Singer Quitting Country Music

Let's be candid for a moment: Any time you get a thousand white working-class American men in a room, you have about 800 Trump supporters. Therefore, if you take any venue or institution that is dominated by white working-class men, you will have the same result.

The people in the stands at an NFL game. Mens' bowling leagues and golf leagues. NASCAR fans. Country music fans. They are all dominated by a demographic that happens, coincidentally, to support Conservative Republican ideas and candidates, the current personification of which is Donald Trump.

The Leftist Narrative that Trump is a racist is supported by not a single public statement or act. When challenged to come up with something, Leftists fall back on mis-quotes, intentional misinterpretations, lies, and...oh yeah, about a hundred years ago the Trump real estate organization in New York paid a fine for "steering" Black people to properties where other Black people already lived.

Owe My Fucking Gawd!!!!!
Welcome to the board. Your post is particularly stupid, maybe it's beginner jitters.
I actually know what you’re saying, believe it or not.

You’re thinking that much of modern country has been “infiltrated by the left, lgbtq, woke crowd. So, why did Grogu say what he said? He must be stupid.”

I wasn’t referring to that part and I stand by what I said.

Much of it is the Trump influence and good for Maren Morris. That. Is. My. Point.

That’s it.
She is blaming Donald Trump for her decision to leave country music.


I have a message for the twat --

"BITCH, you never WERE country. Don't let the door hit you in the ass".

Legend in her own mind and the world of country music will not miss her. I'm a long-time country fan and have never heard of her.


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