Smithsonian: How to Talk with Evangelicals about Evolution

Yet you manage to believe the 'Astronaut Theory' without any difficulty at all, let alone evidence, when there is much more evidence for evolution of species. Oh well, colour me surprised. And you exceptional.
And the problem/IDIOCY with the 'Astronaut Theory' is it solves NOTHING.
It just kicks the 'life' problem down the Universe!
The non-solution of a low IQer.

A good question I always thought of is if we evolved from Apes, why are there still Apes but their [sic] are no Neanderthals left?

If a river splits in two ... the branches go off in different directions, one doesn't just cease to be. The same is true of offspring. When a mutation occurs, creating a new line, it doesn't affect the existing, non-mutated lines.

As for the Neanderthals, fossil evidence shows that modern humans not only co-existed with them, but mated with them. Neanderthal DNA accounts for up to 20% of the genome of non-African humans.

The most plausible answer to where they went is, we killed them off.

Do you believe we literally evolved from Apes?

No, and neither does anyone else who understands Evolution.

Apes and Men both descended from another, much earlier, common mammalian ancestor.

A genetic mutation created two separated genealogical lines, one led to humans, the other led to apes.

That makes some sense.
Yet you manage to believe the 'Astronaut Theory' without any difficulty at all, let alone evidence, when there is much more evidence for evolution of species. Oh well, colour me surprised. And you exceptional.
And the problem/IDIOCY with the 'Astronaut Theory' is it solves NOTHING.
It just kicks the 'life' problem down the Universe!
The non-solution of a low IQer.


Don't you believe Aliens exist and can go to other planets? Do you think humans can be the only intelligent species in the whole universe? And even Quantum Physics is finding that their may be more then one Universe and 12 other dimensions. Entities can even travel interdimensionally to come here also. I think we should question everything and not get stuck into one way of thinking.
A good question I always thought of is if we evolved from Apes, why are there still Apes but their [sic] are no Neanderthals left?

If a river splits in two ... the branches go off in different directions, one doesn't just cease to be. The same is true of offspring. When a mutation occurs, creating a new line, it doesn't affect the existing, non-mutated lines.

As for the Neanderthals, fossil evidence shows that modern humans not only co-existed with them, but mated with them. Neanderthal DNA accounts for up to 20% of the genome of non-African humans.

The most plausible answer to where they went is, we killed them off.

Do you believe we literally evolved from Apes?

Nope.. That's a simplification for uneducated people.

Actually that is what they taught us in 6th grade. But you would be correct to say the US education system is not very good at all.
You really can't believe anything.
Yet you manage to believe the 'Astronaut Theory' without any difficulty at all, let alone evidence, when there is much more evidence for evolution of species. Oh well, colour me surprised. And you exceptional.

I said I tend to subscribe to it, I didn't say I totally believe it. Maybe you should try reading what I said. I always have room to look at all the options of how we humans on this Earth came about. Not to mention no matter what you believe, they are all still theories.
I said I tend to subscribe to it
With no evidence whatsoever, while ignoring the evidence for evolution.

You chose only to look at one spectrum of evidence while disregarding a whole plethora of other evidence. That's not scientific at all. It is not my fault you are simple minded and one tracked mind that can't see outside the box of perception and look at evidence for other theories.
Not to mention no matter what you believe, they are all still theories.
No, the Astronaut Theory is not a scientific theory. Evolution is a scientific theory. That you believe they're of equal weight validates Asimov's assertion.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." Isaac Asimov.
You chose only to look at one spectrum of evidence while disregarding a whole plethora of other evidence. That's not scientific at all. It is not my fault you are simple minded and one tracked mind that can't see outside the box of perception and look at evidence for other theories.
Gods but you are full of self justifying bullshit. Oh well, if fooling yourself makes you happy I guess the ends justify the means. I suppose.
Not to mention no matter what you believe, they are all still theories.
No, the Astronaut Theory is not a scientific theory. Evolution is a scientific theory. That you believe they're of equal weight validates Asimov's assertion.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." Isaac Asimov.

Science is science and theories are theories. It don't make it not scientific if you only see one side or believe in one side. That is not science at all. That is called being stuck in a box that you can't get out of. Science is about experimentation and learning new things not continue to keep yourself locked up in one thought process.
You chose only to look at one spectrum of evidence while disregarding a whole plethora of other evidence. That's not scientific at all. It is not my fault you are simple minded and one tracked mind that can't see outside the box of perception and look at evidence for other theories.
Gods but you are full of self justifying bullshit. Oh well, if fooling yourself makes you happy I guess the ends justify the means. I suppose.

You don't make any sense.
Science is science and theories are theories.

