Slides on What LENR is and Why it is Legit


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

Gives all kinds of info from how this stuff might work to who thinks it real.

Good overview of the technology as it stands today.
MIT's history of slandering LENR and its cover up:
The History of MIT’s Blatant Suppression of Cold Fusion | Veterans Today

Due to the fact that commercially-ready cold fusion technologies like Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) exist and can produce kilowatts of power, I’m not too interested in previous systems from years ago that could only produce a couple watts of power (or less).

However, I am very interested in the events that took place immediately after the birth of Cold Fusion in 1989, when Pons and Fleischmann announced the existence of their technology to the world.

Although cold fusion systems at the time were not ready for the market place, they proved the effect was real — a fact the establishment could not allow the public to accept.

Immediately after the announcement was made, the “mainstream” scientific community went on the attack. The late Eugene Mallove was in the middle of it, being employed at MIT in the news office — before resigning in protest of the institution’s misconduct.

To start with, those in charge of the replication attempt were members of the MIT Plasma Fusion Center. Their work with hot fusion Tokamak brought the university many millions of dollars in funding from the government, and maintained their job security. If cold fusion were to be accepted as a real phenomenon, it could have made hot fusion research appear to be near worthless.

The question in the minds of representatives in Washington, DC would have been, “Why should the taxpayers finance the construction of giant reactors to experiment with hot fusion reactions that produce nuclear waste and lethal amounts of radioactivity, when cold fusion research only requires a small fraction of the funding, while producing no waste and little radioactivity?”

In the minds of the MIT professors, such as MIT Plasma Fusion Center Director Ronald R. Parker, that question could never be allowed to cross the minds of those that paid for their employment.

So in an effort to belittle cold fusion research so no one would take it serious, the members of his department (including some scientists from others) took every opportunity they could to attack Pons and Fleischmann. For example, consider how….

Mugs belittling cold fusion were given out by Ron Parker, the head of the MIT hot fusion research group, who was supposed to be doing serious research to determine if cold fusion was a reality or not. The mugs read, “The Utah University: Department of Fusion Confusion” and had mocking instructions for cold fusion on the back.

Ron Parker would use the test results to discredit cold fusion, while at a celebration of the death of cold fusion stated to Eugene Mallove (after being shown evidence in support for cold fusion) stated that the data from the MIT replication was “worthless.”

How examination of the data from MIT’s replication showed obvious evidence of tampering.

In fact, the corrected data showed excess heat. Yet it was still used to discredit cold fusion research for many years.

How the former President of MIT, Charles Vest, refused to order an investigation into how the Plasma Fusion Center handled the replication, and their obviously unscientific behavior — such as partying for the death of something instead of doing unbiased research.

Even worse, years later he signed onto a Department of Energy report stating that cold fusion did not deserve funding for research, yet hot fusion deserved millions of additional dollars and was a “bargain.”
Short Q&A With Rossi — E-Cat Stable over 1000C

July 23, 2012

Today I sent a few questions to Andrea Rossi about the progress of his work. Here is the response, answers are in caps:

Rossi: I am in Miami and under big pressure, so please excuse me if I answer quickly:

1) Many people are awaiting with great anticipation the report about the high temperature E-Cats. Can you tell us when we might expect that report to be published?


2) What is the importance of this report to Leonardo Corp.?


3) I have read comments from anonymous sources on the Internet that you have reached stable temperatures over 1,000C.


a) Is this true?

b) Can you share any information about these breakthroughs, if they did indeed take place as alleged?

c) Can you say anything about how many kilowatts of output are produced per square meter of the external surface area of the reactor?

4) Can you elaborate on the “monumentous” events that you have mentioned took place recently, that you indicated were as important as October 28, 2011 in accelerating your work?

5) You recently stated “The certification for the domestic apparatus will take much more time.” Do you still think it is realistic to expect domestic E-Cats to be on the market around the summer of 2013?


6) Can you say when the first non-military 1 MW plant will be delivered and in operation? When will the public know about it?


7) Have you been involved in any testing of using E-Cat heat to create electricity yet? If so, how is progress in that area?


8) In addition to using steam turbines to create electricity from E-Cat heat, what other technologies that you know of might be viable for converting E-Cat heat to electricity?

Short Q&A With Rossi — E-Cat Stable over 1000C | E-Cat World

I will be waiting in Sepember, Andrea. If you lied to us again, I won't ever take you seriously again.

If this idiot thought he was gong to get the government to allow him to sell within a year he was insane. It wouldn't surprise me if the government never allows him to sell. :(
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I will be waiting in Sepember, Andrea. If you lied to us again, I won't ever take you seriously again.

If this idiot thought he was gong to get the government to allow him to sell within a year he was insane. It wouldn't surprise me if the government never allows him to sell. :(

I will be anxiously waiting for the report also.

Not sure what lie you think he told, though. Care to elaborate?

I have been told that his solid state version of the e-cat also allows him to avoid the e-cat being labeled a nuclear reactor and avoids some other regulatory entanglements, though I am not sure which ones.

But never fear; the LENR technology is being pursued by thousands across the globe and if Rossi's efforts fail, someone else will pick up the torch and run with it, no doubt.

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