Smart Man: SC Rep Tim Scott Reluctant To Spend More Stimulus Money Until We See Signs Current Stimulus Working


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yep slow down folks.....lets see if what we are doing is working...too bad we can't trust our media to tell us one way or the other....
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Tim Scott 'hesitant' to spend trillions more before seeing impact of previous stimulus'hesitant' to spend trillions more before seeing impact of previous stimulus
Tim Scott 'hesitant' to spend trillions more before seeing impact of previous stimulus

Measured steps - and evaluation - needed before going 'all-in' with more money we don't technically even have.

They should extend the unemployment benefits and possibly bench the rest. There will be MANY people who won't have jobs to return to after this. THE GOVERNMENT ENDED THOSE JOBS and is therefore responsible for those peoples hardships.

You break it
You own it
I agree with Scott

Spending money on an economy shut down by virus does little. We need to look at the economy after business is coming back and then give stimulus
First of all Scott is a senator not a representative. The word "hesitant" is a cagey political phrase. Everyone is hesitant.

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