Sleeping with pets

I sleep with 4 little chihuahuas. Which makes no need for heat and sometimes not even a blanket. They surround me with warmth and love and I adore them.

My cats have their own special bed in pink that they love because in the morning it's hit by the sun.

My turtles live in a pond although during chilly nights I bring them in and they sleep in a tank where it's warm.
I sleep with 4 little chihuahuas. Which makes no need for heat and sometimes not even a blanket. They surround me with warmth and love and I adore them.

My cats have their own special bed in pink that they love because in the morning it's hit by the sun.

My turtles live in a pond although during chilly nights I bring them in and they sleep in a tank where it's warm.
My chihuahua is cuter than any of your 4.
I know the OP was supposed to be comical, but I'm a jerk.

I've never understood why people wanted to sleep with an animal. My bed is for humans, not cats or dogs or any other animal.

Well, I'm from Alaska. Ever heard of a three-dog night? I sleep with four dogs in my bed every night. It's a big bed, there's room for all.

My only rule is they're not to get on the sheets or the nice quilt. I have spreads that I put over the bed and that's the part they're allowed on. I have several of these so I can swap them out frequently. Although I often wake up with my favorite Doberman laying right alongside me with her head on my pillow. Oh, well. : ) It causes me to smile, first thing in the morning. Not a bad way to start the day.

Ever since I started sleeping with dogs, I sleep like a log. I know they will alert me if anything is amiss.
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I know the OP was supposed to be comical, but I'm a jerk.

I've never understood why people wanted to sleep with an animal. My bed is for humans, not cats or dogs or any other animal.

I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

Actually, I think she's talking about her cat. She keeps her cat in a crate at night. Good grief, I 've never heard of such nonsense. if the cat bothers you so much, why have it?

I know a couple of my cats get up on the kitchen counter. Therefore, I never lay food or utensils directly on the counter, I always use a plate or a sheet of waxed paper to prepare food on. I also sanitize my counters frequently, so they're probably cleaner than they would be if I didn't have a cat.

Yeah, I agree with you, about the dogs in crates. It would be particularly stupid in my case, as I have two Dobermans. Yeah, get Dobermans and then keep them in a box. Really bright. The home invaders would get a kick out of it.
I sleep with 4 little chihuahuas. Which makes no need for heat and sometimes not even a blanket. They surround me with warmth and love and I adore them.

My cats have their own special bed in pink that they love because in the morning it's hit by the sun.

My turtles live in a pond although during chilly nights I bring them in and they sleep in a tank where it's warm.

I sleep with two minpins and two Dobermans. The Chinese Sharpei sleeps on a mat by the bed. She's just too nasty to bring on the bed. Nasty, smelly breed of dog. I didn't choose her, I rescued her, would never choose to have a Sharpei again. I try to make sure she doesn't know I feel this way about her, it's not her fault. But I digress.

Amazing how much heat dogs put out. They're like space heaters, even the little bitty ones. : )
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I know the OP was supposed to be comical, but I'm a jerk.

I've never understood why people wanted to sleep with an animal. My bed is for humans, not cats or dogs or any other animal.

I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

I would like to comment that I have six litter boxes in my home and my home does not smell like litter or cat urine and feces. But that's because I clean those boxes out every single day, and sweep and clean the floor around them. Every single day without fail. And I'm lucky that I have a nice private area to keep them, they're not in the middle of everything.

It's not the cat boxes that are skanky, it's the cat owners who don't do a good job of keeping the cat boxes clean.
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They are in bed with me when I first lay down...then wait til I doze off and then they head off to dad's bed and join him there. All 3 of them..and the cat.
I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

Actually, I think she's talking about her cat. She keeps her cat in a crate at night. Good grief, I 've never heard of such nonsense. if the cat bothers you so much, why have it?

I know a couple of my cats get up on the kitchen counter. Therefore, I never lay food or utensils directly on the counter, I always use a plate or a sheet of waxed paper to prepare food on. I also sanitize my counters frequently, so they're probably cleaner than they would be if I didn't have a cat.

Yeah, I agree with you, about the dogs in crates. It would be particularly stupid in my case, as I have two Dobermans. Yeah, get Dobermans and then keep them in a box. Really bright. The home invaders would get a kick out of it.

I love Dobies!
I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

Actually, I think she's talking about her cat. She keeps her cat in a crate at night. Good grief, I 've never heard of such nonsense. if the cat bothers you so much, why have it?

I know a couple of my cats get up on the kitchen counter. Therefore, I never lay food or utensils directly on the counter, I always use a plate or a sheet of waxed paper to prepare food on. I also sanitize my counters frequently, so they're probably cleaner than they would be if I didn't have a cat.

Yeah, I agree with you, about the dogs in crates. It would be particularly stupid in my case, as I have two Dobermans. Yeah, get Dobermans and then keep them in a box. Really bright. The home invaders would get a kick out of it.

Well, I hope so.

