Six Straight years of GOP Power. Let's list their accomplishments:

They passed Ted Kennedy's NCLB bill.

Unfunded mandate to the states. Conservatives used to rail against those, back when they had integrity.
Check your premise.


Umm....back when they presented an air of integrity?
Republicans blew it that's why they were voted out. But then the democrats blew it even worse so now republicans have been giving another chance.

And I have no doubt they will blow it again because neither party has the guts to cut spending.

How did democrats blow? Because they didn't fix WHAT WAS ALMOST A GREAT DEPRESSION, IN TWO YEARS?
Six years of failure, its true, what have we accomplished, we have the greatest president the world will ever know, we destroyed all the great things Bill Clinton and the Democrats have done for us.

Hell, look what the Democrats have done for Detroit.

What does any politician do for me, Do I see industry expanding so that immigrants have good jobs to start lives for their families, nope, at best we use them to cut our lawns, thats here in California where I live, you know what else the liberals do in California, they buy all the water in Carmel California so that nobody that cuts their lawn can live near them. They keep everything pristine, inollegal aliens are allowed to live with the rich democrats of California but they do get to clean their houses, they can clean their cars, they cant build the cars, they can clean them.

Nice liberals.

Hmm, you lost me haha. It was hard to read is all, at least for me.

I lived in cali for 22 years, now that I'm gone I can really see what a shit hole it is.

Is it still true more people leave Cali every year than go to it? Interesting thought if they added illegals into the numbers coming in... They probably didn't but just think about it, more citizens leave every year than go into cali, and either way you look at it illegals don't close the gap from the net loss.
Republicans blew it that's why they were voted out. But then the democrats blew it even worse so now republicans have been giving another chance.

And I have no doubt they will blow it again because neither party has the guts to cut spending.

How did democrats blow it? Because they didn't fix WHAT WAS ALMOST A GREAT DEPRESSION, IN TWO YEARS?

Don't you think that the expectations placed upon Obama were a little excessive, even now? Nobody, I don't' care who you are, can fix a the economic disaster that happened in two years. We are lucky we didn't go into a depression that lasted ten years. This was beyond partisan politics. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO WAS IN OFFICE, THERE WAS GOING TO BE PAIN FOR A LONG TIME. That Republicans are that arrogant that they think they would have been able to solve the economic downturn COMPLETELY, and restore the economy to the pre-collapse state, is a very puzzling to me, and in my opinion, quite delusional.

This impatience with Obama in his tremendous effort to fix this country, when all anybody is doing is rejecting him and trying to demonize ALL of his efforts to this country, is shameful, because he is the President of our country, who was voted in fairly by the people. More importantly, it is this lack of willingness to give him an inch that has create such stagnancy politically, and disallowed him to fix things, because it is not being fixed in the way republicans want it to be fixed, because they honestly believe that Obama is a socialist, completely forgetting that the severity of the economic downturn was so great, that it threatened the way we live. It's not Obama who threatens the way we live, it was the near-depression that would have changed everything, and taken away real freedom from everybody because no one would have any money to make any real choices. We gave Bush a chance, but he fucked up, over and over again. You people never gave Obama a chance. I think that is unpatriotic of republicans, and hypocritical, because they have been the ones to preach patriotism with judgement and in self-righteous fervor to the rest of us these past few years.
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Six years of failure, its true, what have we accomplished, we have the greatest president the world will ever know, we destroyed all the great things Bill Clinton and the Democrats have done for us.

Hell, look what the Democrats have done for Detroit.

What does any politician do for me, Do I see industry expanding so that immigrants have good jobs to start lives for their families, nope, at best we use them to cut our lawns, thats here in California where I live, you know what else the liberals do in California, they buy all the water in Carmel California so that nobody that cuts their lawn can live near them. They keep everything pristine, inollegal aliens are allowed to live with the rich democrats of California but they do get to clean their houses, they can clean their cars, they cant build the cars, they can clean them.

Nice liberals.

Hmm, you lost me haha. It was hard to read is all, at least for me.

I lived in cali for 22 years, now that I'm gone I can really see what a shit hole it is.

Is it still true more people leave Cali every year than go to it? Interesting thought if they added illegals into the numbers coming in... They probably didn't but just think about it, more citizens leave every year than go into cali, and either way you look at it illegals don't close the gap from the net loss.

How could they ever close the gap? They don't pay income tax and they are not consumers, besides staples and the basics. They aren't buying health insurance and may not be buying auto insurance. So they are big economic risks, however you look at them. The ones who join gangs, willingly or by coercion, are criminal risks.

