So far I've only been able to see one Silver Lining in all this.

For years, the right wing has preached about how "Godly" they are and all of the morals that ooze out of oily right wing thin skin. But look at who they elected.

A man that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT and who suggested again and again that he would "date" his daughter presumably even with blood coming out of her whatever. That is usually what happens.

There were complaints that he walked in on beauty contestants while they were dressing because he "owned" the pageant. Some as young as 15 years old.

Then the wives. The adulterous affairs. The reports his kids were handling his very public affairs with fear and bullying from school. The reports he slept with a Playboy Bunny while his current wife was pregnant.

Right Wingers will have to explain to their children and grandchildren why they gleefully voted for such a man.

Funny, Hillary kept her marriage vows because they were vows she made to God, but she is the awful one. They say she enabled her husband to have affairs, even though by all reports, she didn't even know about them which is why he lied and Monica, a 24 year old woman, also kept it secret.
12 women have come forward to name Trump as a sexual attacker and even Trump says he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. He said he does it and likes it. It's on tape.

So these right wingers will have so many things to explain to their children. Millions of Americans see the Obama's as "role models". Even millions of whites. They say his family was on food stamps and he became president. In fact, he and his wife didn't even finish paying back student loans until he was in his forties which he was able to pay with royalties from the book he wrote. Right wingers insist he lied about writing the book. They see Trump as a role model, not Obama.

So even though you Republicans have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suspect that into the future, your children will be very confused when you explain to them what a great man Trump is and how awful Obama and Mrs. Clinton are.

Trump says he wants to kill the families of suicide bombers. Typically, families include women, babies and children. You can explain to them why that's OK, but women should have no control over their own bodies.

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online
And them tell them about the evils of woman's rights.

The next time the Religious Right and right wing Evangelicals talk morals, I will just laugh right into their hypocritical faces.
Nobody on the right ever preached how "godly they are. It's a fantasy invented by the agnostic left that believes in nothing left. The problem is that democrats advocate no family values and no morality. It's so close to Stalinism that it's scary. Thank God we have a two party system.
False belief, there, Sparky that only fundamentalist Christians wanted Trump. We Druids were pretty united in our support. Our friends the atheists, though not well organized, were with the program. Of course our preferred solution to certain problems differs from those of President Trump. But we'll prey for him. Not "on" - FOR.
I suspect millions of young boys will cum to admire Mrs. Trump. She has so many @$$ets. So many reasons to see her. I know I like what I'm seeing.

I see you are making another moral argument. How religious of you to do so.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.
Saying Mrs. Trump is sexy isn't a moral argument. In the words of Donald Trump, "I'd grab her pu$$y". Come on, she's probably used to it. She's married to him. He says that's what he does. Don't you believe him?

I just had to say that. Because that's who you see as a role model. Not me.
Making a lot of assumptions, there. Just because you see every Democrat as a role model, regardless of how much evil they perpetuate, doesn't mean every non-Democrat sees Donald Trump as a role model.

In other words, stop generalizing to serve your false narrative~
Hilarious. First you say "making a lot of assumptions".

Then you said, "Just because you see every Democrat as a role model".

This is why I consider you an idiot. Think about why. You could learn something valuable.
I suspect millions of young boys will cum to admire Mrs. Trump. She has so many @$$ets. So many reasons to see her. I know I like what I'm seeing.

I see you are making another moral argument. How religious of you to do so.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it. They are modern American liberals.
Saying Mrs. Trump is sexy isn't a moral argument. In the words of Donald Trump, "I'd grab her pu$$y". Come on, she's probably used to it. She's married to him. He says that's what he does. Don't you believe him?

I just had to say that. Because that's who you see as a role model. Not me.
Making a lot of assumptions, there. Just because you see every Democrat as a role model, regardless of how much evil they perpetuate, doesn't mean every non-Democrat sees Donald Trump as a role model.

In other words, stop generalizing to serve your false narrative~
Hilarious. First you say "making a lot of assumptions".

Then you said, "Just because you see every Democrat as a role model".

This is why I consider you an idiot. Think about why. You could learn something valuable.
I've learned something useful from you, rderp.
For years, the right wing has preached about how "Godly" they are and all of the morals that ooze out of oily right wing thin skin. But look at who they elected.

A man that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT and who suggested again and again that he would "date" his daughter presumably even with blood coming out of her whatever. That is usually what happens.

