Sinema's Poll Numbers Are Plumetting!

What is her approval rating with independents? I suspect they might like the fact she is not a lockstep partisan.

Arizona is a closed primary state. Independents are not allowed to vote. Independents supported her in 2018 when she ran on a large part of the Biden plan.
You are the right wing fascist pig. It is Republicans like Greene who talk about Jewish lasers. She didn't disagree when she ran and won.
She is a moron but she tried to repent and visited the Holocaust museum. She didn’t? Link please. LOL. She speaks for her constituents you leftist zombie who believes a money tree will pay for the $3.5trn
Arizona is a closed primary state. Independents are not allowed to vote. Independents supported her in 2018 when she ran on a large part of the Biden plan.
That was a lifetime ago, I bet they have buyers remorse with Biden.
Because far left Democrats are throwing a temper tantrum like a bunch of two year olds because she will actually think for herself instead of act like a mindless drone. She is not up for reelection until 2024 so I would not put much stock in poll numbers in October of 2021.

I would expect a politician to vote for what they ran and won on. Sinema ran on many of the components in Biden's plan and she won. If she is a moderate she should be forcing Republicans to compromise rather than oppose everything Biden proposes.
She is a moron but she tried to repent and visited the Holocaust museum. She didn’t? Link please. LOL. She speaks for her constituents you leftist zombie who believes a money tree will pay for the $3.5trn

You are the brainless Trump puppet who cannot think for yourself. Again Marjorie Taylor Greene talks about Jewish lasers. She does not speak for her constituents. She ran and won on a platform similar to Biden's plan.

You as usual show your stupidity. We are talking about $3.5 trillion over 10 years. That averages out to $350 billion per year. You decided the money tree could support trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the rich and powerful. When it co0mes to helping ordinary people, you are all of a sudden concerned about the deficit.
That was a lifetime ago, I bet they have buyers remorse with Biden.

I suspect they have buyer's remorse over voting for Republicans. Republicans ran one of the biggest post-election scams in history. I wonder how voters are going to feel about that.
Fuck you and every other leftie who trots out far right every chance you get. Your lack of self awareness makes you look pretty simple if you were half as bright as you like to think you are you would be an impressive person. I am now going to watch the Yankees/ Red Sox game a far better use of my time than listening to the partisan ramblings of a self important idiot.

You are not bright at all. You are the idiot.
Exactly. She'll lose support from the progs, but pick up GOP votes.
She needs to switch parties, she is up for reelection in 2024, the dems will be toxic by then.

No she won't. The Republican Party is becoming toxic in Arizona. The party has gone batshit crazy.
You are the brainless Trump puppet who cannot think for yourself. Again Marjorie Taylor Greene talks about Jewish lasers. She does not speak for her constituents. She ran and won on a platform similar to Biden's plan.

You as usual show your stupidity. We are talking about $3.5 trillion over 10 years. That averages out to $350 billion per year. You decided the money tree could support trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the rich and powerful. When it co0mes to helping ordinary people, you are all of a sudden concerned about the deficit.
Marjorie ran unopposed and repented by visiting the Holocaust museum. Something the squad would never do. 10 years with interest right? Because your math is interest free. Maybe you should learn about the time value of money. The so called rich already pay what 85% of all taxes? You want them to pay more? Deranged moron.
I suspect they have buyer's remorse over voting for Republicans. Republicans ran one of the biggest post-election scams in history. I wonder how voters are going to feel about that.
People will always vote for their pocketbook, make no mistake. Biden ran as a moderate, not a socialist.
The Independents have bailed from the Biden bandwagon.
universal health care doesn’t work. Comparing the U.S. to countries much smaller in size and population is ridiculous. Why do a lot of Canadian citizens come to the US for medical procedures if your system is so great? How can they not love those 6 month waits for appointments? To embarrass you again, rich people work because THAT’S HOW THEY GOT RICH. Not by sitting their asses on the couch. Giving people more money to not work than they’d get working is counter productive if you want people in the workforce. You really have no clue how things work in this country. If you can’t afford to have a child, you should probably take precautions so that doesn’t happen.

We already have universal healthcare coverage. When people get sick enough, they end up in the emergency room. Obamacare is a attempt to deal with this. It does not throw out the current system. When they have a healthcare insurance policy then they will not wait until they get very sick to be seen for it. Emergency room treatment is generally the most expensive way of treating people. People are working hard and they are getting screwed by CEOs who treat their workers as if they were slaves. If worker pay rose as much as CEO pay, workers would be very well off. That is why there is a worker shortage. First people but their health above their work. Second businesses refuse to raise wages in any meaningful way. No one was paid not to work. That is a right wing talking point. You have no clue how things really work in this country. The Fed reported that for the first time in the 3 decades they have compiled the statistic, the top 1% own more wealth in this country than the middle 60%. Companies are exploiting their workers. We help people with children in this country. You are a major asshole. This is a apt description of CEOs today.