If we are not going to round up illegal families and drive them back over the border (which we're not), then get them registered for an opportunity down the road to a path to citizenship and start making them pay taxes, buy insurance, and some of the other costs of living in a democratic society.
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Republicans blew it that's why they were voted out. But then the democrats blew it even worse so now republicans have been giving another chance.

And I have no doubt they will blow it again because neither party has the guts to cut spending.

How did democrats blow it? Because they didn't fix WHAT WAS ALMOST A GREAT DEPRESSION, IN TWO YEARS?

Don't you think that the expectations placed upon Obama were a little excessive, even now? Nobody, I don't' care who you are, can fix a the economic disaster that happened in two years. We are lucky we didn't go into a depression that lasted ten years. This was beyond partisan politics. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO WAS IN OFFICE, THERE WAS GOING TO BE PAIN FOR A LONG TIME. That Republicans are that arrogant that they think they would have been able to solve the economic downturn COMPLETELY, and restore the economy to the pre-collapse state, is a very puzzling to me, and in my opinion, quite delusional.

This impatience with Obama in his tremendous effort to fix this country, when all anybody is doing is rejecting him and trying to demonize ALL of his efforts to this country, is shameful, because he is the President of our country, who was voted in fairly by the people. More importantly, it is this lack of willingness to give him an inch that has create such stagnancy politically, and disallowed him to fix things, because it is not being fixed in the way republicans want it to be fixed, because they honestly believe that Obama is a socialist, completely forgetting that the severity of the economic downturn was so great, that it threatened the way we live. It's not Obama who threatens the way we live, it was the near-depression that would have changed everything, and taken away real freedom from everybody because no one would have any money to make any real choices. We gave Bush a chance, but he fucked up, over and over again. You people never gave Obama a chance. I think that is unpatriotic of republicans, and hypocritical, because they have been the ones to preach patriotism with judgement and in self-righteous fervor to the rest of us these past few years.

Two years is all it took, where was Obama, was he weak without power, what was Obama doing, he was in office, he was a senator.

Obama could of stopped everything but chooses not to do a thing.

Senators are there to protect us from the president and the judicial, why did congress do nothing.
Can someone help me out here?

Republicans controlled both houses and the Presidency for six straight years. Even during the last two years of the Bush administration, the Senate was 49 to 49 with two independents.

First, what did Republicans accomplish during that time? With all that power and control?

Second, what is it they expect to accomplish now by controlling the house? Will it be to continue on the same course or will there be something different?
They passed Ted Kennedy's NCLB bill.

They stole and passed Medicare D.

They passed massively bloated transportation and ag spending bills.

They passed extension after extension after extension of unemployment handouts.

They created an entirely new cabinet-level bureaucracy --Department of Fatherland Security-- and did a hostile takeover of airport "security".

If a president and congress controlled by goobers with a (D) by their names had accrued such a list of "accomplishments", knuckle dragging mouth breathers like you would be proclaiming those years as a great success.

Are you sure you aren't talking about the democrats?:lol:
Did someone already say the Republicans changed the course of history in the Middle East.

There is nothing to be proud about saying you sat on the couch or marched in the streets while Saddam tortured, murdered and used chemical weapons on women and children.

No shame for nothing, Liberal.
Can someone help me out here?

Republicans controlled both houses and the Presidency for six straight years. Even during the last two years of the Bush administration, the Senate was 49 to 49 with two independents.

First, what did Republicans accomplish during that time? With all that power and control?

Second, what is it they expect to accomplish now by controlling the house? Will it be to continue on the same course or will there be something different?

The Republicans did not control the Senate for 2 years during Bush's first term. But then you would need to actually be intelligent to know that.
I have an accomplishment!

The GOP winning made rdean cry and make this thread! AW! Poor baby! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Why should we accept the premise and justify ourselves TO YOU? YOU LOST!

It's YOU that needs to justify yourself to US!

Let's list Democrap accomplishments.

Alienating everyone but a kook fringe of the population.

Turning off those "sacred" independents

Spending us into oblivion.

Losing in a landslide election (as a result) that hasn't happened in 60 years!

And liberals are so damn arrogant they think that means WE have to justify ourselves to them??????

Only liberals would be this arrogant!

Don't fall for this conservatives! Don't give them the satisfaction. It's THEY that will have to justify themselves if their party EVER HOPES to win an election again.

Oh sure the Tea Party is going to have their work cut out for them making sure those wobbly kneed Rinos remember their place, but we have already established that "place" for liberals. LOSER!

I have a video for you libs! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


He is wearing "red" and "looking for his wealth", every other word is a swear word, he has no education and is obviously delusional. This guy has got to be a "Republican". In fact, I bet he's a "teabagger".

Thank you for proving how bigoted and stereotypical is your thinking. I only included him to show what a sore loser looks like.