There were complaints that he walked in on beauty contestants while they were dressing because he "owned" the pageant. Some as young as 15 years old.

Then the wives. The adulterous affairs. The reports his kids were handling his very public affairs with fear and bullying from school. The reports he slept with a Playboy Bunny while his current wife was pregnant.

Right Wingers will have to explain to their children and grandchildren why they gleefully voted for such a man.

Funny, Hillary kept her marriage vows because they were vows she made to God, but she is the awful one. They say she enabled her husband to have affairs, even though by all reports, she didn't even know about them which is why he lied and Monica, a 24 year old woman, also kept it secret.
12 women have come forward to name Trump as a sexual attacker and even Trump says he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. He said he does it and likes it. It's on tape.

So these right wingers will have so many things to explain to their children. Millions of American see the Obama's as "role models". Even millions of whites. They say his family was on food stamps and he became president. In fact, he and his wife didn't even finish paying back student loans until he was in his forties which he was able to pay with royalties from the book he wrote. Right wingers insist he lied about writing the book. They see Trump as a role model, not Obama.

So even though you Republicans have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suspect that into the future, your children will be very confused when you explain to them what a great man Trump is and how awful Obama and Mrs. Clinton are.

Trump says he wants to kill the families of suicide bombers. Typically, families include women, babies and children. You can explain to them why that's OK, but women should have no control over their own bodies.

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online
And them tell them about the evils of woman's rights.

The next time the Religious Right and right wing Evangelicals talk morals, I will just laugh right into their hypocritical faces.

Another lecture from Rdean?

tell me again how outrage you are about Melania Trump posing in those pics while then defending Anthony Weiner sexting!?!

You know it would be one thing if you have never called women whore's but seeing you have, well you're no better than the Trump voter that you are bitching about!
I called women whores? I did that? When? Oh, you mean I called Mrs. Trump a whore. Because she takes soft core pictures for sexual titillation, not "art" and get's paid for it. Well, that is kind of a whorish thing to do. I suspect many people will agree with me on that, even some right wingers.

And Anthony Weiner never bared is wiener. And even if he had, he's not the first lady and his husband wasn't running for president and no one as called him a role model.

Do a poll asking how many people agree with you and watch how many call you on your nonsense!

You're one sick individual to believe that someone that was not married posing for pictures was worst than what Weiner has attempted to do with underage females.

It tell me you would have voted for Weiner if he ran for President because to you being a perverted asshole that is married is perfectly fine as long as the individual is Democrat.

Now get to that poll and discover how many people will not agree with you...
If he ran for

What the fuck?

I don't care about Weiner so fuck off. That's your issue, not mine.
For years, the right wing has preached about how "Godly" they are and all of the morals that ooze out of oily right wing thin skin. But look at who they elected.

A man that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT and who suggested again and again that he would "date" his daughter presumably even with blood coming out of her whatever. That is usually what happens.

There were complaints that he walked in on beauty contestants while they were dressing because he "owned" the pageant. Some as young as 15 years old.

Then the wives. The adulterous affairs. The reports his kids were handling his very public affairs with fear and bullying from school. The reports he slept with a Playboy Bunny while his current wife was pregnant.

Right Wingers will have to explain to their children and grandchildren why they gleefully voted for such a man.

Funny, Hillary kept her marriage vows because they were vows she made to God, but she is the awful one. They say she enabled her husband to have affairs, even though by all reports, she didn't even know about them which is why he lied and Monica, a 24 year old woman, also kept it secret.
12 women have come forward to name Trump as a sexual attacker and even Trump says he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. He said he does it and likes it. It's on tape.

So these right wingers will have so many things to explain to their children. Millions of Americans see the Obama's as "role models". Even millions of whites. They say his family was on food stamps and he became president. In fact, he and his wife didn't even finish paying back student loans until he was in his forties which he was able to pay with royalties from the book he wrote. Right wingers insist he lied about writing the book. They see Trump as a role model, not Obama.

So even though you Republicans have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suspect that into the future, your children will be very confused when you explain to them what a great man Trump is and how awful Obama and Mrs. Clinton are.

Trump says he wants to kill the families of suicide bombers. Typically, families include women, babies and children. You can explain to them why that's OK, but women should have no control over their own bodies.

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online
And them tell them about the evils of woman's rights.

