Skyrocketing College Costs Tied To Democrats,Yet Students Voted For Obama & Liberals.

I am not referring to every single college. I was looking at the overall rise of college education that went up much faster than wages. Why can't colleges keep their costs in line with the cost of living? And now Obama wants control of all student loans? Sound more like a money laundering scam if the Dem's want take over the program. I know that college costs went up during the Bush years, but I don't Recall Bush giving orders for all colleges to jack their tuition up 20% every year!
I want you to prove to me how Obama and Dems are responsible for the rising cost of higher education. That is what this thread is about, right? I see that the OP is now changing the subject to talk about OWS, but how about a little integrity? Where is your proof?

I never made that claim. Post where I had. However the money is only going in one direction, or is there suddenly a new cost?

You didn't specifically say it, but you did imply it, right here. And you posted it in a thread that is blaming the high cost of education on liberals. It wasn't too hard to figure out what you meant.

Where is the money going? It isnt the banks is what I am implying.

That goes back to the smart ass comments of something being correct.
I never made that claim. Post where I had. However the money is only going in one direction, or is there suddenly a new cost?

You didn't specifically say it, but you did imply it, right here. And you posted it in a thread that is blaming the high cost of education on liberals. It wasn't too hard to figure out what you meant.

Where is the money going? It isnt the banks is what I am implying.

That goes back to the smart ass comments of something being correct.

You constantly blame Dems for everything. Am I now supposed to believe that when you ask where the money's gone, you're talking about the GOP? Obviously, you were referring to Dems. So, where is your proof?
this has nothing to do with Bush. I am referring to the current situation whereas Many colleges are run by liberals, teach students their beliefs, Obama wants control of student loans, was too lazy to make a separate bill of it, instead he snuck it into the health-care bill. That's how Libs work? sneak it into a 2000 or so page bill and make sure no one sees it? just sign the bill now and ask questions later !!!
You didn't specifically say it, but you did imply it, right here. And you posted it in a thread that is blaming the high cost of education on liberals. It wasn't too hard to figure out what you meant.

Where is the money going? It isnt the banks is what I am implying.

That goes back to the smart ass comments of something being correct.

You constantly blame Dems for everything. Am I now supposed to believe that when you ask where the money's gone, you're talking about the GOP? Obviously, you were referring to Dems. So, where is your proof?

Which side is credited with having the most instructors in education?

Does this need further explanation?
Where is the money going? It isnt the banks is what I am implying.

That goes back to the smart ass comments of something being correct.

You constantly blame Dems for everything. Am I now supposed to believe that when you ask where the money's gone, you're talking about the GOP? Obviously, you were referring to Dems. So, where is your proof?

Which side is credited with having the most instructors in education?

Does this need further explanation?

Yes it does. Explain to me how liberal instructors are to blame for the rising cost of higher education (now that you're finally admitting that you were in fact referring to liberals with your criticism).
You know, if it costs 100,000 to go to college, may as well stay home, study whatever field you want to get into and two to four years later, pursue your dreams. Better than being $100G in debt and can't find a job in this Obama World.
There was an admission that Obama took the banks out of the student loan business.

Now tuition costs are rising and we're lengthening the life of these loans.

The dots aren't that hard to connect

what next? will Obama want to take over the Plumbing Business? will Meechelle advise all Americans how many sheets of Charmin we will be allowed to wipe ourselves with? Will Obama start charging every household $2.00 to flush our toilets? Each Flush?
There was an admission that Obama took the banks out of the student loan business.

Now tuition costs are rising and we're lengthening the life of these loans.

The dots aren't that hard to connect


So, higher tuition is the fault of Obama's because he took banks out of the student loan business? How about you connect those dots for me. That is complete BS.
You constantly blame Dems for everything. Am I now supposed to believe that when you ask where the money's gone, you're talking about the GOP? Obviously, you were referring to Dems. So, where is your proof?

Which side is credited with having the most instructors in education?

Does this need further explanation?

Yes it does. Explain to me how liberal instructors are to blame for the rising cost of higher education (now that you're finally admitting that you were in fact referring to liberals with your criticism).

Oh brother. Is it that complicated for you? Do you even grasp politics role?

I dont know if a shallow mind could wade into this deep pool.

Stop your BS for 5 minutes and think how the salaries have increased at your local college.

Im my state there are always announcements when legislation of funding is passed.

You should pay attention. Think.... In my state ( you ) how are the colleges getting their funding.

I think you could actually answer much of your own question.
Costs doubled under Booosh and Private loans made it WORSE. Idiot.
You mean salaries doubled under Bush and the fucking left is still bitching.

Government is not supposed to be in business, they can regulate it.

No, costs doubled. And now colleges have as many administrators as professors. Must be greedy Pub administrators. AND greedy bank student loans. Idiot.
Pubs cut funding for Public AND private colleges. So the bloated rich could keep the lowest tax rates ever....A-holes and their ignorant dupes. Hoping for your recovery...
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Which side is credited with having the most instructors in education?

Does this need further explanation?

Yes it does. Explain to me how liberal instructors are to blame for the rising cost of higher education (now that you're finally admitting that you were in fact referring to liberals with your criticism).

Oh brother. Is it that complicated for you? Do you even grasp politics role?

I dont know if a shallow mind could wade into this deep pool.

Stop your BS for 5 minutes and think how the salaries have increased at your local college.

Im my state there are always announcements when legislation of funding is passed.

You should pay attention. Think.... In my state ( you ) how are the colleges getting their funding.

I think you could actually answer much of your own question.