Where did I say bet?

But as usual with a liberal he can't restrain himself from expressing his closed point of view.

Considering YOU are demanding the GOP that won justify themselves, I think it's pretty obvious who's delusional.


He is wearing "red" and "looking for his wealth", every other word is a swear word, he has no education and is obviously delusional. This guy has got to be a "Republican". In fact, I bet he's a "teabagger".

I'll take that bet.

Can you prove he is part of the TPM?


Figures, I win!

Oh and what do you know, you're full of shit and were wrong about something else...

Hey Rtard, how did you like getting Tbagged this election?

Let's hope it's not the country that got "tea bagged".

Yeah well calling most of the country stupid, tea baggers, and other names sure worked at getting your side defeated.

So, why not double down on the same losing strategy?

After all, 2012 is coming, too! :D

i am still waiting Dean for you to show us some LINKS proving your do remember these little tidbits....right?.....and i dont want a link from the Christian Right or some lunatic in Texas......just regular old Republicans......

Quote from Dean......
You mean the place Republicans want to turn into a "white Iran"? Only Christian?

Kill the gays.

Get rid of the Hispanics.

Mandatory religion.

Get rid of science.

No women's rights.

Another wingnut who can't list any republican accomplishments :lol:

Sangha all you are is Deans ballsack that he uses to carry his nuts around.....i thought Dean made the Left look bad.....Geezus you even make Dean look good....and if i am a "WINGNUT" come i am on record here many a time saying how fucked the Republicans why dont you go over to Deans and rub his sure its your turn tonight.....while your at it....dig the shit out from under his toenails....and dont forget to crack his toe knuckles.....

Hairy, you are so dishonest.

You don't want a "link" from some "lunatic" in Texas? How is the Republican Party Platform from the State of Texas, "some lunatic"? And where did the link come from? It was to a PDF of the Republican Party Platform from the State of Texas. It's hilarious. You asked for a link, I gave you one, you didn't like what it said. Don't complain to me, talk to the Republican Party, it's their platform. And the "State of Texas" IS mainstream, to Republicans. It's one of their major strongholds.

Come on Hairy, "man up". Quit whining about the Republican Party. It's just the way they are.
Another wingnut who can't list any republican accomplishments :lol:

Sangha all you are is Deans ballsack that he uses to carry his nuts around.....i thought Dean made the Left look bad.....Geezus you even make Dean look good....and if i am a "WINGNUT" come i am on record here many a time saying how fucked the Republicans why dont you go over to Deans and rub his sure its your turn tonight.....while your at it....dig the shit out from under his toenails....and dont forget to crack his toe knuckles.....

Oh, wow, for a second, I thought you broke your streak and said something clever. But upon further review, turns out I was mistaken. Sorry.

you would not know clever if it bit you on your leftist ass that is something you are the Master at...
One thing the republicans did that was good for my business was high oil and gas prices. Royalties went up as well as drilling increased with new leases purchased. The business was steady here in Louisiana. We prospered and filled up the general fund.
Hairy, you are so dishonest.

You don't want a "link" from some "lunatic" in Texas? How is the Republican Party Platform from the State of Texas, "some lunatic"? And where did the link come from? It was to a PDF of the Republican Party Platform from the State of Texas. It's hilarious. You asked for a link, I gave you one, you didn't like what it said. Don't complain to me, talk to the Republican Party, it's their platform. And the "State of Texas" IS mainstream, to Republicans. It's one of their major strongholds.

Come on Hairy, "man up". Quit whining about the Republican Party. It's just the way they are.

im dishonest?....but your not?....Dean you cant even admit when asked, to say that not ALL Republicans believe the bullshit you say they do....your reply is....well because the TEXAS Republican party platform is such and such....EVERY fucking Republican in the Country must agree with i guess by your logic, i can safely assume,that you Dean,go along with ANYTHING the Democrats propose,no matter how ridiculas and pathetic it might be.....because your a Democrat,you must go along with it .....right?.....
Six years of failure, its true, what have we accomplished, we have the greatest president the world will ever know, we destroyed all the great things Bill Clinton and the Democrats have done for us.

Hell, look what the Democrats have done for Detroit.

What does any politician do for me, Do I see industry expanding so that immigrants have good jobs to start lives for their families, nope, at best we use them to cut our lawns, thats here in California where I live, you know what else the liberals do in California, they buy all the water in Carmel California so that nobody that cuts their lawn can live near them. They keep everything pristine, inollegal aliens are allowed to live with the rich democrats of California but they do get to clean their houses, they can clean their cars, they cant build the cars, they can clean them.

Nice liberals.

Hmm, you lost me haha. It was hard to read is all, at least for me.