The next time the Religious Right and right wing Evangelicals talk morals, I will just laugh right into their hypocritical faces.

This election wasn't about the religious right at all. It was about fleecing our jobs to China and Mexico. It was about the lawlessness going on with BLM. It was about corrupt politicians that think they are above the law.
No, the vast majority of liberals are Christians and people of faith who truly believe the words of Jesus when he saidi "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I personally don't like having strange men grab my pussy. Nor do I like it when people disrespect my religion or my beliefs. So I try not to do these things to others.

Jesus also said "Love one another as I have loved you". He didn't say "Love the people who look like you, or believe like you", He said "Love one another". I believe the Love trumps Hate.

Jesus was asked "How many times do I forgive a man who has wronged me?" and He replied "70 times 7". Trump has an enemies list, the White House (the ultimate bully platform), and a long memory, according to Omorosa. He's already starting to use it.

All that is required for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing. Half the electorate sat at home last week and didn't cast a ballot. Now they're having buyer's remorse.

Either Trump and the Republican Party repudiate the alt right and their bullying, attacking and assaulting of non-white, non-Christians, immigrants and women, or things will continue to deteriorate.

Complete unadulterated camel dung
Tell that to Jesus.

Jesus knows who the real Christians are and a Godless leftist aint it
No where in anything Jesus says are their GOP Right Wing phrases like "Let him die" referring to someone sick. We saw that at the Las Vegas GOP debates when Ron Paul was asked what to do with someone uninsured.

Then GOP Lt. Governor who said his grandmother told him if you feed the animals, they won't leave. And that the poor are like those animals. Feed them and they breed.

Republicans cut food stamps for children and they want to cut school lunches.

Republicans attack the poor and the sick and only care about the fetus. That is everything Jesus was against. They can deny that, but the can't deny their targeted policies.
It is easier for you to build strawmen arguments than it is for you to have an honest argument. We don't disagree with helping people, we disagree on the solution. Your solution doesn't work. Heck, even FDR acknowledged this.

While it may be comforting for you to believe that you are morally superior, the facts do not bear this out. Throwing money over a fence does not help people. It makes the situation worse. The only proven method is subsidiarity.

The reality is that you couldn't care one bit about anyone else. You are using their misery as a political tool. Which makes you the lowest of the low. So please spare me with your holy than thou rhetoric because that is all it is. I say this in the nicest way possible... go fuck yourself.
Why are you trying to assign some ridiculous position to me that I have never ever subscribed to? You fuck off. Coming up with nonsense and telling me that's what I believe. And I don't know any Democrats who believe that.

Democrat I know believe this: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." That's why Democrats are so pro education. Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

But I know lots of Republicans who believe this:

For years, the right wing has preached about how "Godly" they are and all of the morals that ooze out of oily right wing thin skin. But look at who they elected.

A man that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT and who suggested again and again that he would "date" his daughter presumably even with blood coming out of her whatever. That is usually what happens.

There were complaints that he walked in on beauty contestants while they were dressing because he "owned" the pageant. Some as young as 15 years old.

Then the wives. The adulterous affairs. The reports his kids were handling his very public affairs with fear and bullying from school. The reports he slept with a Playboy Bunny while his current wife was pregnant.

Right Wingers will have to explain to their children and grandchildren why they gleefully voted for such a man.

Funny, Hillary kept her marriage vows because they were vows she made to God, but she is the awful one. They say she enabled her husband to have affairs, even though by all reports, she didn't even know about them which is why he lied and Monica, a 24 year old woman, also kept it secret.
12 women have come forward to name Trump as a sexual attacker and even Trump says he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. He said he does it and likes it. It's on tape.

So these right wingers will have so many things to explain to their children. Millions of Americans see the Obama's as "role models". Even millions of whites. They say his family was on food stamps and he became president. In fact, he and his wife didn't even finish paying back student loans until he was in his forties which he was able to pay with royalties from the book he wrote. Right wingers insist he lied about writing the book. They see Trump as a role model, not Obama.

So even though you Republicans have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suspect that into the future, your children will be very confused when you explain to them what a great man Trump is and how awful Obama and Mrs. Clinton are.

Trump says he wants to kill the families of suicide bombers. Typically, families include women, babies and children. You can explain to them why that's OK, but women should have no control over their own bodies.

