her an 80% approval rating which is practically unheard of in this day and age -has far more relevance and says far more about Palin, her leadership skills and her effectiveness in an executive office - than anything coming from lying ass bomb-throwing idealogues who believe the ends justifies the means in order try and destroy someone else with their own and others' smears, distortions and outright lies.

Better learn to recognize and avoid relying on those bomb-throwing idealogues -or be content with being their patsy and tool. But don't expect applause from those who do their own research and refuse to allow themselves to be so easily manipulated.
NO, I don't know anything about andrew sullivan but that's why I included a full-length example (second quote) in the OP. Her words don't add up. That's how she sounds, every time I hear her talk.

I argue issues when the candidates in question are honorable, like Obama v McCain. I point out character flaws like compulsive lying when it seems appropriate. Palin sounds like bad news from start to finish.

You don't know who Sullivan even is but use him as a source to claim Palin has repeatedly told "lies"? Why would you use him as a source if you haven't first checked whether HE is honorable himself - or nothing but a big fat liar and rabid idealogue pushing his own political agenda no matter what it takes? Sullivan would never be a reliable source for facts and information. Just "reliable" for pushing his own lies, smear and slime. Not as if it takes much to find that out either. Just look how enthusiastically he did his part in spreading the lie about Bristol Palin -and so unwilling to stop even days after it became known it would be physically impossible for Bristol to have given birth to Trig. If Bristol hadn't been so far along in her own pregnancy to kill this rumor dead -it would STILL be going and Sullivan still doing all he could to make sure it did. Anyone EVER heard Sullivan (or DailyKos who created this lie) even apologize for his role in that filth? Nah -he just moved on to the next lie, no less intent on destroying Palin at the cost of any truth.

This is how liberal idealogues work -they are so routinely deceptive and such blatant unapologetic liars -they assume everyone is just as guilty of doing it as they are and therefore have no problem accusing opponents of any kind of "lie" and conspiracy without a shred of evidence. They deal in filth, wallow in filth and their own lies - and in order to live with themselves, they must assume everyone else is too.

So maybe all those "red flags" are really due to these bomb-throwing idealogues you use as "sources" whose only intent is to try and manipulate your opinion -even if it requires outright deception and lies to do it. These kind of rabid ideaologues don't care if they get caught lying. They just go right on to the next one and count on people like you to swallow their next lie too. This kind of bomb-throwing idealogue firmly believes that if the truth doesn't serve their agenda -and it usually doesn't - then they will go with lies.

If Palin were the "atrocity" and "political abomination" the bomb-throwing idealogues want to pretend she is, it wouldn't require ANY of them to find that out. The people most likely to know about ANY state level politician are never going to be their new national political enemies trying to re-write her record as governor and mayor to suit themselves NOW. It would be her own constituents who would not only know best what Palin really did and did not do -but whether they LIKED what she did. But even the Alaska Democrat Party won't lie about this woman -because so many Alaskan Democrats are part of that 80% approval rating she has! Her constituents were not duped by a pathological liar or they would not approve of the job she has done by this kind of margin. It is because they LIKE what she has actually done (and not just SAID) and believe she has done it very, very well.

So for someone like Sullivan to come along and have "discovered" that all this time she had been nothing but a pathological liar just making up one lie after another about her own record should be what raises a red flag for you. You have to WANT to believe this kind of crap -and pretend she is such a clever sociopathic liar that even the vast majority of Alaskans were duped into believing she was doing an outstanding job as governor! One so clever that even someone as politically savvy as McCain was totally duped by her as well. Give me a break. NO Presidential nominee chooses a VP without making sure to turn over every rock first -and neither did McCain. Which is why when Palin was asked about what she thought about all those lawyers sent to Alaska to dig up dirt on her, replied that she hoped they spent a lot of money in Alaskan local communities because they could really use the money.

What her OWN constituents think about Palin's job, the fact they gave her an 80% approval rating which is practically unheard of in this day and age -has far more relevance and says far more about Palin, her leadership skills and her effectiveness in an executive office - than anything coming from lying ass bomb-throwing idealogues who believe the ends justifies the means in order try and destroy someone else with their own and others' smears, distortions and outright lies.

Better learn to recognize and avoid relying on those bomb-throwing idealogues -or be content with being their patsy and tool. But don't expect applause from those who do their own research and refuse to allow themselves to be so easily manipulated.
Chris Wallace exposes Palin's the video.

[ame=]YouTube - Chris Wallace Exposes McCain/Palin Lies[/ame]
You don't know who Sullivan even is but use him as a source to claim Palin has repeatedly told "lies"? Why would you use him as a source if you haven't first checked whether HE is honorable himself - or nothing but a big fat liar and rabid idealogue pushing his own political agenda no matter what it takes? Sullivan would never be a reliable source for facts and information. Just "reliable" for pushing his own lies, smear and slime. Not as if it takes much to find that out either. Just look how enthusiastically he did his part in spreading the lie about Bristol Palin -and so unwilling to stop even days after it became known it would be physically impossible for Bristol to have given birth to Trig. If Bristol hadn't been so far along in her own pregnancy to kill this rumor dead -it would STILL be going and Sullivan still doing all he could to make sure it did. Anyone EVER heard Sullivan (or DailyKos who created this lie) even apologize for his role in that filth? Nah -he just moved on to the next lie, no less intent on destroying Palin at the cost of any truth.

