Uganda's 2023 anti-homosexuality law goes into effect - Death penalty being sought in two cases

They claim to be, you can claim to be intelligent, it doesn't make it true, does it?

You believe all Muslims are terrorists?
You are embarrassed by your fellow Christians. That's understandable but ultimately your problem, not mine
Do you enjoy traveling throughout the USA? Do you have a home on land that was stolen by mass murdering people already here BEFORE us? Genocide happened with native americans. They killed many off with their disease infested blankets to "help"; forced them to march (Trail of Tears); they killed off their food supply by slaughtering millions of bison; they stuck them in "concentration camps" now called the Rez, and I could go on, but arguing with an idiot is really not my thing except to say HYPOCRITE whenever I get the chance.
Holy shit on a motherload of shingles!! That is your response to my position condemning killing people in Uganda for being gay? Do you realize how utterly pathetic that is as an argument. It’s a logical fallacy that is intended to pass as an argument which is employed when one actually has no argument . Actally it is my favorite logical fallacy:

tu quoque
Appeal to hypocrisy, also known as tu quoque, is an informal logical fallacy that tries to discredit the validity of the opponent’s argument by asserting the opponent’s failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s)12345. It is similar to ‘whataboutism’ which is an attempt to twist criticism back on the initial critic1. The fallacy is committed when someone criticizes another person or group by claiming they are behaving hypocritically5
That is like saying all Muslims are terrorists which is untrue but hey they belong to the group, right?

Religions should stay away from politics in my opinion.
Not it is not like saying all Muslims are Terrorists. That is just plain bullshit. Nor am I saying that all Christians or Evangelicals are bigots who promote killing gays. I am saying that all of the people who are part of the group, organization or faction that is pushing the kill they gays agenda share responsibility. Is it possibe that you cant get that?
You are embarrassed by your fellow Christians. That's understandable but ultimately your problem, not mine
They are not my fellow Christians, but you lumping all Christians as the same is ignorant, and pure bigotry. Again, do you lump all Muslims as terrorists? Come on you can answer that can't you?
Not it is not like saying all Muslims are Terrorists. That is just plain bullshit. Nor am I saying that all Christians or Evangelicals are bigots who promote killing gays. I am saying that all of the people who are part of the group, organization or faction that is pushing the kill they gays agenda share responsibility. Is it possibe that you cant get that?
I get it, you are not being honest, but I don't expect that from you.
I don't give a shit what gays do. THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THEM. They DEMAND we ACCEPT their lifestyle and change OUR lifestyle to bend towards their warped thinking. Ain't gonna happen, bubba. Just like you and your ilk wanting to put non vaxxed people in concentration camps, or some of your idols saying all unvaxxed people should be arrested or...ahem...KILLED. How many assholes have stated that? A LOT. So go fuck yourself with your bullshit. For me, I ain't buying a damn thing you say because YOU don't "get it". Enough is enough with the cancel culture for those speaking out against morals and ideals and lifestyles and then being punished for it in some form. Which means....drumroll...y'all wanting this are....bigger drumroll....HYPOCRITES.
I don't give a shit what gays do. THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THEM. They DEMAND we ACCEPT their lifestyle and change OUR lifestyle to bend towards their warped thinking. Ain't gonna happen, bubba. Just like you and your ilk wanting to put non vaxxed people in concentration camps, or some of your idols saying all unvaxxed people should be arrested or...ahem...KILLED. How many assholes have stated that? A LOT. So go fuck yourself with your bullshit. For me, I ain't buying a damn thing you say because YOU don't "get it". Enough is enough with the cancel culture for those speaking out against morals and ideals and lifestyles and then being punished for it in some form. Which means....drumroll...y'all wanting this are....bigger drumroll....HYPOCRITES.
I don’t know for sure who you are directing this screed at since you don’t seem to know how to use the reply function, but it’s interesting that it comes on the heals of my post “42 where I called you out on your inane appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. Yet, you once again invoke a charge of hypocrisy .

Now you are ranting and blathering senselessly about gays, there lifestyle and acceptance. Lady, no one gives a shit about what you accept. Gay people just want to be allowed to live freely and openly and enjoy the same rights that you take for granted. And what is this crap about you having to change yu lifestyle for them? You’ll have to explain that shit because it makes no sense. You are just being an hysterical , lugubrious, pathetic Karen .I am not even going to bother with the rest of your insane jabbering about vaxxing and cancel culture. You cry victim and bizarrely claim to be the victim of people who have done nothing to you do not even know that you exist, or do they careIt’s apparent that you have some serious problems
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So you suppoert genocide. You are a fine representitive of the far right.

