Snakes alive! The experts speak.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
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Note that one of the greatest threats is the decimation of native species by the Burmese python. Ironically the 'experts' won't use poison to control the snakes because of the 'threat to native species' of the poison (which if severely affected can be easily reintroduced). I guess these experts just like having these snakes around. :omg:


Beats the hell out of the progressive agenda of eating bugs...

Is there a season or limit?


Poisoning snakes would involve somehow making their live prey poisonous. If you are thinking of broadcast spraying that's just stupid.
Watch out for those "sneaky" snakes in Florida!
The worst are those 'sand snakes'. They work in pairs. One trips you and the other pounds sand up your ass.

Up north here ya gotta look out for the 'snow snakes'. One trips you and the other crawls up your ass and freezes you to death.
Back in 1960 we had Hurricane Donna come through. We lived in a fairly rural area. It was 10 miles to the closet small town.

We were without electricity for six weeks. No gas for our vehicles after the first couple of weeks. No way to get to the stores that were mostly picked over and without distribution. Freezer and refrigerator food gone after the first week. No way to get ice.

Towards the start of about the forth week we went into the survival mode. We were living off gator tail and Heart of Palm. Food was hard to come by.

We killed a big Eastern Diamondback Rattler and grilled him up. It actually wasn't bad. Better than racoon.
Back in 1960 we had Hurricane Donna come through. We lived in a fairly rural area. It was 10 miles to the closet small town.

We were without electricity for six weeks. No gas for our vehicles after the first couple of weeks. No way to get to the stores that were mostly picked over and without distribution. Freezer and refrigerator food gone after the first week. No way to get ice.

Towards the start of about the forth week we went into the survival mode. We were living off gator tail and Heart of Palm. Food was hard to come by.

We killed a big Eastern Diamondback Rattler and grilled him up. It actually wasn't bad. Better than racoon.
Been through so many hurricanes that I hoard non-perishable food. Michael knocked us out of power for 27 days. Didn't even come close to running out. Didn't even have to break into the MREs. I could certainly go out and forage for meat but I don't want to.
Almost every animal tastes like chicken because all meat is almost entirely made of similar varieties of protein.
I don't think beef or pork taste anything like chicken. And then there's seafood...
Instead of poison I think a hefty reward on each python coupled with permission to hunt them with guns, traps and other non environment damaging devices would be worth trying. If the reward is high enough every teenager or young adult who is in need of additional income would be tempted to try.
Instead of poison I think a hefty reward on each python coupled with permission to hunt them with guns, traps and other non environment damaging devices would be worth trying. If the reward is high enough every teenager or young adult who is in need of additional income would be tempted to try.
It takes uncommon grit to spend any time at all out in the Everglades. There are few places more unforgiving in America. It's also mind mindbogglingly large with few landmarks.
Been through so many hurricanes that I hoard non-perishable food. Michael knocked us out of power for 27 days. Didn't even come close to running out. Didn't even have to break into the MREs. I could certainly go out and forage for meat but I don't want to.
In 1960 things were a little different.

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