So Bill Clinton is "Stumping" for Hillary Today

I see two under aged victims of Epstein want the feds deposed to see why a secret deal was made to keep Epstein from facing more serious charges. Be a shame if Slick Willie's name popped up about the Lolita Express again.
she never could stand on her own two feet. she used him to get in Congress and now again using him for her to be the Queen of us all.

who hasn't she used to get where she is.
Anyone ever see this video ? Hillary has been a liar all her pathetic life. and now you want to put her in as President. after eight years of lies, dishonesty from this Obama Regime of terror
Say what you want about Bill but how is that going to keep Hillary from humiliating you on November 8. You can`t beat ANY Clinton including Chelsea and their dog Buddy who`s been dead for 9 years.
Say what you want about Bill but how is that going to keep Hillary from humiliating you on November 8. You can`t beat ANY Clinton including Chelsea and their dog Buddy who`s been dead for 9 years.
Typical libtard, hallucinating again.

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