Six Republicans vote against investigating Russia for War Crimes

"Russia's call for investigations will be ignored."
That may be.
But there is little harm in laying a marker down.
Letting Russia know......that the world knows what they did.
Little harm in doing as complete a job of investigating what happened, who died, who killed 'em.
Think of it as a 'posterity' thingy. Good for good histories.
Who knows how that could be useful in the future.
Life is full of surprises.
That may be.
But there is little harm in laying a marker down.
Letting Russia know......that the world knows what they did.
That's being done extremely well for this war. It was practically non-existant for the Iraq war.
Little harm in doing as complete a job of investigating what happened, who died, who killed 'em.
Think of it as a 'posterity' thingy. Good for good histories.
Who knows how that could be useful in the future.
Life is full of surprises.
A big surprise is kept hidden. Russian soldiers will be nearly as brutal as American soldiers were in Iraq.

I say nearly because Russia has feelings for their enemy that could reduce some of the brutality. America's military hated darker skinned Iraqis and consdquently plowed thousands under the sands, that created the world's largest mass graves ever known!

Or with the Vietnam experience, America bombed hundreds of thousands of civilians both purposely and without a hint of an apology!

Can you or anyone blame America for fighting wars in which no limitations should apply?
So it’s acceptable to mass murder women and children to win a war. How fucked up is that?
War Is Between Entire Nations, Not Just Their Armies

What do you think our bombers did in World War II? Grow up and accept it. The losers in that war feel the same way you do.

We need a draft. That's the only way we can stop this self-justifying propaganda preached by pacifist weaklings from trickling down on us.
The Worthless Negro doesn't do a damn thing when Russia invades the Crimea. Just some silly reset bullshit and promises to kiss their ass more after he gets reelected.

Joe Potatohead gives Russia the go ahead to invade Ukraine and then prevents allies from sending fighter planes.

Crooked Hillary gets millions donated to her money laundering foundation after approving the sale of 20% of US uranium ore.

Hunter Biden gets multi million dollar payoff from Russia. Bag lady is the wife of the Mayor of Moscow.

Democrat Dirty Tricks Department hires Russia to create a fake dossier on Trump.
War Is Between Entire Nations, Not Just Their Armies

What do you think our bombers did in World War II? Grow up and accept it. The losers in that war feel the same way you do.

We need a draft. That's the only way we can stop this self-justifying propaganda preached by pacifist weaklings from trickling down on us.
Don't start sounding like you justify the crimes of war, just understand the facts and the reason for the propaganda.

And with this war, the reason why Russia could tolerate more US aggression.
It was Kennedy (The Real Anthony Fauci) who first warned us about intensified operations in world media by the CIA and MI6. It's not coincidence that Zelenskiy's tv-and-clown performances coincide with the stigmatization of Russia. The nazi-dem sewage slime now in the White House is a CIA puppet, not simply a catholic puppet. The other puppet is Zelenskiy, though the deception pivots at this point. Ukraine itself is the CIA $1,000-a-night-hooker in decadent, downtown Kiev, this agency having molested the country for the last 70 years. Though Zelenskiy's puppetmasters link to London cocaine.

"Zelenskiy is now completely under the control of British special forces. His guards are all British. If he says anything that the British do not tell him to, he will be destroyed on the spot. And he knows it. And Britain needs eternal war in Ukraine, eternal chaos, so that the Russian people on both sides kill each other for as long as possible."
(Anonymous internet poster)

These accelerated, dipshit moves by this nazi-dem administration mirrors the dipshit, accelerated moves by Ukraine to find the culprits of the Bucha massacre, and mimicking that acceleration, the UN General Assembly witch-hunt.
You haven’t thought this through. If Putin is found guilty of war crimes, than what about W and O who committed far worse?

This is why the US government has failed to recognize the authority of International Criminal Court.

No nation has committed greater crimes against humanity these last 30 years than the good old USA.
Right before Dubya invaded Iraq they passed the Bomb the Hague Act. The US is immune to war crimes.
Right before Dubya invaded Iraq they passed the Bomb the Hague Act. The US is immune to war crimes.
How convenient. The world’s greatest war criminal gets full immunity. Not good.
The House on Wednesday passed a bill that would direct President Biden to prepare a report on the government’s efforts to collect and examine evidence related to war crimes and other atrocities committed during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.....

GOP Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Warren Davidson (Ohio), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Scott Perry (Pa.) all opposed the bill.

This is the heart of the new GOP folks. Covering up war crimes for Putin and Russian troops. Yeah, we know where their loyalties lay.
Lets assume that we do the investigation (not sure how in the middle of a hot war but lets just assume) and we find that Putin is guilty of every human rights violation and war atrocity known to man. Then what? How does focusing on this now change anything or help anyone?

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