So Do Climbing Suicide Rates of the USA Amount to Proof that Free Trade is a Failure?

Our nations economic policies should be designed to benefit the public, the common welfare, not corporate profits.

And yet there is very strong evidence that with the rise of suicide rates, undeniable proof exists that our free trade policies are failures to provide that common benefit and Americans are suffering under Free Trade tyranny.

Impact of business cycles on US suicide rates, 1928-2007. - PubMed - NCBI

Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America

Suicide rates rise, especially for one group

U.S. Suicides Hit Highest Rate in 25 Years

This is why the combined Trump and Sanders voting block is the dominant force in US politics today as BOT?H oppose continued unrestricted Free Trade for American workers jobs to be exported and cheap Third World labor to be imported.

I suspect its the product of many conservatives drinking their own koolaid. There is only so long you can argue that the economy is fucked and we're all doomed before it starts to seep into your bones.

With suicides centered most thoroughly in conservative states among the most receptive demographic to that rhetoric: older white guys.

Looks like Batshit Boy has gained an acolyte.

Do you have a better explanation for why suicides have spiked among older white guys in conservative areas than what I've described? The GOP has been preaching hopelessness, despair and collapse for years.

Its going to have an effect. Especially among those who believe it.

Batshit Boy wants you to add a little more racism to your bullshit. You still have much to learn from him.
The climbing suicide rate probably has more to do with so many medications having severe depression and suicidal impulses as a side effect.
Our nations economic policies should be designed to benefit the public, the common welfare, not corporate profits.

And yet there is very strong evidence that with the rise of suicide rates, undeniable proof exists that our free trade policies are failures to provide that common benefit and Americans are suffering under Free Trade tyranny.

Impact of business cycles on US suicide rates, 1928-2007. - PubMed - NCBI

Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America

Suicide rates rise, especially for one group

U.S. Suicides Hit Highest Rate in 25 Years

This is why the combined Trump and Sanders voting block is the dominant force in US politics today as BOT?H oppose continued unrestricted Free Trade for American workers jobs to be exported and cheap Third World labor to be imported.

I suspect its the product of many conservatives drinking their own koolaid. There is only so long you can argue that the economy is fucked and we're all doomed before it starts to seep into your bones.

With suicides centered most thoroughly in conservative states among the most receptive demographic to that rhetoric: older white guys.

Looks like Batshit Boy has gained an acolyte.

Do you have a better explanation for why suicides have spiked among older white guys in conservative areas than what I've described? The GOP has been preaching hopelessness, despair and collapse for years.

Its going to have an effect. Especially among those who believe it.

Batshit Boy wants you to add a little more racism to your bullshit. You still have much to learn from him.

But apparently not much from you. As you can't offer any better explanation. Nor a rational critique of mine. If either changes, I'll be around.
The climbing suicide rate probably has more to do with so many medications having severe depression and suicidal impulses as a side effect.

Why would they be resulting in a spike now....and one centered most thoroughly in rural, older white guys?
Our nations economic policies should be designed to benefit the public, the common welfare, not corporate profits.

And yet there is very strong evidence that with the rise of suicide rates, undeniable proof exists that our free trade policies are failures to provide that common benefit and Americans are suffering under Free Trade tyranny.

Impact of business cycles on US suicide rates, 1928-2007. - PubMed - NCBI

Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America

Suicide rates rise, especially for one group

U.S. Suicides Hit Highest Rate in 25 Years

This is why the combined Trump and Sanders voting block is the dominant force in US politics today as BOT?H oppose continued unrestricted Free Trade for American workers jobs to be exported and cheap Third World labor to be imported.

I suspect its the product of many conservatives drinking their own koolaid. There is only so long you can argue that the economy is fucked and we're all doomed before it starts to seep into your bones.

With suicides centered most thoroughly in conservative states among the most receptive demographic to that rhetoric: older white guys.

Looks like Batshit Boy has gained an acolyte.

Do you have a better explanation for why suicides have spiked among older white guys in conservative areas than what I've described? The GOP has been preaching hopelessness, despair and collapse for years.

Its going to have an effect. Especially among those who believe it.

Batshit Boy wants you to add a little more racism to your bullshit. You still have much to learn from him.

But apparently not much from you. As you can't offer any better explanation. Nor a rational critique of mine. If either changes, I'll be around.

You forgot to include an anti-Christian tirade with your homework assignment. Batshit Boy may take off points for that.
Interesting to note that the U.S suicide rate increased by about 1% under President Bush and 2% yearly since Obama was elected. The U.S. suicide rate per 100,000 is around 12.9 while the suicide rate in Russia (free trade?) stands around 19.5.

Its more interesting among which demos the suicide rate has spiked; older white males in rural areas.

Gun ownership may also play a pretty major role. As gun ownership rates tend to be significantly higher in rural areas than urban ones.
The climbing suicide rate probably has more to do with so many medications having severe depression and suicidal impulses as a side effect.

Why would they be resulting in a spike now....and one centered most thoroughly in rural, older white guys?

Many of these medications are new. Most on the market in the last two years. Older people, naturally suffering from a variety of ailments get more medications than younger people. People living in rural areas have fewer people in a position to observe medication based personality changes.

