Snowflakes have roughly 1400 days to groom a POTUS candidate


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Their bench is incredibly shallow. They need to run a female that is a 100% minority. If they are also homosexual, it will help.

Then they can keep their "Trump and his supporters are racist and misogynist and xenophobic and homophobic."

We can have the first black, woman, and gay President all rolled into one.

Maybe Wanda Sykes will run. She would be perfect.

We have yet to have the first black President. We had the first not 100% white President.
Their bench is incredibly shallow. They need to run a female that is a 100% minority. If they are also homosexual, it will help.

Then they can keep their "Trump and his supporters are racist and misogynist and xenophobic and homophobic."

We can have the first black, woman, and gay President all rolled into one.

Maybe Wanda Sykes will run. She would be perfect.

We have yet to have the first black President. We had the first not 100% white President.
The perfect democrat candidate for 2020.

Woman, actual or through surgery, whatever. Gay, so whatever their surgery was they have to like the same sex they became, a transgender partner preferred as that solves a lot of problems. Black or some other version of anything but white, possibly a white person who identifies as another race like indian may be acceptable in a pinch. Must be crippled, or at least have a pronounced limp, Bonus points for having a handicap parking permit. English should be second language. Preferably illegally in the country. And if this frankenstien could possibly be a feminist midget holy shit, all the better. Socialist to the core is a must. No way around that one.
So in the end the perfect dem candidate would be:

not white
non-english speaker

The perfect democrat candidate.
You do know that the term "snowflake" is considered by almost everyone to refer to Trump and his crybaby brigades, right?

Well done, snowflakes. You earned the moniker.

And don't try satire. You suck at it too badly. Satire has to be connected to reality to be funny. You're living in a delusional bubble, so you flop hard. Normal people look at your satire and think "Wow, that's stupid." We understand it, just as we understand a four year old boy telling toilet jokes. We just wonder why any grownup would think it was funny.
Their bench is incredibly shallow. They need to run a female that is a 100% minority. If they are also homosexual, it will help.

Then they can keep their "Trump and his supporters are racist and misogynist and xenophobic and homophobic."

We can have the first black, woman, and gay President all rolled into one.

Maybe Wanda Sykes will run. She would be perfect.

We have yet to have the first black President. We had the first not 100% white President.
The perfect democrat candidate for 2020.

Woman, actual or through surgery, whatever. Gay, so whatever their surgery was they have to like the same sex they became, a transgender partner preferred as that solves a lot of problems. Black or some other version of anything but white, possibly a white person who identifies as another race like indian may be acceptable in a pinch. Must be crippled, or at least have a pronounced limp, Bonus points for having a handicap parking permit. English should be second language. Preferably illegally in the country. And if this frankenstien could possibly be a feminist midget holy shit, all the better. Socialist to the core is a must. No way around that one.
So in the end the perfect dem candidate would be:

not white
non-english speaker

The perfect democrat candidate.

That would cover all bases. If you don't vote for that candidate, you are definitely a white supremacist.

Cory Booker is roughly 35% white. Obama is 50% white. So Cory is less white than Obama, a big positive for snowflakes, but Booker isn't female or gay. That's the triple play they really need in 2020...100% black, and also a homosexual female.

Is Whoopie bisexual? She must be. That might pass...half homosexual is better than being a straight up breeder. I know she used to date Ted Danson. But I am not sure if she is still on the pole.
You do know that the term "snowflake" is considered by almost everyone to refer to Trump and his crybaby brigades, right?

Well done, snowflakes. You earned the moniker.

And don't try satire. You suck at it too badly. Satire has to be connected to reality to be funny. You're living in a delusional bubble, so you flop hard. Normal people look at your satire and think "Wow, that's stupid." We understand it, just as we understand a four year old boy telling toilet jokes. We just wonder why any grownup would think it was funny.
Somebody is trying to turn the tables. And failing in grand fashion.

Listen up you retarded snowflake. You have earned and cheered for the title and will wear it for the rest of your life.
It's a shame that Daryl Glenn lost the Colorado senate seat race to his Democrat opponent.

Glenn is 100% black and a war veteran. He is an outstanding person and he was a fantastic candidate and I proudly voted for him to represent Colorado in the Senate.

Unfortunately, racist snowflakes wouldn't vote for the black he lost.
You do know that the term "snowflake" is considered by almost everyone to refer to Trump and his crybaby brigades, right?

Well done, snowflakes. You earned the moniker.

And don't try satire. You suck at it too badly. Satire has to be connected to reality to be funny. You're living in a delusional bubble, so you flop hard. Normal people look at your satire and think "Wow, that's stupid." We understand it, just as we understand a four year old boy telling toilet jokes. We just wonder why any grownup would think it was funny.
Generation Snowflake - Wikipedia
It's a term I thought was popularized by the movie "Fight Club".

Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) said, "You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.’”
You do know that the term "snowflake" is considered by almost everyone to refer to Trump and his crybaby brigades, right?

Well done, snowflakes. You earned the moniker.

And don't try satire. You suck at it too badly. Satire has to be connected to reality to be funny. You're living in a delusional bubble, so you flop hard. Normal people look at your satire and think "Wow, that's stupid." We understand it, just as we understand a four year old boy telling toilet jokes. We just wonder why any grownup would think it was funny.

You sound very butt hurt
The last ticket the snowflakes want to see in 2020? Pence/Rubio {in case Trump decides not to run}. then weze get most of the whitey vote and 75% of the Hispanic Vote, then in 2024, we will have President Rubio/Vice President{any one of the Trump kids.
It's a term I thought was popularized by the movie "Fight Club".

Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) said, "You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.’”
i wonder if thats what Hillary looks like when shes at McDonalds and finds out they just ran out of McNuggets, then calls 911.
Their bench is incredibly shallow. They need to run a female that is a 100% minority. If they are also homosexual, it will help.

Then they can keep their "Trump and his supporters are racist and misogynist and xenophobic and homophobic."

We can have the first black, woman, and gay President all rolled into one.

Maybe Wanda Sykes will run. She would be perfect.

We have yet to have the first black President. We had the first not 100% white President.
Judging from the way Trump has started his presidency, it shouldn't be hard to find an opponent that can beat him. Within 4 years, the American public is going to so tired of listening to Trump's wild exaggerations, misrepresentations, and out right lies, they will vote for most anyone.
You do realise that the biggest snowflake of them all was inaugurated last week don't you?
Their bench is incredibly shallow. They need to run a female that is a 100% minority. If they are also homosexual, it will help.

Then they can keep their "Trump and his supporters are racist and misogynist and xenophobic and homophobic."

We can have the first black, woman, and gay President all rolled into one.

Maybe Wanda Sykes will run. She would be perfect.

We have yet to have the first black President. We had the first not 100% white President.
Judging from the way Trump has started his presidency, it shouldn't be hard to find an opponent that can beat him. Within 4 years, the American public is going to so tired of listening to Trump's wild exaggerations, misrepresentations, and out right lies, they will vote for most anyone.

Exactly. A 100% black female homosexual is perfect for the Dems. They still might have to spend over $1.2 billion, though.

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