I wasn't implying that AquaAthena put her butthole on the kitchen counter.

But, you never know!
I know the OP was supposed to be comical, but I'm a jerk.

I've never understood why people wanted to sleep with an animal. My bed is for humans, not cats or dogs or any other animal.

I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

Naaa, you've got it all wrong,,well at least in my case with my 21 year old cat and our adopted dog.
My cat has never jumped up on the counter tops (OK, not when my wife or I are there).
Two, the dog we adopted is deaf and also has only barked five times (single bark) in the six years we have had him since we rescued him from the shelter. As a matter of fact, if someone broke into our house, the dog (Bud) would greet him/her with a wagging tail!
The cat (Psycho Syd ) is the aggressive one. Once she had a plumber cornered in the bathroom. He called me at my office and I had to run home to save the guy!! :razz: True story. Syd isn't that psycho, just really protective. Syd, like Bud is great around kids though.
I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

Naaa, you've got it all wrong,,well at least in my case with my 21 year old cat and our adopted dog.
My cat has never jumped up on the counter tops (OK, not when my wife or I are there).
Two, the dog we adopted is deaf and also has only barked five times (single bark) in the six years we have had him since we rescued him from the shelter. As a matter of fact, if someone broke into our house, the dog (Bud) would greet him/her with a wagging tail!
The cat (Psycho Syd ) is the aggressive one. Once she had a plumber cornered in the bathroom. He called me at my office and I had to run home to save the guy!! :razz: True story. Syd isn't that psycho, just really protective. Syd, like Bud is great around kids though.
Oh, I've known some hellcats in my time! ;)
The Samoyed people of Siberia for many thousands of years brought their dogs into their nomadic huts at night to keep their children warm and protect them against predators that might happen by. A small group of these courageous dogs could drive off a huge polar bear if needed. They treasured the intelligent, loyal, sturdy dogs that they shared their fate with in an often hostile environment.

So, jumping on the bed? Yeah, I think they've earned it.
I feel the same way. I don't want pet hairs, or debris in my bed with me. My girl has her own large and high quarters in a black wired crate, sized for a small dog. She has her bedding in one quarter of it, her water in another quarter and room to walk if she feels like it. When it is bedtime, I lift the top half of her litter pan and gently say a few times, "go potty honey, go potty" and she hops right in, and does her thing, hops out and I coax her into her crate. ( or crib as I call it lol )

Cats are nocturnal, also, and since I don't want her walking and tracking litter all over the stove, cabinets and refrig. during the night, I keep her contained and all is well and she is one happy girl, and I don't worry if I am spreading jelly on toast that is laying in cat hair or litter that I don't notice.

During the day, she will often go into her crib and take that 5 hour nap, but the door is opened and she is free to come and go, or hop in my lap and snuggle and purr. I love when that happens. :)

First off, unless you never leave your house and are highly vigilant, your cat is walking around on your counter-tops and sitting down, butt-hole against your counter-top. And that goes for every other horizontal surface in your house.

Second of all, a cat litter box, with it's associated ammonia, litter, and other air foulness, is much more disgusting to me than a few dog hairs on the top of the comforter by my feet (I would never let my dog get under the covers).

Third of all, and this only applies to dogs, one of the reasons for owning a dog (and especially a large dog) is for warning and protection. A dog in a crate back in your bedroom is going to bark at everything it hears, and offers no protection from an intruder.

Naaa, you've got it all wrong,,well at least in my case with my 21 year old cat and our adopted dog.
My cat has never jumped up on the counter tops (OK, not when my wife or I are there).
Two, the dog we adopted is deaf and also has only barked five times (single bark) in the six years we have had him since we rescued him from the shelter. As a matter of fact, if someone broke into our house, the dog (Bud) would greet him/her with a wagging tail!
The cat (Psycho Syd ) is the aggressive one. Once she had a plumber cornered in the bathroom. He called me at my office and I had to run home to save the guy!! :razz: True story. Syd isn't that psycho, just really protective. Syd, like Bud is great around kids though.

Have you every seen Mugsy, the crocodile fighting cat? He drove off three crocs who had their eye on a two year old.

Never underestimate a cat. I would not dream ever of not having my loved ones in bed with me at night. My dog would be horrified if she was put out of her bed. There's no way she would understand what's happening to her.
Yeah, both of my Dobermans slept on the bed with us since they were six weeks old. They're eight and nine years old now. Too late to change it now! :) (Nor do I want to)
Going to bed last night. See the small space they saved for me? LOL Good thing I have a king-sized bed! : )


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Going to bed last night. See the small space they saved for me? LOL Good thing I have a king-sized bed! : )

Yeah, good thing if you're going to sleep with horses!!

Funny you say, that, because Dobermans do remind me of small horses! They have short, horse-like hair, and they gallop like a horse, and have long noses and ears that stand up. And mine are red (brown) which is a very common horse color. One of mine even shakes her head and makes some sounds like a horse. No manes, though. : )
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