In other words, you can't explain to me how Dems are to blame for high tuition. Thanks.
I can explain it:

Dumb ass left wing majors on college campuses, along with a huge push for more "diversity" in enrollment, have boosted not only enrollment, but available extra courses (aka, worthless degrees). So, a much larger demand for college and access to it through lowered standards created an imbalance in supply/demand. As demand went up, supply of courses expanded to boost "diversity". And of course, the gov't never saw a tax/rate/tuition increase it didn't like.

So if gov't cut funding (aka, stop forcing tax payers to pay for useless college programs) the colleges had a choice:

- Slash course offerings
- Increase tuition.

So rather than cut critical courses like "Diversity in the Workplace" or "Multiculturalism Studies", and just focus on math, science, etc, they instead raised tuition.

So we have thousands of left wing professors keeping a cozy tenured job, teaching WORTHLESS courses in WORTHLESS majors that produce dumb, brainwahsed IN DEBT graduates who possess WORTHLESS degrees.

Then blame you and me, and the rich, for signing up for such a fucking scam that is called a Liberal Arts College.

The loans were NOT forced upon them. They saw the amount. They took it. Did they research the chances of getting a job with a degree in "Social Equality" or "Ethnic Studies" that would cover a $75,000 debt? Of course not.

College is not a RIGHT. It's an investment. You predict if your money down will bring you more money over the long run. Millions of morons obviously made a bad investment, smoked weed and slept with loose women for 5 years, now want US to pay for their bad choice.

Sorry, they can fuck off.


This story has been on Fox News lately. Why have college costs gone up so fast in such a short time? Could it be that most of the funding is overseen by Democrats & Liberals? And where is all the money going? :dunno:

All these students who voted for Obama assuming life will be lolly-pops and sunshine had no clue of how Democrats run their show. Now as we learn more and more of what is going on with the cronies of the Obama Administration {handing out billions to Solar Energy Firms} and then seeing the Billions gone down the toilet. :oops:

Let's all hope the next generation of College Students find out what is really going on with Democrats/Liberals and how they manage/aka/steal our money, line their pockets with it while we all suffer! and yet they expect us to buy health-care when millions of Americans are already in dire straights. :eusa_boohoo:

Because Republicans want to end education all together. Think of the money we could save.


This story has been on Fox News lately. Why have college costs gone up so fast in such a short time? Could it be that most of the funding is overseen by Democrats & Liberals? And where is all the money going? :dunno:

All these students who voted for Obama assuming life will be lolly-pops and sunshine had no clue of how Democrats run their show. Now as we learn more and more of what is going on with the cronies of the Obama Administration {handing out billions to Solar Energy Firms} and then seeing the Billions gone down the toilet. :oops:

Let's all hope the next generation of College Students find out what is really going on with Democrats/Liberals and how they manage/aka/steal our money, line their pockets with it while we all suffer! and yet they expect us to buy health-care when millions of Americans are already in dire straights. :eusa_boohoo:

Because Republicans want to end education all together. Think of the money we could save.

We dont want to end education. I just want to stop funding college adventures for dumbasses who want to major in worthless degrees. Science? Math? Sure. Diversity Studies? GTFO of here.

"Education" can also be found by taking an entry level job, learning the trade, learning work ethic and management skills, and working your way to success through the ladder.

"Education" doesn't only come sitting in front of a hippie with a pony tail chewing granola telling me how horrible the US is. It can be found in countless aspects of human life, not just a classroom.
I can explain it:

Dumb ass left wing majors on college campuses, along with a huge push for more "diversity" in enrollment, have boosted not only enrollment, but available extra courses (aka, worthless degrees). So, a much larger demand for college and access to it through lowered standards created an imbalance in supply/demand. As demand went up, supply of courses expanded to boost "diversity". And of course, the gov't never saw a tax/rate/tuition increase it didn't like.

So if gov't cut funding (aka, stop forcing tax payers to pay for useless college programs) the colleges had a choice:

- Slash course offerings
- Increase tuition.

So rather than cut critical courses like "Diversity in the Workplace" or "Multiculturalism Studies", and just focus on math, science, etc, they instead raised tuition.

So we have thousands of left wing professors keeping a cozy tenured job, teaching WORTHLESS courses in WORTHLESS majors that produce dumb, brainwahsed IN DEBT graduates who possess WORTHLESS degrees.

Then blame you and me, and the rich, for signing up for such a fucking scam that is called a Liberal Arts College.

So now the students and their silly liberal degrees are to blame? Interesting. :cuckoo:


This story has been on Fox News lately. Why have college costs gone up so fast in such a short time? Could it be that most of the funding is overseen by Democrats & Liberals? And where is all the money going? :dunno:

All these students who voted for Obama assuming life will be lolly-pops and sunshine had no clue of how Democrats run their show. Now as we learn more and more of what is going on with the cronies of the Obama Administration {handing out billions to Solar Energy Firms} and then seeing the Billions gone down the toilet. :oops:

Let's all hope the next generation of College Students find out what is really going on with Democrats/Liberals and how they manage/aka/steal our money, line their pockets with it while we all suffer! and yet they expect us to buy health-care when millions of Americans are already in dire straights. :eusa_boohoo:

Because Republicans want to end education all together. Think of the money we could save.

We dont want to end education. I just want to stop funding college adventures for dumbasses who want to major in worthless degrees. Science? Math? Sure. Diversity Studies? GTFO of here.

"Education" can also be found by taking an entry level job, learning the trade, learning work ethic and management skills, and working your way to success through the ladder.

"Education" doesn't only come sitting in front of a hippie with a pony tail chewing granola telling me how horrible the US is. It can be found in countless aspects of human life, not just a classroom.

Republicans don't believe in science. You can't have it both ways.

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