So all these protesters have been NOT social distancing.....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So where is the COVID19 spike?

lol why all the stupid threads about 'protestors not social distancing n stuff!!!'.

Are the right wingers turning full faggot on us right before our eyes??? They certainly jumped on the various lynch mob bandwagons pretty damn quick, as soon as the GOP went after those three men in Georgia for defending themselves. You want to pander to black voters that bad, just report to Hq and turn over your houses and cars to the Black Panthers or something and get it overwith. Leave the dorky whiney stuff to Democrats.
lol why all the stupid threads about 'protestors not social distancing n stuff!!!'.

Are the right wingers turning full faggot on us right before our eyes??? They certainly jumped on the various lynch mob bandwagons pretty damn quick, as soon as the GOP went after those three men in Georgia for defending themselves. You want to pander to black voters that bad, just report to Hq and turn over your houses and cars to the Black Panthers or something and get it overwith.
Thanks for admitting that you think all the social distancing stuff is pure bulllllllll shyte.
lol why all the stupid threads about 'protestors not social distancing n stuff!!!'.

Are the right wingers turning full faggot on us right before our eyes??? They certainly jumped on the various lynch mob bandwagons pretty damn quick, as soon as the GOP went after those three men in Georgia for defending themselves. You want to pander to black voters that bad, just report to Hq and turn over your houses and cars to the Black Panthers or something and get it overwith.
Thanks for admitting that you think all the social distancing stuff is pure bulllllllll shyte.

thanks for being a big sissy whiner; do better tomorrow, Kay?
thanks for being a big sissy whiner; do better tomorrow, Kay?
Oh piss off, you twatface Twink.

I could not care less what you think about a god damened thing, and I patiently await the day when you dregs of the Earth go into hiding from the people you have been scamming all your lives.

You are a blithering fool.

So where is the COVID19 spike?

View attachment 344851
Trump now has to move the republican naTional convention cause 50,000 people in one space not social distancing is both dangerous and wreckless according to the "experts "in North Carolina
I wouldnt want that convenntion in a Democrat governor state, as that will just invite Antifa to come in and start a bunch of crap. They would do nothing effective to stopp the violence, just like that impotent moron Cuomo.

Bring it to a big Red beautiful state like Texas or Floriduh.
So where is the COVID19 spike?

View attachment 344851
A couple of Democrats were seen with the protesters. Liz Warren yesterday was shown wearing a baseball cap and a mask to conceal herself from the rest of the protesters. Other Democrats have hidden in the crowd the same way so nobody will be able to recognize them.
Obviously the masks are designed to conceal the identity of the rioters so they won't be pinched at a later date. But even when they're caught....Democrats are releasing them back without charges so they can go out and loot some more the next day. Staying in jail is just a way to get some sleep before for more looting.
thanks for being a big sissy whiner; do better tomorrow, Kay?
Oh piss off, you twatface Twink.

I could not care less what you think about a god damened thing, and I patiently await the day when you dregs of the Earth go into hiding from the people you have been scamming all your lives.

You are a blithering fool.

Pipe down, you blathering bitch. Your idiotic sniveling is a joke.
It's almost impossible to discipline government union workers. That's why they got so overpaid and incompetent. There should be no government unions.
So where is the COVID19 spike?

View attachment 344851
Trump now has to move the republican naTional convention cause 50,000 people in one space not social distancing is both dangerous and wreckless according to the "experts "in North Carolina
I wouldnt want that convenntion in a Democrat governor state, as that will just invite Antifa to come in and start a bunch of crap. They would do nothing effective to stopp the violence, just like that impotent moron Cuomo.

Bring it to a big Red beautiful state like Texas or Floriduh.

you can keep the phonies; we don't need the traitors here. your Hero isn't going to prosecute all the treason from the Dems, like a good little establishment tool, and now the GOP is on the lycnh mob bandwagon to ' get those uppity white proles', pandering to the racist rioters and leftists, and you fat ass Burb Brat ass kissers are falling right in line in record time, without a peep. Turns out Big Mouth Trump was just going along with yet another 'Good Cop-Bad Cop' scam on the public with his fellow con artists at the DNC.

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