Actually, science is made up of theories. A theory is the best explanation for a phenomenon that fits the evidence and can be substantiated by experiment or observation.

The best example of that is Gravity. We commonly say there are 'Laws of Gravity'. But, that isn't precisely true. We know from observation and experiment the effects of gravity and with that knowledge, we can make very accurate predictions of those effect over vast times and distances. But, HOW gravity works is purely theoretical and we don't understand it well. So, in essence, gravity is just a theory -- a not well substantiated theory.

Because science is not dogmatic (like religion) when new evidence comes along that negates an existing theory, we discard that theory in favor of a better one that fits the evidence.
You chose only to look at one spectrum of evidence while disregarding a whole plethora of other evidence. That's not scientific at all. It is not my fault you are simple minded and one tracked mind that can't see outside the box of perception and look at evidence for other theories.

People who don't believe that a race of alien astronauts seeded The Earth with life and built all the monuments of the ancient world aren't ignoring any evidence... they are looking at that evidence and coming up with a MUCH MORE logical explanation for that evidence.

That is called 'Occum's Razor'. The precept being, the most simple explanation that explains the data is typically the correct one.

For example, one explanation for the pyramids might be that an ancient race of aliens decided to come to Earth, build a huge monument using only native materials and leaving absolutely no trace that they were there, including no mention in the historical records of the time -- OR -- that some super-rich, narcissistic HUMAN king, with a vast supply of tax revenue and an inexhaustible slave labor supply decided to build a giant monument to himself using technology that we KNOW was available at the time.

Which would you think is the simplest, and most logical of those two explanations for the origin of the pyramids?
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You chose only to look at one spectrum of evidence while disregarding a whole plethora of other evidence. That's not scientific at all. It is not my fault you are simple minded and one tracked mind that can't see outside the box of perception and look at evidence for other theories.

People who don't believe that a race of alien astronauts seeded The Earth with life and built all the monuments of the ancient world aren't ignoring any evidence... they are looking at that evidence and coming up with a MUCH MORE logical explanation for that evidence.

That is called 'Occum's Razor'. The precept being, the most simple explanation that explains the data is typically the correct one.

For example, one explanation for the pyramids might be that an ancient race of aliens decided to come to Earth, build a huge monument using only native materials and leaving absolutely no trace that they were there, including no mention in the historical records of the time -- OR -- that some super-rich, narcissistic HUMAN king, with a vast supply of tax revenue and an inexhaustible slave labor supply decided to build a giant monument to himself using technology that we KNOW was available at the time.

Which would you think is the simplest, and most logical of those two explanations for the origin of the pyramids?

That is not exactly what Ancient Astronaut theorist talk about with aliens seeding the Earth. It is more that they used the DNA of the Neanderthal and combined with themselves such as the Annunaki to explain the giant leap from Neanderthal to Humans in such a short amount of time . Many indigenous tribes talk about that kind of thing and the Sumerian Tablets and older ancient texts hint at that. It is all very interesting once you start reading books on it and finding more and more information. Most main stream scientists won't look at any of this.

Thoth did say he built the pyramids. :D
It is more that they used the DNA of the Neanderthal and combined with themselves such as the Annunaki

One of the problems with staple sci-fi movies is that aliens in them tend to be humanoid, looking nearly exactly humans. Mainly this is done because of the incredible expense of making a movie alien look convincingly alien. The strangest creatures that exist on Earth are at least from the same common gene pool as every other living thing on Earth. Imagine how much different an alien would be, one that came from a completely different evolutionary tree.

Take a look at the VAST diversity of life on Earth which came from a single, common gene pool. And yet, a fish can't mate with a mammal, despite what Mr. Garrison teaches above.

Now, try to imagine the DNA of an alien being, one completely outside of the Earth's gene pool. A pool which started 4 BILLION years BEFORE the Neanderthal.

How compatible would an alien DNA (assuming they have anything like DNA) be to the DNA of any creature on Earth, especially a hominid like The Neanderthal.

Now, take a look at modern human DNA, there is absolutely nothing in it that suggest our DNA is alien to that of any other animal, plant, bacteria, or virus that has ever existed on Earth.

No, I would say whatever 'evidence' exists regarding the creation of humans by meddling aliens, there is a much more prosaic, more simple, and more logical explanation closer to home.
Poor Indoctrinated Cultists.
Turns out you have to break it to them gently. Very gently.

Smithsonian Magazine -- 4-19-2018

""Rick Potts is no atheist-evolutionist-Darwinist. That often comes as a surprise to the faith communities he works with as head of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Human Origins Program in Washington, D.C.

