Sinema's Poll Numbers Are Plumetting!

Yeah, you run with that one, Skippy. Biden lost the Independents because of it.

No he didn't. The individual components of the Biden plan poll very well among voters. Biden and the Democrats need to run on getting the other $1.5 trillion.
Yes they are. They want to rig the elections so they can't be voted out. The Republican Party is the home of anti-semitism, racism, sexism and every other ism you can think of.
They do? Really? How is that? They want to require voter ID, which is the exact opposite of rigging elections. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are Republicans? Interesting. Democrats certainly turn on PoC if they don’t conform. Ask Herschel Walker, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Ben Carson and Candace Owens.

Your party is the party of racism, antisemitism and cancel culture. I am Jewish. You really want to debate me on which party is the party of antisemitism? Your party supports BLM, which openly hates Jews. You’re an idiot.
They do? Really? How is that? They want to require voter ID, which is the exact opposite of rigging elections. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are Republicans? Interesting. Democrats certainly turn on PoC if they don’t conform. Ask Herschel Walker, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Ben Carson and Candace Owens.

Your party is the party of racism, antisemitism and cancel culture. I am Jewish. You really want to debate me on which party is the party of antisemitism? Your party supports BLM, which openly hates Jews. You’re an idiot.
Busy bee just lies to make her point.
She's not corrupt.

But her numbers are plummeting. The idea of a principled maverick appeals to Arizona voters. Bucking the party trend is what Jeff Flake, Barry Goldwater, and John McCain did. But you knew what they wanted outside of the "party line" (not so much with Flake). Honestly...few can decipher what she wants. That doesn't play well in a purple state.

Barry Goldwater had to change as Arizona moved towards the center. McCain was not that much of a maverick. He pretty much followed the party and Trump line on all but a couple of votes. His being a maverick was more rhetorical than as a voting issue.

No wonder he keeps doing. it's Soooo easy to flip your buttons
This obvious troll (possibly sitting in Bejing) should be the least read and commented account on the forum....with mine being 2nd least read.
Million or billion? You’re conflating the two? Opposing Israel or vilifying Israel? What is Israel, leftist scum? Israel is a Democracy run by Jews. So when they oppose Israel they oppose the will of the only Jewish nation in the world and the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay man in the Middle East. You are a leftist scumbag. Period. End of story.

You are a fascist scumbag. Israel has engaged in unprovoked attacks on Palestinians in the past. They should be called out on it. Netanyahu was a thug.
People will always vote for their pocketbook, make no mistake. Biden ran as a moderate, not a socialist.
The Independents have bailed from the Biden bandwagon.

That does not mean that they are on the Republican bandwagon. The Republican bandwagon is filled with white supremacists. This is more about the pocketbook. Supporting Republicans means taking this country down the road of Nazi Germany. If Republicans want to re-litigate the 2020 election, they will lose. Abortion will also be a loser for Republicans and the gutting or overturning of Roe vs Wade will not help Republicans.
You are a fascist scumbag. Israel has engaged in unprovoked attacks on Palestinians in the past. They should be called out on it. Netanyahu was a thug.
Unprovoked? LOL

You obviously don’t know anything about the conflict. Typical leftist zombie.

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