So Bergdahl is a problem.

The Obama-Chicago Political Apparatus has clearly corrupted pretty much every branch of government. Everything Eric Holder can control is an atrocity. The IRS, Homeland, EPA---all perverted.

The only question is the military. Has this lying socialist bastard Obama managed to corrupt the military?

There are signs that he has.

The Bergdahl Report will tell us if the military has also fallen under the sinister corruption that is this disgusting plague from Chicago.
The fact that Bergdahl left his post voluntarily is not in dispute, if he found the experience not to have been the bed of roses he had imagined and tried to escape is irrelevant. He is a deserter and deserves punishment for that crime.
The Obama-Chicago Political Apparatus has clearly corrupted pretty much every branch of government. Everything Eric Holder can control is an atrocity. The IRS, Homeland, EPA---all perverted.

The only question is the military. Has this lying socialist bastard Obama managed to corrupt the military?

There are signs that he has.

The Bergdahl Report will tell us if the military has also fallen under the sinister corruption that is this disgusting plague from Chicago.

The military? The military hates Obama's guts. They also hate the sissy left that made an industry of hating them online through two long wars. I'm sure this very forum has terabytes of such posts archived. The left is pretty much despicable, a political ethos that venerates cowardice, treason, and degeneracy at its core. It'd take 1000 select soldiers to overturn this nation's government in a single night. They couldn't follow up however, without the broad support of the institution of the military. In short, whoever commands the military's allegiance, commands all real power. Nothing has changed in 10,000 years of human history.
The Obama-Chicago Political Apparatus has clearly corrupted pretty much every branch of government. Everything Eric Holder can control is an atrocity. The IRS, Homeland, EPA---all perverted.

The only question is the military. Has this lying socialist bastard Obama managed to corrupt the military?

There are signs that he has.

The Bergdahl Report will tell us if the military has also fallen under the sinister corruption that is this disgusting plague from Chicago.

The military? The military hates Obama's guts. They also hate the sissy left that made an industry of hating them online through two long wars. I'm sure this very forum has terabytes of such posts archived. The left is pretty much despicable, a political ethos that venerates cowardice, treason, and degeneracy at its core. It'd take 1000 select soldiers to overturn this nation's government in a single night. They couldn't follow up however, without the broad support of the institution of the military. In short, whoever commands the military's allegiance, commands all real power. Nothing has changed in 10,000 years of human history.

Interesting....................I served in the U.S. Navy for over 21 years from 1981 until 2002, and have never hated Obama.

However.................I DID hate the fact that Bush Jr. (aka Shrub) took us through a couple of wars that we didn't really need to be in, but he still had to try and vindicate his father's failures.

I'm guessing that you never served, nor do you really wish to, because there is a certain tenor to your rant that shows you like to say strong language, but you will never hold to your beliefs if challenged.

And.........................if you knew anything about the military, it doesn't really matter who gives the orders, it just matters that those orders are lawful.

Check it out sometime.............the UCMJ says that you can refuse to obey orders that are unlawful.

I know you have an internet connection, you're posting here. Look it up yourself.
Unfortunately, even Patriots like to be promoted instead of cashiered, and so many have gone along with this lazy, incompetent, socialist liar of a President which the Chicago Mob/Democratic Party have cursed us with.

Two more years! How much more damage will he do?

Right now, he is trying to muscle Congress out of the way, so he can make a deal with a pack of ayatollahs in Iran. How fucked up is that?

Is there anyone left in the civilized world, beside this rank fool Obama and his incompetent advisors, who trusts an ayatollah?
The Obama-Chicago Political Apparatus has clearly corrupted pretty much every branch of government. Everything Eric Holder can control is an atrocity. The IRS, Homeland, EPA---all perverted.

The only question is the military. Has this lying socialist bastard Obama managed to corrupt the military?

There are signs that he has.

The Bergdahl Report will tell us if the military has also fallen under the sinister corruption that is this disgusting plague from Chicago.

The military? The military hates Obama's guts. They also hate the sissy left that made an industry of hating them online through two long wars. I'm sure this very forum has terabytes of such posts archived. The left is pretty much despicable, a political ethos that venerates cowardice, treason, and degeneracy at its core. It'd take 1000 select soldiers to overturn this nation's government in a single night. They couldn't follow up however, without the broad support of the institution of the military. In short, whoever commands the military's allegiance, commands all real power. Nothing has changed in 10,000 years of human history.

