Small Town Furor As Gay Negro Dance Team Marches In Christmas Parade Wearing.........


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
..................revealing Santa outfits. The look of horror from the towns citizens is apparent as some shield their children from seeing this abomination of negro queers calling themselves the 'Prancing Elites' flaunting themselves through the streets. This is what we are facing my Christian conservative friends who practice moral ethical values and family traditions that would make our founders proud in the eyes of God. We must fight this 2% of evil that has been festering in America in recent years because they will rip the moral fabric from our society if we don't. Diversity and multi-culturalism has been proven it doesn't work.

[ame=]Small Alabama Town Semmes Hires Black Drag Queens To Dance In Christmas parade - YouTube[/ame]




Gay African American dance team marches in Christmas parade wearing revealing Santa Claus outfits | Mail Online
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And the queers wonder why there's such a backlash against them. Now we know what the hell they've been doing in the closet all these years.

Disgusting perverts.
Where are the board dykes and fags defending this crap and telling us how bigoted we are.
There is nothing provocative about their outfits or their dance routine. Had they been women, no one would have a problem with it. There is nothing perverted about what they are doing. The ugliness, the perception of nastiness, is in your minds, not in what they are doing. It is a matter of perception. You choose to say this is perversion: the perversion is in people's hate filled minds.
There is nothing provocative about their outfits or their dance routine. Had they been women, no one would have a problem with it. There is nothing perverted about what they are doing. The ugliness, the perception of nastiness, is in your minds, not in what they are doing. It is a matter of perception. You choose to say this is perversion: the perversion is in people's hate filled minds.

I know perversion when I see it. Just like I recognize dog shit on the sidewalk when I see it despite the best efforts of the queers telling me it's pumpkin pie.
Now you know why the Viet Namese in Westminster totally banned all gay groups from their parade. They didn't want this and they won.
Then homosexuals and the Glaad mafia can't figure out why people disapprove of them

just awful they think that is what a family wants children to see in a Christmas parade

Then they turn around and wail for people to STAY out of their bedrooms...Too bad that same consideration isn't a given from them for others
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There is nothing provocative about their outfits or their dance routine. Had they been women, no one would have a problem with it. There is nothing perverted about what they are doing. The ugliness, the perception of nastiness, is in your minds, not in what they are doing. It is a matter of perception. You choose to say this is perversion: the perversion is in people's hate filled minds.

It works both ways. The lack of perversion, the beauty, the niceness is also a matter of perception and all in YOUR mind.

Your mind is also full of hate - for those who do not share you love of flaunted homosexuality.
I think that it was funny.

Furthermore, you guys and gals who were offended can always look on the bright side - you now have some pretty good stuff for the pundits.

On the other hand....

Nothing wrong with being gay and having pride - plenty wrong with dancing around half naked.
There is nothing provocative about their outfits or their dance routine. Had they been women, no one would have a problem with it. There is nothing perverted about what they are doing. The ugliness, the perception of nastiness, is in your minds, not in what they are doing. It is a matter of perception. You choose to say this is perversion: the perversion is in people's hate filled minds.

It works both ways. The lack of perversion, the beauty, the niceness is also a matter of perception and all in YOUR mind.

Your mind is also full of hate - for those who do not share you love of flaunted homosexuality.

No kidding, we are all just suppose to accept anything damn thing they do..
But don't talk about them like Phil from A&E...
..................revealing Santa outfits. The look of horror from the towns citizens is apparent as some shield their children from seeing this abomination of negro queers calling themselves the 'Prancing Elites' flaunting themselves through the streets. This is what we are facing my Christian conservative friends who practice moral ethical values and family traditions that would make our founders proud in the eyes of God. We must fight this 2% of evil that has been festering in America in recent years because they will rip the moral fabric from our society if we don't. Diversity and multi-culturalism has been proven it doesn't work.

Small Alabama Town Semmes Hires Black Drag Queens To Dance In Christmas parade - YouTube




Semmes Parade fallout continues |

Gay African American dance team marches in Christmas parade wearing revealing Santa Claus outfits | Mail Online

So offended they didn't look away. Reminds me of the thing about the First Lady at Mandela's memorial service supposedly upset about the selfie of the President when in fact her picture supposedly showing her upset was a moment's expression before her smile. I think this is similar and the upset is being fabricated.

