Six States Now Under Democrat Control

Don't worry. The commie media propagandists will only hype the predominantly white leftist neighborhoods and report how things are going great under democrat policies and they will of course blame racist white republican capitalism for the tent cities that they want to create.
And trumph already admitted he's going to blame dems when he goes down in flames
Don't worry. The commie media propagandists will only hype the predominantly white leftist neighborhoods and report how things are going great under democrat policies and they will of course blame racist white republican capitalism for the tent cities that they want to create.
You really are transfixed on being homeless. Are you not doing well financially? San Francisco is a great looking city as is New York or Chicago or Pittsburgh. As for predominantly white neighborhoods there really isn't any of them anymore.
Don't worry. The commie media propagandists will only hype the predominantly white leftist neighborhoods and report how things are going great under democrat policies and they will of course blame racist white republican capitalism for the tent cities that they want to create.
And trumph already admitted he's going to blame dems when he goes down in flames
The crime syndicate ,that passes as this administration and Mueller isn't sitting on his hands


nothing funnier than sore losers

Do you need a tissue?

Nothing of consequence was lost.

three states that Trump won, two of which were won by less than 1% total.

Trump's efficiency is unmatched.

Identified the correct states and put them to victory by as little as possible. It never cases to amaze me how the God-Emperor just wins and wins even more.


nothing funnier than sore losers

Do you need a tissue?

Nothing of consequence was lost.
Think trump lost his shit exploding at the media He knows they're coming for his dirty butt ,,,and his sons too
Billy soon you'll be claiming to be an independent again
Don't worry. The commie media propagandists will only hype the predominantly white leftist neighborhoods and report how things are going great under democrat policies and they will of course blame racist white republican capitalism for the tent cities that they want to create.
You really are transfixed on being homeless. Are you not doing well financially? San Francisco is a great looking city

Yeah, if you're a crackhead, heroin user or coprophiliac.


nothing funnier than sore losers

Do you need a tissue?

Nothing of consequence was lost.
Think trump lost his shit exploding at the media He knows they're coming for his dirty butt ,,,and his sons too
Billy soon you'll be claiming to be an independent again

I am. It's not my fault that the Democrats went Communist and have nothing to offer.

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