Raised Protestant — with, he likes to say, “an emphasis on the ‘protest’” — the paleoanthropologist spends his weekends singing in a choir that sings both sacred and secular songs. At 18, he became a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War...
[....]That’s why, for him, human evolution is the perfect topic to break down entrenched barriers between people in an increasingly polarized, politicized world.
If you aren’t caught on one side of the evolution debates, it can be hard to grasp what all the fuss is about. Here’s the short version: Charles Darwin’s crime wasn’t disproving God. Rather, the evolutionary theory he espoused in "On the Origin of Species" rendered God unnecessary. Darwin provided an explanation for life’s origins — and, more problematically, the origins of humanity — that didn’t require a creator.

What would Darwin think if he could see the evolution wars rage today? If he knew that, year after year, national polls find one-third of Americans believe that humans have always existed in their current form? (In many religious groups, that number is far higher.) That, among all Western nations, only Turkey is more likely than the United States to flat-out reject the notion of human evolution?

If someone believes his grandpa use to set a top a tree throwing his shit on the other apes below who am I to tell the democrat any different?
Don't you believe Aliens exist and can go to other planets? Do you think humans can be the only intelligent species in the whole universe? And even Quantum Physics is finding that their may be more then one Universe and 12 other dimensions. Entities can even travel interdimensionally to come here also. I think we should question everything and not get stuck into one way of thinking.
I'll try again you IDIOT.
The problem between creationists and non-creationists (Evo does not incl abiogenesis except as tangent) is how life was created IN THE FIRST PLACE.... ANYWHERE.
Suggesting life here was planted by someone else does NOT solve the problem (human or alien) of How/Who created life in the FIRST Place, god or abiogenesis.
You are too stupid to understand what you are suggesting does NOT solve that quandary.
Got it now retard?

It is more that they used the DNA of the Neanderthal and combined with themselves such as the Annunaki

One of the problems with staple sci-fi movies is that aliens in them tend to be humanoid, looking nearly exactly humans. Mainly this is done because of the incredible expense of making a movie alien look convincingly alien. The strangest creatures that exist on Earth are at least from the same common gene pool as every other living thing on Earth. Imagine how much different an alien would be, one that came from a completely different evolutionary tree.

Take a look at the VAST diversity of life on Earth which came from a single, common gene pool. And yet, a fish can't mate with a mammal, despite what Mr. Garrison teaches above.

Now, try to imagine the DNA of an alien being, one completely outside of the Earth's gene pool. A pool which started 4 BILLION years BEFORE the Neanderthal.

How compatible would an alien DNA (assuming they have anything like DNA) be to the DNA of any creature on Earth, especially a hominid like The Neanderthal.

Now, take a look at modern human DNA, there is absolutely nothing in it that suggest our DNA is alien to that of any other animal, plant, bacteria, or virus that has ever existed on Earth.

No, I would say whatever 'evidence' exists regarding the creation of humans by meddling aliens, there is a much more prosaic, more simple, and more logical explanation closer to home.

I look at it this way. As an example look what we did with dogs. There was not this many different breeds of dogs until we started manipulating them and making all kind of different breeds. As above so below.

In this age even we as humans are able to manipulate DNA and even create clones. Just imagine what beings can do that are millions of year more advanced then us. I think to begin to find what really happened in the past, we all need to step outside the box we were placed in. There is reasons why our "masters" won't tell us what really happened in the past. They don't even tell us the truth in what is really goin on now. Which is why we must all do our research if we even want to come close to finding the truth. That is just how I look at it. I know many like to believe in mainstream narratives. For me it most of the time the mainstream narratives are lies and or misrepresentations of the truth.

I am always open to new and expanded possibilities and alternative explanations of how the human became the human on this Earth.
Don't you believe Aliens exist and can go to other planets? Do you think humans can be the only intelligent species in the whole universe? And even Quantum Physics is finding that their may be more then one Universe and 12 other dimensions. Entities can even travel interdimensionally to come here also. I think we should question everything and not get stuck into one way of thinking.
I'll try again you IDIOT.
The problem between creationists and non-creationists (Evo does not incl abiogenesis except as tangent) is how life was created IN THE FIRST PLACE.... ANYWHERE.
Suggesting life here was planted by someone else does NOT solve the problem (human or alien) of How/Who created life in the FIRST Place, god or abiogenesis.
You are too stupid to understand what you are suggesting does NOT solve that quandary.
Got it now retard?


I am not going to have a logical conversation with you if you can't even have a logical conversation in return. Have you gone around being a bully to people your whole life? Have your parents never told you that it is not nice to call people retards and stupid? That just shows the true nature of yourself.

And where did I say I was a creationist? A creationist is someone who believes a God created everything. I don't think that.

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