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online
And them tell them about the evils of woman's rights.

The next time the Religious Right and right wing Evangelicals talk morals, I will just laugh right into their hypocritical faces.

As much as I'm an enormous fan of Nat King Cole, I like this one better. I watched it on the Ed Sullivan show played live from the London Palladium in the early sixties. I thought it was so touching. And when I saw it years later on Youtube, I thought it was still just a good.

Complete unadulterated camel dung
Tell that to Jesus.

Jesus knows who the real Christians are and a Godless leftist aint it
No where in anything Jesus says are their GOP Right Wing phrases like "Let him die" referring to someone sick. We saw that at the Las Vegas GOP debates when Ron Paul was asked what to do with someone uninsured.

Then GOP Lt. Governor who said his grandmother told him if you feed the animals, they won't leave. And that the poor are like those animals. Feed them and they breed.

Republicans cut food stamps for children and they want to cut school lunches.

Republicans attack the poor and the sick and only care about the fetus. That is everything Jesus was against. They can deny that, but the can't deny their targeted policies.
It is easier for you to build strawmen arguments than it is for you to have an honest argument. We don't disagree with helping people, we disagree on the solution. Your solution doesn't work. Heck, even FDR acknowledged this.

While it may be comforting for you to believe that you are morally superior, the facts do not bear this out. Throwing money over a fence does not help people. It makes the situation worse. The only proven method is subsidiarity.

The reality is that you couldn't care one bit about anyone else. You are using their misery as a political tool. Which makes you the lowest of the low. So please spare me with your holy than thou rhetoric because that is all it is. I say this in the nicest way possible... go fuck yourself.
Why are you trying to assign some ridiculous position to me that I have never ever subscribed to? You fuck off. Coming up with nonsense and telling me that's what I believe. And I don't know any Democrats who believe that.

Democrat I know believe this: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." That's why Democrats are so pro education. Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

But I know lots of Republicans who believe this:

Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, and evolution is a lie? Where do you get these crazy ideas? lol
For years, the right wing has preached about how "Godly" they are and all of the morals that ooze out of oily right wing thin skin. But look at who they elected.

A man that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT and who suggested again and again that he would "date" his daughter presumably even with blood coming out of her whatever. That is usually what happens.

There were complaints that he walked in on beauty contestants while they were dressing because he "owned" the pageant. Some as young as 15 years old.

Then the wives. The adulterous affairs. The reports his kids were handling his very public affairs with fear and bullying from school. The reports he slept with a Playboy Bunny while his current wife was pregnant.

Right Wingers will have to explain to their children and grandchildren why they gleefully voted for such a man.

Funny, Hillary kept her marriage vows because they were vows she made to God, but she is the awful one. They say she enabled her husband to have affairs, even though by all reports, she didn't even know about them which is why he lied and Monica, a 24 year old woman, also kept it secret.
12 women have come forward to name Trump as a sexual attacker and even Trump says he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. He said he does it and likes it. It's on tape.

So these right wingers will have so many things to explain to their children. Millions of Americans see the Obama's as "role models". Even millions of whites. They say his family was on food stamps and he became president. In fact, he and his wife didn't even finish paying back student loans until he was in his forties which he was able to pay with royalties from the book he wrote. Right wingers insist he lied about writing the book. They see Trump as a role model, not Obama.

So even though you Republicans have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suspect that into the future, your children will be very confused when you explain to them what a great man Trump is and how awful Obama and Mrs. Clinton are.

Trump says he wants to kill the families of suicide bombers. Typically, families include women, babies and children. You can explain to them why that's OK, but women should have no control over their own bodies.

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online
And them tell them about the evils of woman's rights.

The next time the Religious Right and right wing Evangelicals talk morals, I will just laugh right into their hypocritical faces.

This election wasn't about the religious right at all. It was about fleecing our jobs to China and Mexico. It was about the lawlessness going on with BLM. It was about corrupt politicians that think they are above the law.
That's where you fell into the trap of stupid and ignorance. I'm sorry you were taken for a ride, I truly am. But it was your responsibility to know who you were voting for.

While many jobs were moved to China and Mexico, the vast majority were simply automated. That's why China and Mexico are also losing jobs. Trump played you. While factories are coming back, jobs aren't.

