Since we live in a country where a majority of Americans are in agreement............


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
......on issues like abortion, gun control, climate change, immigration, campaign finance reform, etc., why isn't the majority's wishes reflected in public policy?

I would argue it's because of the disproportionate representation of conservatives in the Senate, more gerrymandered districts in Repub controlled states than Dem controlled states, and the comically anachronistic Electoral College. If not for the latter we likely would not have had a Repub prez since Reagan. Hence, we'd have a liberal super majority in the SC. Nor would we have suffered through Mitch McTreason being the majority leader in the Senate if not for WY's 580K residents having equal representation to CA's 39M.

Can this be fixed to prevent the current tyranny of the minority?
......on issues like abortion, gun control, climate change, immigration, campaign finance reform, etc., why isn't the majority's wishes reflected in public policy?

Damn, your spin on this? Is absolutely unbelievable. It really is. Everyone wants immigration. The vast majority of the nation loathes illegal immigration. Especially the poor and the young, whose wages are depressed by the elites letting them in.

The whole nation wants sensible gun control laws. The whole nation is sick to death of liberal prosecutors not keeping those who have stolen or unregistered fire arms, or those who use them in the commission of crimes, not being locked up for very long periods of time. We just need to enforce the laws we already have. End of problems.

Everyone wants to regulate corporations that pollute the commons. Most folks are skeptical of computer modeling programs that give us predictions of future scenarios, especially when different programs, from multiple different organizations, give us different future scenarios.

There really aren't two sides to campaign finance or term limits, there is only the people vs. the elites that control the levers of the state, it isn't a party issue. It has nothing to do with population, representatives, or partisan politics.

There is only one tyranny, the tyranny of the state.
So you don't care about the voice of the individual states, or the needs and wishes of the people in them. You just want to dissolve the federal system?
States are able to set policy for themselves in a number of areas. But can you explain to me why 580K people should have equal influence on federal policy as 39M?
3M people live in IO. 20M in NY.

In 2018 Dems won 18M more votes for Senate seats than Repubs but Repubs gained two seats.
......on issues like abortion, gun control, climate change, immigration, campaign finance reform, etc., why isn't the majority's wishes reflected in public policy?

I would argue it's because of the disproportionate representation of conservatives in the Senate, more gerrymandered districts in Repub controlled states than Dem controlled states, and the comically anachronistic Electoral College. If not for the latter we likely would not have had a Repub prez since Reagan. Hence, we'd have a liberal super majority in the SC. Nor would we have suffered through Mitch McTreason being the majority leader in the Senate if not for WY's 580K residents having equal representation to CA's 39M.

Can this be fixed to prevent the current tyranny of the minority?
The best way to fix this is for you to go your way and we go our way. Nothing is more anachronistic than 50 states that hate each other trying to stay in a union, when half the states specialize in ghettos, meth and kiddie porn, and the other half are normal and productive.

Fuck it.... it didn't work. It can be done very peacefully, no sense taking this to the next level.

In short, I don't want to share a border with filthy shit like you and your ilk.


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