This is how liberal idealogues work -they are so routinely deceptive and such blatant unapologetic liars -they assume everyone is just as guilty of doing it as they are and therefore have no problem accusing opponents of any kind of "lie" and conspiracy without a shred of evidence. They deal in filth, wallow in filth and their own lies - and in order to live with themselves, they must assume everyone else is too.

So maybe all those "red flags" are really due to these bomb-throwing idealogues you use as "sources" whose only intent is to try and manipulate your opinion -even if it requires outright deception and lies to do it. These kind of rabid ideaologues don't care if they get caught lying. They just go right on to the next one and count on people like you to swallow their next lie too. This kind of bomb-throwing idealogue firmly believes that if the truth doesn't serve their agenda -and it usually doesn't - then they will go with lies.

If Palin were the "atrocity" and "political abomination" the bomb-throwing idealogues want to pretend she is, it wouldn't require ANY of them to find that out. The people most likely to know about ANY state level politician are never going to be their new national political enemies trying to re-write her record as governor and mayor to suit themselves NOW. It would be her own constituents who would not only know best what Palin really did and did not do -but whether they LIKED what she did. But even the Alaska Democrat Party won't lie about this woman -because so many Alaskan Democrats are part of that 80% approval rating she has! Her constituents were not duped by a pathological liar or they would not approve of the job she has done by this kind of margin. It is because they LIKE what she has actually done (and not just SAID) and believe she has done it very, very well.

So for someone like Sullivan to come along and have "discovered" that all this time she had been nothing but a pathological liar just making up one lie after another about her own record should be what raises a red flag for you. You have to WANT to believe this kind of crap -and pretend she is such a clever sociopathic liar that even the vast majority of Alaskans were duped into believing she was doing an outstanding job as governor! One so clever that even someone as politically savvy as McCain was totally duped by her as well. Give me a break. NO Presidential nominee chooses a VP without making sure to turn over every rock first -and neither did McCain. Which is why when Palin was asked about what she thought about all those lawyers sent to Alaska to dig up dirt on her, replied that she hoped they spent a lot of money in Alaskan local communities because they could really use the money.

What her OWN constituents think about Palin's job, the fact they gave her an 80% approval rating which is practically unheard of in this day and age -has far more relevance and says far more about Palin, her leadership skills and her effectiveness in an executive office - than anything coming from lying ass bomb-throwing idealogues who believe the ends justifies the means in order try and destroy someone else with their own and others' smears, distortions and outright lies.

Better learn to recognize and avoid relying on those bomb-throwing idealogues -or be content with being their patsy and tool. But don't expect applause from those who do their own research and refuse to allow themselves to be so easily manipulated.

If you want to debunk one of the 12 lies in the OP, have at it. They're all linked, with supporting sources.

On the other hand if you want to throw shit at Andrew sullivan feel free, but doing so does not debunk any of Palin's lies, and Divecon has even come around over the course of this thread to admitting Palin lies, as well.
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This is the kind of daily shit I am talking about:

She decides to go in for some heartstring pulling and starts up with an anecdote about how she went to her daughters first to get their opinion on whether or not she should accept the invitation to join John McCain’s ticket.

Their answer was, “Absolutely, let’s do this, Mom.”

One problem; apparently this doesn’t even match up with the official campaign timeline of Sarah Palin accepting the nomination. The kids weren’t told about it until they were already en route to the acceptance in Ohio!

Now, look, I’m not trying to be a hardass, really, I’m not. I could care less how Palin broke the news to her kids; that event alone matters to the sum of zero on whether or not McCain and Palin can effectively govern. Not on its own, at least.

But when you factor this incident in with the fact that between McCain and Palin they haven’t managed to tell the truth about practically anything, that’s when it becomes significant. I mean, this is ludicrous; the big and important stuff they say turns out to be false, and the little stuff turns out to be false.

I recognize that people lie, especially politicians. And, to be perfectly honest, you have to kind of make allowances for that. But there’s a difference between occasionally stretching the truth, and being a pathological liar, and it is beginning to look like that is what the McCain/Palin team is; a big fat lie factory.

She lies from one interview to the next. She can't even keep her own story straight. In the gibson interview she said she didn't blink on the decision, in the Hannity interview she said she consulted her daughters? Well, which is it?
If you want to debunk one of the 12 lies in the OP, have at it. They're all linked, with supporting sources.

On the other hand if you want to throw shit at Andrew sullivan feel free, but doing so does not debunk any of Palin's lies, and Divecon has even come around over the course of this thread to admitting Palin lies, as well.
admitting that politicians will stretch the truth is not admitting to the BS in the OP
And some oldies but some goodies, all free from Andrew Sullivan out of sensitivity to those here who do not like him! :)

And some oldies but some goodies, all free from Andrew Sullivan out of sensitivity to those here who do not like him! :)

sheeesh nbc is even lying

well, no big surprise there really
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Unbelievable these peoply who bitch about Palin lying (and I don't think she does) are the same ones who defended to the death Bill Clinton's right to lie under oath to a Federal Grand Jury.. I am lmao.:cuckoo:

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