I lived in cali for 22 years, now that I'm gone I can really see what a shit hole it is.

Is it still true more people leave Cali every year than go to it? Interesting thought if they added illegals into the numbers coming in... They probably didn't but just think about it, more citizens leave every year than go into cali, and either way you look at it illegals don't close the gap from the net loss.

How could they ever close the gap? They don't pay income tax and they are not consumers, besides staples and the basics. They aren't buying health insurance and may not be buying auto insurance. So they are big economic risks, however you look at them. The ones who join gangs, willingly or by coercion, are criminal risks.

If we are not going to round up illegal families and drive them back over the border (which we're not), then get them registered for an opportunity down the road to a path to citizenship and start making them pay taxes, buy insurance, and some of the other costs of living in a democratic society.

That simply won't work.

Over time they would bring family over and you would have MILLIONS that are right near SS age that have never paid into it. Making them citizens would still be a huge hit to our nation. The only real answer as I see it is to crack down on people that employe them, and kick their kids out of the school.
Hairy, you are so dishonest.

You don't want a "link" from some "lunatic" in Texas? How is the Republican Party Platform from the State of Texas, "some lunatic"? And where did the link come from? It was to a PDF of the Republican Party Platform from the State of Texas. It's hilarious. You asked for a link, I gave you one, you didn't like what it said. Don't complain to me, talk to the Republican Party, it's their platform. And the "State of Texas" IS mainstream, to Republicans. It's one of their major strongholds.

Come on Hairy, "man up". Quit whining about the Republican Party. It's just the way they are.

im dishonest?....but your not?....Dean you cant even admit when asked, to say that not ALL Republicans believe the bullshit you say they do....your reply is....well because the TEXAS Republican party platform is such and such....EVERY fucking Republican in the Country must agree with i guess by your logic, i can safely assume,that you Dean,go along with ANYTHING the Democrats propose,no matter how ridiculas and pathetic it might be.....because your a Democrat,you must go along with it .....right?.....

Once again, Hairy is dishonest.

Even though I NEVER said ALL Republicans agree with the Republican Platform in Texas or the Republican Platform in Maine (freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion), I couldn't find any Republicans complaining about those states Republican Party Platforms or the Republican Party Platforms from other states who make similar statements.

So you get Hairy complaining that statewide Republican Party Platforms are NOT mainstream. Hmmm, Hairy, perhaps you are in the wrong party?
One thing the republicans did that was good for my business was high oil and gas prices. Royalties went up as well as drilling increased with new leases purchased. The business was steady here in Louisiana. We prospered and filled up the general fund.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 — Four government auditors who monitor leases for oil and gas on federal property say the Interior Department suppressed their efforts to recover millions of dollars from companies they said were cheating the government.

The auditors contend that they were blocked by their bosses from pursuing more than $30 million in fraudulent underpayments of royalties for oil produced in publicly owned waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

The lawsuits have surfaced as Democrats and Republicans alike are questioning the Bush administration’s willingness to challenge the oil and gas industry.


Add in the subsidies, and I wonder if the oil companies were basically being given leases for "free"? Being ripped off may seem like good business, but in the long run, it's damaging.

What happens when you give corporations too much trust. When the Supreme Court made corporations "citizens", they insured this kind of thing would continue to happen. Remember, corporations are in it for "profit", not for the "good" of the country.
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Hmm, you lost me haha. It was hard to read is all, at least for me.

I lived in cali for 22 years, now that I'm gone I can really see what a shit hole it is.

Is it still true more people leave Cali every year than go to it? Interesting thought if they added illegals into the numbers coming in... They probably didn't but just think about it, more citizens leave every year than go into cali, and either way you look at it illegals don't close the gap from the net loss.

How could they ever close the gap? They don't pay income tax and they are not consumers, besides staples and the basics. They aren't buying health insurance and may not be buying auto insurance. So they are big economic risks, however you look at them. The ones who join gangs, willingly or by coercion, are criminal risks.

If we are not going to round up illegal families and drive them back over the border (which we're not), then get them registered for an opportunity down the road to a path to citizenship and start making them pay taxes, buy insurance, and some of the other costs of living in a democratic society.

That simply won't work.

Over time they would bring family over and you would have MILLIONS that are right near SS age that have never paid into it. Making them citizens would still be a huge hit to our nation. The only real answer as I see it is to crack down on people that employe them, and kick their kids out of the school.

Reagan did this back in the 80's it was supposed to be a one time deal for 1.6 million illegals. And now we are back to the same all Bullshit.. If we give amensty to 20 million this time it will not stop there.
Two options
open the borders and lose our sovernty
close the borders stop the maddness and kick all illegals out of the country.

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