So Do Climbing Suicide Rates of the USA Amount to Proof that Free Trade is a Failure?

Our nations economic policies should be designed to benefit the public, the common welfare, not corporate profits.

And yet there is very strong evidence that with the rise of suicide rates, undeniable proof exists that our free trade policies are failures to provide that common benefit and Americans are suffering under Free Trade tyranny.

Impact of business cycles on US suicide rates, 1928-2007. - PubMed - NCBI

Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America

Suicide rates rise, especially for one group

U.S. Suicides Hit Highest Rate in 25 Years

This is why the combined Trump and Sanders voting block is the dominant force in US politics today as BOT?H oppose continued unrestricted Free Trade for American workers jobs to be exported and cheap Third World labor to be imported.
I think it's linked to the rise on man buns as a fashion thing.
It makes as much sense as anything you just posted.
to drooling idiots maybe
No matter how hard conservatives try to dodge the discussion of the changes that Reagan's tax code has caused, none of them good unless you were wealthy to begin with, eventually history is turning against Reagan is his supply side experiment as the utter disaster it has truly been.

It's not liberal policies, or assistance to the working poor that's bankrupting the US economy. It's conservative wars, and mega-corporations that have wrecked the economy. If all of the money spent on Iraq and Afghanistan had been spent at home on schools and infrastructure, your economy would be in a whole lot better shape.
No matter how hard conservatives try to dodge the discussion of the changes that Reagan's tax code has caused, none of them good unless you were wealthy to begin with, eventually history is turning against Reagan is his supply side experiment as the utter disaster it has truly been.

It's not liberal policies, or assistance to the working poor that's bankrupting the US economy. It's conservative wars, and mega-corporations that have wrecked the economy. If all of the money spent on Iraq and Afghanistan had been spent at home on schools and infrastructure, your economy would be in a whole lot better shape.
Hey "DUDE" better check now but it seems that Obama's unaffordable healthcare tax has created more middle class poverty than ever, yet the Uber wealth liberal elites like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zukerburg(however you spell it), Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and others are getting richer? You liberals are so dumb thinking that the liberals are trying to punish the rich, except themselves, and you will be better off. Since the ACA tax, has your wealth increased, or is your dollar buying power less?

Before Obama took office
a gallon of gas was - $1.87
a can of corn - 33 cents
a townhouse - $200,000
healthcare - $2,500 cheaper
Maybe if you libs stopped drinking the koolaid, think outside the box(I know thinking takes work, which you libs hate), get a job, stop goosestepping and saluting the Fuhrer everytime he talks, you might actually make something of yourselves, but then you would become a "Conservative".
No matter how hard conservatives try to dodge the discussion of the changes that Reagan's tax code has caused, none of them good unless you were wealthy to begin with, eventually history is turning against Reagan is his supply side experiment as the utter disaster it has truly been.

It's not liberal policies, or assistance to the working poor that's bankrupting the US economy. It's conservative wars, and mega-corporations that have wrecked the economy. If all of the money spent on Iraq and Afghanistan had been spent at home on schools and infrastructure, your economy would be in a whole lot better shape.
Hey "DUDE" better check now but it seems that Obama's unaffordable healthcare tax has created more middle class poverty than ever, yet the Uber wealth liberal elites like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zukerburg(however you spell it), Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and others are getting richer? You liberals are so dumb thinking that the liberals are trying to punish the rich, except themselves, and you will be better off. Since the ACA tax, has your wealth increased, or is your dollar buying power less?

Before Obama took office
a gallon of gas was - $1.87
a can of corn - 33 cents
a townhouse - $200,000
healthcare - $2,500 cheaper
Maybe if you libs stopped drinking the koolaid, think outside the box(I know thinking takes work, which you libs hate), get a job, stop goosestepping and saluting the Fuhrer everytime he talks, you might actually make something of yourselves, but then you would become a "Conservative".

Your statistics are meaningless. Where was a townhouse $200,000? Townhouses in New York were a lot more than $200,000, and in small midwestern towns, a lot less.

Average employer health insurance premiums increased from $6,438 for family coverage, per employee, in 2000, to $12,680 in 2008. That's a 97% increase while W was in office.