Punishing wrongdoers convicted in a court of law with due process isn't "genocide".

The criminals in these cases knew what they were doing was prohibited, yet they did it anyhow.

In the Tremendous Nation of Uganda, they really aren't that big on guys violating each other's buttholes.
Say what you will about Africans, they don't mess around when it comes to aberrant sexual behavior. Even child grooming is punishable by a prison sentence.

Two Ugandan men may face death penalty after ‘aggravated homosexuality’ charge​

"(CNN) - Two men in Uganda are facing separate charges of “aggravated homosexuality,” an offense punishable by death under the country’s controversial new anti-gay laws.

A 20-year-old man in the district of Soroti in eastern Uganda was charged on August 18 after he allegedly, “performed unlawful sexual intercourse with one [man] aged 41 with a disability,” Jacqueline Okui, spokesperson for the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions told CNN."

Here's a full PDF of the law: Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023.pdf

Note page 11 where it reads:

8. Child grooming

(1) A person who-

(a) recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or receives a child for purposes of engaging the child in homosexuality or any other conduct prohibited under this Act;

(b) displays, distributes, or supplies to a child, and material demonstrating, depicting, or illustrating a sexual act between persons of the same sex or any other conduct that is prohibited under this Act;

(c) shows or avails to a child, a picture, video or film showing, depicting or illustrating a sexual act between persons of the same sex or any other conduct that is prohibited under this Act; or

(d) in the presence of a child, performs a sexual act or causes another person to be engages in a sexual act, commits an offence and is liable, on conviction--

(i) in the case of contravention of paragraph (a) to imprisonment for life; or

(ii) in the case of contravention of paragraphs (b), (c), or (d), an imprisonment for a period not exceeding twenty years.
I wonder who I write to suggest wood chippers

I'm sure thiers an embassy in NYC and DC
And you lump all Christians with that group like an ignorant person, that's a fact.

What are those other Christians doing about it? Oh, nothing.

All that is required for evil to succeed is for Good People to do nothing.
Punishing wrongdoers convicted in a court of law with due process isn't "genocide".

The criminals in these cases knew what they were doing was prohibited, yet they did it anyhow.

In the Tremendous Nation of Uganda, they really aren't that big on guys violating each other's buttholes.

I can't blame them for wanting to control sexually-transmitted diseases prevalent among the gay population. Africa is the biggest cootie factory in the world, diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis, HPV, and Monkey Pox all originated in sub-Saharan Africa.
I can't blame them for wanting to control sexually-transmitted diseases prevalent among the gay population. Africa is the biggest cootie factory in the world, diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis, HPV, and Monkey Pox all originated in sub-Saharan Africa.

Epidemiologists have a well established theorem that the origin of aids was in deepest, darkest Africa. Supposedly LGBTQ+ tourists started having butt sex with green monkeys who live in the trees there and spread it to the local homo population as well as bringing it back to America.
Epidemiologists have a well established theorem that the origin of aids was in deepest, darkest Africa. Supposedly LGBTQ+ tourists started having butt sex with green monkeys who live in the trees there and spread it to the local homo population as well as bringing it back to America.

It must have been a case of "Monkey's Revenge." I hate to think what those Chinese did to those bats that made them want to give us COVID.
Following up on the story, this isn't about consensual gay sex.

No matter how much you disdain CNN, it is not enough

It is also true that the Ugandan law that CNN describes as “controversial” is, indeed, controversial. The law makes homosexual acts punishable by imprisonment. But it is not this provision of the law that is being used against these men. They face the death penalty because they raped a child and a disabled man.

So these are basically statutory rape cases.

Gays face imprisonment in Uganda for being gay, and that is to me a terrible thing, but they face death for rape, and I have a feeling you can face death in Uganda for a bunch of crimes you don't face death in the US as a punishment.
The bigoted campaign against gay people is in the name of YOUR God, undertaken by your fellow Christians. Deal with it
And the terrorist Muslims kill in the name of their God, again, do you blame ALL Muslims or just those that are terrorists?
Christian fuckery is murdering people in Uganda. I don't need a comeback.

Bullshit. It just isn't Christian Ugandans, but their Muslim countryman as well, who disapprove of men violating each other's buttholes.

Remember that one of the founding fathers of the Ugandan state, Idi Amin was a Muslim.

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