Singapore Policeman Gets Two Years for Oral Sex

Seems as if the women of the Kama Sutra liked aggressiveness too:

"Let your tongue rest for a moment in the archway to the flower-bowed Lord's temple before entering to worship vigorously, causing her seed to flow..."
Originally posted by janeeng
Jim, do I sense some frustration in you!:D

I'm just one big pile of frustration. My next woman better be awfully thirsty! :D
Originally posted by Jackass
Actually I dont think its a misconception at all. When someone chooses who you are going to marry and bring "honor" to the family, you really dont have a choice to get divorced do you? I would probably argue that arranged marriages are "MORE" succesfull compared to your normal marriages. This though, doesnt mean that they are happier than normal marriages.

Unhappiness exists in any form of relationship. However, if you argue that arranged marriages are not at all happy then I have to disagree with you. Arranged marriages are happy and they don't happen because the girl/guy withholds the honor of the family.

In an arranged marriage too, one gets to choose which guy/girl he/she could marry. The final say depends on the girl/guy who will marry, but the parents play a role in this because they are considered the guardians and responsible for giving the children their bright future. This is very practical, even if you don't agree with it.


Dear Jimnyc,
I am so happy that I have the privilege to answer0 your question "what is a yoni?"
To be perfectly honest, you are a yoni, and a lingam too sometimes.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
Here I go, tossing my 2 cents in again.

ANY marriage that is decided upon by how many cows you get in return for your letting your daughter marry this person or that person is absurd.

(obviously I know its not only animals traded... money as well... any type of dowry. If you're that interested in seeing how much you can get, visit ebay)

As I have said earlier, making a stereotypical comment on arranged marriages is ridiculous.

However, I see your perspective ,Still I have to say that it is a very opinionated comment.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Anyone ever take a peek at the Kama Sutra?

Here's fellatio text from the Kama Sutra:

And interestingly enough, where does this ancient practice derive from? That's right, India - and written by Hindus.

Those filthy hindus, how disgusting! :D

"And now, fired by passion, she takes
your penis deep into her mouth,
pulling upon it and sucking as vigorously
as though she were stripping clean a mango-stone"

"When she senses that your orgasm
is imminent she swallows up the whole penis,
sucking and working upon it
with lips and tongue until you spend"

Yes I completely agree, that is disgusting!

Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
Dear Jimnyc,
I am so happy that I have the privilege to answer0 your question "what is a yoni?"
To be perfectly honest, you are a yoni, and a lingam too sometimes.

Your yoni and Hindu Shrine are going to decay from lack of use.
Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
Unhappiness exists in any form of relationship. However, if you argue that arranged marriages are not at all happy then I have to disagree with you.

I never said that they werent unhappy. Just that they TOO can be unhappy.

Yes, I have heard of a few arranged marriages that actually worked out to be a great marriage - I do disagree with it, though I know it's all in the way your brought up and were it is your from, etc.. I have also heard of some that haven't worked out, and it's a simple reason, their parents arranged the marriage for them, and if they didn't do it, they were banned from the family - so they get married, have kids and wind up living apart from one another, but too, if they divorce, it shall be a sin, so they stay together due to the face of not sinning - so I wonder, why? what kind of life is that to never ever be happy? I feel times have changed, and so should the rules of marriage - women and men should be able to go out and find someone that THEY LOVE not what their parents feel is right and yes, that's when the sex comes in, how can you even want to make love to someone you didn't even desire to be with? isn't that like being a hooker? let's face it, they go out have sex, don't know the guy? only difference, you have to have sex with the same guy all the time, or just as you would say to have children. If this is the way things have to be for you, a pre-arranged marriage, then I wish you the best and hope it's someone that you can love and cherish. I just couldn't imagine it.

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