Looks like the Arizona voters have had just about enough of her corrupt corporate Democrat her BS...
  1. Kyrsten Sinema is in real trouble after awful poll numbers and big new revelations
  2. Sinema viewed unfavorably by one-third of Arizona Democrats in poll
  3. Democratic Voters Drive Decline in Sinema’s Popularity in Arizona - Morning Consult
  4. New poll shows Kyrsten Sinema's moderate approach has weakened democratic support
Unless the Republican voters of Arizona decide to support her, if this keeps up she's sure to be a goner.

And it would be good riddance to bad rubbish.
Polling is like asking a Priest in the confessional whether or not it's
still a sin in the Catholic Faith for a married man to committ adultery.
And the Priest responds by saying ... It all Depends.
On what ? asks the married man in the confessional.
On whether or not The Gal { Tootsie } looks good w/o a bra.
Why should that matter asks the man in the Confession.
Because it's still a sin for a Nun to go braless,insists the Priest.
Like who would be the wiser Father,snaps the man in the confessional.
Like who I dunno,but someone Shirley.
People will always vote for their pocketbook, make no mistake. Biden ran as a moderate, not a socialist.
The Independents have bailed from the Biden bandwagon.
It's getting less and less often one hears the cliche " Vote their Pocketbook "
That was a popular and successful notion,once.How come it's no longer.?
Maybe because we actually have former Presidents like this Obama
running around with abject lies concerning the GOP.
Accusing them of " Rigging elections " by making sure it's Easier
to Vote and harder to cheat.That Voter ID is not something to tinker
around and corrupt.I believe ALL Industrialized countries maintain
some form of Voter ID.
Marjorie ran unopposed and repented by visiting the Holocaust museum. Something the squad would never do. 10 years with interest right? Because your math is interest free. Maybe you should learn about the time value of money. The so called rich already pay what 85% of all taxes? You want them to pay more? Deranged moron.

Is that why she keeps invoking the Holocaust to describe mask mandates? Opposing Israeli policies does not make you anti-semitic. You need to learn the time value of money. Each year $350 million is spent. There is no interest until the next $350 billion is spent the next year. This is not entirely a spending bill. The child tax credit and childcare tax credit will go directly to people. By that measure, the spending drops to $190 billion a year over the next 10 years. These payments will be partially paid for as they spend the money. The rich do not pay 85% of taxes. As a matter of fact they are avoiding taxes. The IRS estimates it may be as much as $165 billion a year. You are the one who is a liar and a deranged Trump supporter.
People will always vote for their pocketbook, make no mistake. Biden ran as a moderate, not a socialist.
The Independents have bailed from the Biden bandwagon.

The Biden plan is not socialist. You have no clue what socialism is. The question is whether independents want to support a right wing fascist state by voting for Republicans.
Is that why she keeps invoking the Holocaust to describe mask mandates? Opposing Israeli policies does not make you anti-semitic. You need to learn the time value of money. Each year $350 million is spent. There is no interest until the next $350 billion is spent the next year. This is not entirely a spending bill. The child tax credit and childcare tax credit will go directly to people. By that measure, the spending drops to $190 billion a year over the next 10 years. These payments will be partially paid for as they spend the money. The rich do not pay 85% of taxes. As a matter of fact they are avoiding taxes. The IRS estimates it may be as much as $165 billion a year. You are the one who is a liar and a deranged Trump supporter.
Million or billion? You’re conflating the two? Opposing Israel or vilifying Israel? What is Israel, leftist scum? Israel is a Democracy run by Jews. So when they oppose Israel they oppose the will of the only Jewish nation in the world and the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay man in the Middle East. You are a leftist scumbag. Period. End of story.
The Biden plan is not socialist. You have no clue what socialism is. The question is whether independents want to support a right wing fascist state by voting for Republicans.
Republicans aren’t Fascist. You have no idea what Fascism is. See how that works you antisemtic scumbag?
The Biden plan is not socialist. You have no clue what socialism is. The question is whether independents want to support a right wing fascist state by voting for Republicans.
Yeah, you run with that one, Skippy. Biden lost the Independents because of it.
If she runs as a republican she’ll has proven what she’s made of and her bonafides. It should be an easy win.

No it won't. She would have to say that Trump won. She would be kicked out by Republican primary voters.
Republicans aren’t Fascist. You have no idea what Fascism is. See how that works you antisemtic scumbag?

Yes they are. They want to rig the elections so they can't be voted out. The Republican Party is the home of anti-semitism, racism, sexism and every other ism you can think of.

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