I can't believe the number of commercials for medications that have suicidal thoughts as a side effect. Treatments for diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis all have suicidal thoughts as a side effect.
The climbing suicide rate probably has more to do with so many medications having severe depression and suicidal impulses as a side effect.

Why would they be resulting in a spike now....and one centered most thoroughly in rural, older white guys?

Many of these medications are new. Most on the market in the last two years. Older people, naturally suffering from a variety of ailments get more medications than younger people. People living in rural areas have fewer people in a position to observe medication based personality changes.

I can't believe the number of commercials for medications that have suicidal thoughts as a side effect. Treatments for diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis all have suicidal thoughts as a side effect.

Can you show us any evidence that the number of medications that cause suicide have significantly increased? Remembering of course that the trend toward higher suicide started back in 1999.
50 years of Democrat-controlled education and behavior mod has driven many Americans stark-raving mad.

We will be paying for this for at least two upcoming generations.

The liberal mind is a diseased and organ anyways so suicide should be seen as a natural progression.
The climbing suicide rate probably has more to do with so many medications having severe depression and suicidal impulses as a side effect.

Why would they be resulting in a spike now....and one centered most thoroughly in rural, older white guys?

Many of these medications are new. Most on the market in the last two years. Older people, naturally suffering from a variety of ailments get more medications than younger people. People living in rural areas have fewer people in a position to observe medication based personality changes.

I can't believe the number of commercials for medications that have suicidal thoughts as a side effect. Treatments for diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis all have suicidal thoughts as a side effect.

Can you show us any evidence that the number of medications that cause suicide have significantly increased? Remembering of course that the trend toward higher suicide started back in 1999.

To find increased suicide rates you have to research an individual medication or class of medications. Two medications are anti depressants and allergy medication.

The mystery of medications linked to suicide

Antidepressants & Suicide
By the way, with Hope and Change, for the past 7 years, why isn't there a socialist Utopia, with all the executive policies that have been FORCED upon US.

View attachment 72511

7 more years with Reagan's tax code which is now more than 35 years into destroying the US Middle Class. Reagan is the guy you folks need to be talking to about the mess you're in. Clinton was friendly to the Chicago School of Economics as well, turning their IMF drones loose on every new government in the world in the 1990's. Most sensible countries have blocked or overturned the IMF reforms. The US continues to decline because of them.
Our nations economic policies should be designed to benefit the public, the common welfare, not corporate profits.

And yet there is very strong evidence that with the rise of suicide rates, undeniable proof exists that our free trade policies are failures to provide that common benefit and Americans are suffering under Free Trade tyranny.

Impact of business cycles on US suicide rates, 1928-2007. - PubMed - NCBI

Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America

Suicide rates rise, especially for one group

U.S. Suicides Hit Highest Rate in 25 Years

This is why the combined Trump and Sanders voting block is the dominant force in US politics today as BOT?H oppose continued unrestricted Free Trade for American workers jobs to be exported and cheap Third World labor to be imported.
What it means is that with Socialism(which has failed all the time) we are starting to see the effects of it in the United States of America. Liberals/socialists/communists/Marxists/progressives/democrats, all believe in equality. When everyone is poor, then everyone is equal, even equally miserable. It is just that the liberal lickspittle lapdog media are in the tank for liberals and don't report the TRUTH about liberalism.
By the way, with Hope and Change, for the past 7 years, why isn't there a socialist Utopia, with all the executive policies that have been FORCED upon US.

View attachment 72511

I see your obamaville and raise you a hooverville.
Interesting to note that the U.S suicide rate increased by about 1% under President Bush and 2% yearly since Obama was elected. The U.S. suicide rate per 100,000 is around 12.9 while the suicide rate in Russia (free trade?) stands around 19.5.
Do you recall the little thing called The Recession? The worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. That happened just as Obama was elected. Remember? If you want to blame it on the economy, don't blame it on Obama.
Interesting to note that the U.S suicide rate increased by about 1% under President Bush and 2% yearly since Obama was elected. The U.S. suicide rate per 100,000 is around 12.9 while the suicide rate in Russia (free trade?) stands around 19.5.

But dark and gloomy Russia has more tradition for that sort of thing.

How about comparisons to Switzerland who has a more citizen centered economic policy?

List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, the USA is 50th, and ranks even higher for the male suicide rate, and the Nordic countries are far better.

Sort of like people voting with their souls, no?
Jim, interesting.

I read one link. Chronic pain with no HC and easy access to guns was listed as a prime reason.

Low wage jobs with no propects for doing at least as well as your parents was another.

A bleak lookout for the future was another.

Low education.

Lots of reasons. I come from a family where suicides occur about once or twice each generation. My nephew recently killed himself. No job prospect, no real education and a drug habit.
The perfect storm.

Shit happens.

No, shit doesnt just happen. This is the result of designed policies, not to cause higher suicide rates, but for corporate profits combined with just dont-give-a-damn.
So Do Climbing Suicide Rates of the USA Amount to Proof that Free Trade is a Failure?
No, it only demonstrates that some people don't understand that correlation does not imply causation.

Lol, one of the links addressed that issue specifically and no, their argument was not simply based on correlation, bubba.

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