Manufacturing Jobs Are Never Coming Back

Here’s the problem: Whether or not those manufacturing jobs could have been saved, they aren’t coming back, at least not most of them. How do we know? Because in recent years, factories have been coming back, but the jobs haven’t. Because of rising wages in China, the need for shorter supply chains and other factors, a small but growing group of companies are shifting production back to the U.S. But the factories they build here are heavily automated, employing a small fraction of the workers they would have a generation ago.

Outsourcing Not the Culprit in Manufacturing Job Loss | Automation World

Automation vs. Outsourcing

That's YOUR job to find out the truth. You simply got played.

Corrupt politicians? Trump is under Multiple investigations. He has already been found guilty and fined multiple times. Look it up.

Lawlessness of Black Lives Matter? What did they do? Protest when young unarmed man after man and boys and children have been shot dead while simply walking down the street? Glad I'm not black. I don't want to be shot dead by some racist Republican.
Yes if nothing else this outed all evangelicans and every other right winger who claim to be Christian as liars.

They are not Christians. You people have taken your mask off in the public square for all to see. At least we've learned this.
Tell that to Jesus.

Jesus knows who the real Christians are and a Godless leftist aint it
No where in anything Jesus says are their GOP Right Wing phrases like "Let him die" referring to someone sick. We saw that at the Las Vegas GOP debates when Ron Paul was asked what to do with someone uninsured.

Then GOP Lt. Governor who said his grandmother told him if you feed the animals, they won't leave. And that the poor are like those animals. Feed them and they breed.

Republicans cut food stamps for children and they want to cut school lunches.

Republicans attack the poor and the sick and only care about the fetus. That is everything Jesus was against. They can deny that, but the can't deny their targeted policies.
It is easier for you to build strawmen arguments than it is for you to have an honest argument. We don't disagree with helping people, we disagree on the solution. Your solution doesn't work. Heck, even FDR acknowledged this.

While it may be comforting for you to believe that you are morally superior, the facts do not bear this out. Throwing money over a fence does not help people. It makes the situation worse. The only proven method is subsidiarity.

The reality is that you couldn't care one bit about anyone else. You are using their misery as a political tool. Which makes you the lowest of the low. So please spare me with your holy than thou rhetoric because that is all it is. I say this in the nicest way possible... go fuck yourself.
Why are you trying to assign some ridiculous position to me that I have never ever subscribed to? You fuck off. Coming up with nonsense and telling me that's what I believe. And I don't know any Democrats who believe that.

Democrat I know believe this: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." That's why Democrats are so pro education. Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

But I know lots of Republicans who believe this:

Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, and evolution is a lie? Where do you get these crazy ideas? lol

Simple, from Republican, where else?

Evolution and the GOP’s 2016 candidates: A complete guide

Donald Trump Did, In Fact, Blame China for Inventing Climate Change

GOP House Science Committee Member: Evolution, Big Bang ‘Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell’

The vast majority of Republicans believe all that. Who doesn't know that?
Jesus knows who the real Christians are and a Godless leftist aint it
No where in anything Jesus says are their GOP Right Wing phrases like "Let him die" referring to someone sick. We saw that at the Las Vegas GOP debates when Ron Paul was asked what to do with someone uninsured.

Then GOP Lt. Governor who said his grandmother told him if you feed the animals, they won't leave. And that the poor are like those animals. Feed them and they breed.

Republicans cut food stamps for children and they want to cut school lunches.

Republicans attack the poor and the sick and only care about the fetus. That is everything Jesus was against. They can deny that, but the can't deny their targeted policies.
It is easier for you to build strawmen arguments than it is for you to have an honest argument. We don't disagree with helping people, we disagree on the solution. Your solution doesn't work. Heck, even FDR acknowledged this.

While it may be comforting for you to believe that you are morally superior, the facts do not bear this out. Throwing money over a fence does not help people. It makes the situation worse. The only proven method is subsidiarity.

The reality is that you couldn't care one bit about anyone else. You are using their misery as a political tool. Which makes you the lowest of the low. So please spare me with your holy than thou rhetoric because that is all it is. I say this in the nicest way possible... go fuck yourself.
Why are you trying to assign some ridiculous position to me that I have never ever subscribed to? You fuck off. Coming up with nonsense and telling me that's what I believe. And I don't know any Democrats who believe that.