Interesting....................I served in the U.S. Navy for over 21 years from 1981 until 2002, and have never hated Obama.

However.................I DID hate the fact that Bush Jr. (aka Shrub) took us through a couple of wars that we didn't really need to be in, but he still had to try and vindicate his father's failures.

I'm guessing that you never served, nor do you really wish to, because there is a certain tenor to your rant that shows you like to say strong language, but you will never hold to your beliefs if challenged.

And.........................if you knew anything about the military, it doesn't really matter who gives the orders, it just matters that those orders are lawful.

Check it out sometime.............the UCMJ says that you can refuse to obey orders that are unlawful.

I know you have an internet connection, you're posting here. Look it up yourself.

Yes, and by the same token, the US military has the right to disobey unlawful orders from Buckwheat. See how that works? Come on over to the site Peter Neves and I founded in 1999...then STFU.
We know the WH has to be putting a lot of pressure on the military with this.
But they can't keep this under wraps forever....
Thanks to O'Reilly on FOX for looking at this...

From FOX news

In White House terms, not charging Bergdahl means that he was indeed worth the trade for the Taliban Five. But charging him on any level means that releasing the five Taliban was an error of monstrous proportions, one the administration will never be able to explain away satisfactorily.

Is nervous Obama White House holding Bergdahl report hostage Fox News
I've seen several military bloggers posting that a decision will be made by early April on what to do with him. If I were to guess, it would be non-judicial punishment followed by an administrative discharge with less than an honorable certificate.
The Obama-Chicago Political Apparatus has clearly corrupted pretty much every branch of government. Everything Eric Holder can control is an atrocity. The IRS, Homeland, EPA---all perverted.

The only question is the military. Has this lying socialist bastard Obama managed to corrupt the military?


Have you forgotten about the Bush/Betrayus connection?

There have been so many epic fuckups by this President. My guess is, even if Bergdahl is charged with anything, a new fuckup will happen and the public will soon forget. Does anyone even remember Solyndra?
O'Reilly did a piece on this.It's been six months since the investigation began...
What more is needed to come to a decision? My guess is it's already been decided and the fear is it would make Obama look bad.
So now the decision becomes when do they announce?
O'Reilly did a piece on this.It's been six months since the investigation began...
What more is needed to come to a decision? My guess is it's already been decided and the fear is it would make Obama look bad.
So now the decision becomes when do they announce?

This was only a investigation to see whether a "real" investigation should be conducted under Article 32 of the USMJ. The commanding general will decide whether or not to appoint an officer to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to try this piece of camel dung in a courts-martial.

It will probably still be pending when Obama leaves office.

Meanwhile. Bergdahl is still on active duty drawing pay and performing whatever simplistic duties assigned to him.
The Obama-Chicago Political Apparatus has clearly corrupted pretty much every branch of government. Everything Eric Holder can control is an atrocity. The IRS, Homeland, EPA---all perverted.

The only question is the military. Has this lying socialist bastard Obama managed to corrupt the military?

There are signs that he has.

The Bergdahl Report will tell us if the military has also fallen under the sinister corruption that is this disgusting plague from Chicago.

The military? The military hates Obama's guts. They also hate the sissy left that made an industry of hating them online through two long wars. I'm sure this very forum has terabytes of such posts archived. The left is pretty much despicable, a political ethos that venerates cowardice, treason, and degeneracy at its core. It'd take 1000 select soldiers to overturn this nation's government in a single night. They couldn't follow up however, without the broad support of the institution of the military. In short, whoever commands the military's allegiance, commands all real power. Nothing has changed in 10,000 years of human history.

Interesting....................I served in the U.S. Navy for over 21 years from 1981 until 2002, and have never hated Obama.

However.................I DID hate the fact that Bush Jr. (aka Shrub) took us through a couple of wars that we didn't really need to be in, but he still had to try and vindicate his father's failures.

I'm guessing that you never served, nor do you really wish to, because there is a certain tenor to your rant that shows you like to say strong language, but you will never hold to your beliefs if challenged.

And.........................if you knew anything about the military, it doesn't really matter who gives the orders, it just matters that those orders are lawful.

Check it out sometime.............the UCMJ says that you can refuse to obey orders that are unlawful.

I know you have an internet connection, you're posting here. Look it up yourself.
I served, and am damn glad obutthurt wasn't in office. W was a lot better than Obutthurt and more respected by the military.

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