Sounds more like the author's upset about their being black as per use of 'negro.' Wanna say the n-word say it and quit looking like a wuss. Not like you're fooling anyone about being racist.
So offended they didn't look away..

Why should they have to look away and shield their children from a part of the Christmas parade? That's stupid.

The gays did this crap on purpose as a "shock and awe" attempt to mainstream their perversions.

If they tried a stunt like that at one of our Christmas parades the result would NOT have been pretty.

Bunch of half naked, prancing pajama boys won't fly where I live thank God.
Here is a video of their vile dance routine. Warning: Don't let your kids watch.

External Player

Seriously, Steve - It's not that bad. Who cares if men identify with being female more than being a man? I could really not care less and before any one of you "real men" call me a lib, I don't like it or not like it - I'm indifferent to it; in other words, I don't give a damn.
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..................revealing Santa outfits. The look of horror from the towns citizens is apparent as some shield their children from seeing this abomination of negro queers calling themselves the 'Prancing Elites' flaunting themselves through the streets. This is what we are facing my Christian conservative friends who practice moral ethical values and family traditions that would make our founders proud in the eyes of God. We must fight this 2% of evil that has been festering in America in recent years because they will rip the moral fabric from our society if we don't. Diversity and multi-culturalism has been proven it doesn't work.

Small Alabama Town Semmes Hires Black Drag Queens To Dance In Christmas parade - YouTube




Semmes Parade fallout continues |

Gay African American dance team marches in Christmas parade wearing revealing Santa Claus outfits | Mail Online

So offended they didn't look away. Reminds me of the thing about the First Lady at Mandela's memorial service supposedly upset about the selfie of the President when in fact her picture supposedly showing her upset was a moment's expression before her smile. I think this is similar and the upset is being fabricated.

Sounds more like the author's upset about their being black as per use of 'negro.' Wanna say the n-word say it and quit looking like a wuss. Not like you're fooling anyone about being racist.

When they HAVE nothing else to put people down who don't accept their behavior, bring out the RACE CARD and the high and mighty oh so superior condescending spew
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There is nothing provocative about their outfits or their dance routine. Had they been women, no one would have a problem with it. There is nothing perverted about what they are doing. The ugliness, the perception of nastiness, is in your minds, not in what they are doing. It is a matter of perception. You choose to say this is perversion: the perversion is in people's hate filled minds.

Yes they would have had a problem with it if it had been women doing the same thing.
It was too provocative, had they worn shorts that was not that tight and not as short and the tops should not have been open like that, then people would have accepted it.
Over the top sexy for a Christmas Parade should never be done in front of young children.
This is a very big problem with exposing this to our young kids.

Isaiah 5:20-23
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!
Woe to men mighty at drinking wine,
Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,
Who justify the wicked for a bribe,
And take away justice from the righteous man!
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..................revealing Santa outfits. The look of horror from the towns citizens is apparent as some shield their children from seeing this abomination of negro queers calling themselves the 'Prancing Elites' flaunting themselves through the streets. This is what we are facing my Christian conservative friends who practice moral ethical values and family traditions that would make our founders proud in the eyes of God. We must fight this 2% of evil that has been festering in America in recent years because they will rip the moral fabric from our society if we don't. Diversity and multi-culturalism has been proven it doesn't work.

Small Alabama Town Semmes Hires Black Drag Queens To Dance In Christmas parade - YouTube




Semmes Parade fallout continues |

Gay African American dance team marches in Christmas parade wearing revealing Santa Claus outfits | Mail Online

So offended they didn't look away. Reminds me of the thing about the First Lady at Mandela's memorial service supposedly upset about the selfie of the President when in fact her picture supposedly showing her upset was a moment's expression before her smile. I think this is similar and the upset is being fabricated.

Sounds more like the author's upset about their being black as per use of 'negro.' Wanna say the n-word say it and quit looking like a wuss. Not like you're fooling anyone about being racist.

When they HAVE nothing else to put people down who don't accept their behavior, bring out the RACE CARD and the high and mighty spew

Using the word "negro" in 2013 is actually quite offensive. The only reason to use that word is to insult blacks, as if I needed to explain that.

Sorry, I have to point out here that the OP is the one to play the race card. Why even mention the fact that they are black unless race was central to the OP?
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