Health Care Costs and Election 2008

In 2009, that amount was increased by 10.8%, and in 2010 the increase was an average 11.7%, which brings them to $15,693 prior to the ACA being signed. If premiums have only gone up $2,500 in the 6 years since the ACA was signed, premium increases total 15.9% for the past 6 years, or an average of 2.65% a year, versus an average increase of 14.3% per year for the 10 years prior to the ACA. That's an incredible accomplishment.

I'm a Canadian. A retired Canadian. One who worked full time, for nearly 50 years before retiring. In my my working life, I've delivered newspapers, cuts lawns, babysat for all of my nieces and nephews, worked as a nanny/housekeeper, worked in the tobacco fields, washed dishes, assisted the short order cook and waited tables in a restaurant, worked the counter in the dry cleaning store, and that's what I did before I finished school.

After I finished school, I started out as a bank teller, and 9 years later became one of the first female bank managers in Canada, winning an award for being one of the top employees in one of the Big 5 Chartered Banks in Canada. I then switched to law, starting out with a small storefront office in mid-town Toronto, and ending in one of the Seven Sisters at the corner of King & Bay Street, working on transactions which impact the economies of nations.

I've contributed more to society to you than you will ever dream of. I voted for the Conservatives once, in my entire life, and that's because the Liberal candidate was an asshole, and the Conservative candidate was a good man.
No matter how hard conservatives try to dodge the discussion of the changes that Reagan's tax code has caused, none of them good unless you were wealthy to begin with, eventually history is turning against Reagan is his supply side experiment as the utter disaster it has truly been.

It's not liberal policies, or assistance to the working poor that's bankrupting the US economy. It's conservative wars, and mega-corporations that have wrecked the economy. If all of the money spent on Iraq and Afghanistan had been spent at home on schools and infrastructure, your economy would be in a whole lot better shape.
Hey "DUDE" better check now but it seems that Obama's unaffordable healthcare tax has created more middle class poverty than ever, yet the Uber wealth liberal elites like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zukerburg(however you spell it), Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and others are getting richer? You liberals are so dumb thinking that the liberals are trying to punish the rich, except themselves, and you will be better off. Since the ACA tax, has your wealth increased, or is your dollar buying power less?

Before Obama took office
a gallon of gas was - $1.87
a can of corn - 33 cents
a townhouse - $200,000
healthcare - $2,500 cheaper
Maybe if you libs stopped drinking the koolaid, think outside the box(I know thinking takes work, which you libs hate), get a job, stop goosestepping and saluting the Fuhrer everytime he talks, you might actually make something of yourselves, but then you would become a "Conservative".

Your statistics are meaningless. Where was a townhouse $200,000? Townhouses in New York were a lot more than $200,000, and in small midwestern towns, a lot less.

Average employer health insurance premiums increased from $6,438 for family coverage, per employee, in 2000, to $12,680 in 2008. That's a 97% increase while W was in office.

Health Care Costs and Election 2008

In 2009, that amount was increased by 10.8%, and in 2010 the increase was an average 11.7%, which brings them to $15,693 prior to the ACA being signed. If premiums have only gone up $2,500 in the 6 years since the ACA was signed, premium increases total 15.9% for the past 6 years, or an average of 2.65% a year, versus an average increase of 14.3% per year for the 10 years prior to the ACA. That's an incredible accomplishment.

I'm a Canadian. A retired Canadian. One who worked full time, for nearly 50 years before retiring. In my my working life, I've delivered newspapers, cuts lawns, babysat for all of my nieces and nephews, worked as a nanny/housekeeper, worked in the tobacco fields, washed dishes, assisted the short order cook and waited tables in a restaurant, worked the counter in the dry cleaning store, and that's what I did before I finished school.

After I finished school, I started out as a bank teller, and 9 years later became one of the first female bank managers in Canada, winning an award for being one of the top employees in one of the Big 5 Chartered Banks in Canada. I then switched to law, starting out with a small storefront office in mid-town Toronto, and ending in one of the Seven Sisters at the corner of King & Bay Street, working on transactions which impact the economies of nations.

I've contributed more to society to you than you will ever dream of. I voted for the Conservatives once, in my entire life, and that's because the Liberal candidate was an asshole, and the Conservative candidate was a good man.
I am sorry that you are a Canadian. You have been screwed since you were born. We in the US are starting to feel what you did, back then. I used personal statistics that I saw while living in Maryland for 16 years. I saw not only the Federal Government going insane, but also Martin O'dipshit Malley tax everything he could. After 8 years of his moronic policies, I became a Virginian.

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