Six Tunnels Between Gaza and Israel Have Collapsed in Recent Months

I think this is funny as hail!

Terrorists are whining about their fear of entering tunnels designed to infiltrate Israel and kill Jews because they could collapse and kill THEM, preventing them from successfully completing their mission....

What's the issue here?

They should be afraid of entering the tunnels because they are booby-trapped or a penetrating bomb might be dropped through the ground and into the tunnel! If Israel has figured out a way to locate these tunnels and destroy them, making it seem like a natural disaster / issue, then God bless 'em and congratulations!

Once again Palestinians self destruct in their efforts to kill Israeli's. Well done Hamas & PA. Keep up the good work to help Israel.
Awww... Don't you see the tears?
Gaza will end up in a sink hole

I suspect it won't. Gaza is very close to the ocean so the water table is fairly stable. The geology isn't conducive to sink holes.

Which are common in areas where water is being pumped out and not given time to return through natural causes.

Egypt likely stabilized the water table even more by flooding the Gaza border area tunnels and Israel is likely planning the same operation along its border with Gaza. I'd stump for a mote on the Gaza side but the geology isn't conducive to a moat along much of the fences rout. Too bad eh, it would be most effective.

I'm not sure how Israel plans on flooding the tunnels but I know its in the works. As are a few other surprises ;--)
Is it the heavy rains as claimed by both Hamas and Israel? Or has Israel developed some new methods for detection and destruction of the tunnels?

Hamas Operatives Fear Entering Tunnels.

A mixture of water and air pumped at high pressure into the ground will weaken the grounds ability to keep stable, this is what happens in quicksand and bogs. So drilling deep into the ground at intervals and pumping sea water under pressure into the ground would cause the tunnels to collapse. You don't need much water, and it has been perfected by companies that frack for natural gas.
I'm sure there are many others........ :thup:

Not for long as the Palestinians are running out of children to dig them. The only way hamas can make sure there are no secrets told is to kill the children after 6 months work. Typical islamonazi bloodthirsty actions
I think this is funny as hail!

Terrorists are whining about their fear of entering tunnels designed to infiltrate Israel and kill Jews because they could collapse and kill THEM, preventing them from successfully completing their mission....

What's the issue here?
That you're a brain dead idiot with no clue as to what he's talking about.

They should be afraid of entering the tunnels because they are booby-trapped or a penetrating bomb might be dropped through the ground and into the tunnel! If Israel has figured out a way to locate these tunnels and destroy them, making it seem like a natural disaster / issue, then God bless 'em and congratulations!

There were no tunnels built under Israel.
Is it the heavy rains as claimed by both Hamas and Israel? Or has Israel developed some new methods for detection and destruction of the tunnels?

Hamas Operatives Fear Entering Tunnels.
Nowhere in that article do they say tunnels were built under Israel.

Do you even know where Khan Younis is in gaza. But this might be what you failed to read

"Hamas operatives have seen Israeli activities near the border fence against tunnels and fear they are connected to the tunnel collapses. Some of the activists have even spoken of the methods Israel is supposedly using to cause the collapses."
The UN says there are not and the article in the OP doesn't say it.

Why should I believe something that hasn't been proven?

Um. Except the UN report does acknowledge the existence of the tunnels, but not their purpose.

The United Nations Human Rights Council report on the 50-day Gaza conflict said there was no indication Hamas’s cross-border tunnels were constructed to attack Israeli civilians, since the terror group exclusively targeted “legitimate” Israel Defense Forces positions during the summer war. Source.

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