Democrat I know believe this: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." That's why Democrats are so pro education. Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

But I know lots of Republicans who believe this:

Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, and evolution is a lie? Where do you get these crazy ideas? lol

Simple, from Republican, where else?

Evolution and the GOP’s 2016 candidates: A complete guide

Donald Trump Did, In Fact, Blame China for Inventing Climate Change

GOP House Science Committee Member: Evolution, Big Bang ‘Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell’

The vast majority of Republicans believe all that. Who doesn't know that?

Do the majority of democrats believe Guam will tip over?
Complete unadulterated camel dung
Tell that to Jesus.

Jesus knows who the real Christians are and a Godless leftist aint it
No where in anything Jesus says are their GOP Right Wing phrases like "Let him die" referring to someone sick. We saw that at the Las Vegas GOP debates when Ron Paul was asked what to do with someone uninsured.

Then GOP Lt. Governor who said his grandmother told him if you feed the animals, they won't leave. And that the poor are like those animals. Feed them and they breed.

Republicans cut food stamps for children and they want to cut school lunches.

Republicans attack the poor and the sick and only care about the fetus. That is everything Jesus was against. They can deny that, but the can't deny their targeted policies.
It is easier for you to build strawmen arguments than it is for you to have an honest argument. We don't disagree with helping people, we disagree on the solution. Your solution doesn't work. Heck, even FDR acknowledged this.

While it may be comforting for you to believe that you are morally superior, the facts do not bear this out. Throwing money over a fence does not help people. It makes the situation worse. The only proven method is subsidiarity.

The reality is that you couldn't care one bit about anyone else. You are using their misery as a political tool. Which makes you the lowest of the low. So please spare me with your holy than thou rhetoric because that is all it is. I say this in the nicest way possible... go fuck yourself.
Why are you trying to assign some ridiculous position to me that I have never ever subscribed to? You fuck off. Coming up with nonsense and telling me that's what I believe. And I don't know any Democrats who believe that.

Democrat I know believe this: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." That's why Democrats are so pro education. Republicans want to teach the earth is 6,000 years old, science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy.

But I know lots of Republicans who believe this:

You don't care about anyone else. You are a self righteous holier than thou hypocrite. You use the misery of others for your personal political fodder. You have elevated your political beliefs to a religion and you are a fanatic.
For years, the right wing has preached about how "Godly" they are and all of the morals that ooze out of oily right wing thin skin. But look at who they elected.

A man that said he grabs pu$$y whether they want it or NOT and who suggested again and again that he would "date" his daughter presumably even with blood coming out of her whatever. That is usually what happens.

There were complaints that he walked in on beauty contestants while they were dressing because he "owned" the pageant. Some as young as 15 years old.

Then the wives. The adulterous affairs. The reports his kids were handling his very public affairs with fear and bullying from school. The reports he slept with a Playboy Bunny while his current wife was pregnant.

Right Wingers will have to explain to their children and grandchildren why they gleefully voted for such a man.

Funny, Hillary kept her marriage vows because they were vows she made to God, but she is the awful one. They say she enabled her husband to have affairs, even though by all reports, she didn't even know about them which is why he lied and Monica, a 24 year old woman, also kept it secret.
12 women have come forward to name Trump as a sexual attacker and even Trump says he likes to attack women. Grab them by the pu$$y. He said he does it and likes it. It's on tape.

So these right wingers will have so many things to explain to their children. Millions of American see the Obama's as "role models". Even millions of whites. They say his family was on food stamps and he became president. In fact, he and his wife didn't even finish paying back student loans until he was in his forties which he was able to pay with royalties from the book he wrote. Right wingers insist he lied about writing the book. They see Trump as a role model, not Obama.

So even though you Republicans have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suspect that into the future, your children will be very confused when you explain to them what a great man Trump is and how awful Obama and Mrs. Clinton are.

Trump says he wants to kill the families of suicide bombers. Typically, families include women, babies and children. You can explain to them why that's OK, but women should have no control over their own bodies.

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's sick baby | Daily Mail Online
And them tell them about the evils of woman's rights.

The next time the Religious Right and right wing Evangelicals talk morals, I will just laugh right into their hypocritical faces.
If you never had any morals in the first place, then what makes you think you can lecture anyone about this?

Guess you lot should have never gone the lecturing on morals route, it was always bound to fold back around on ya.
Yeah...because that's the lefts job. Even though they never seem to practice what they preach.
Yes if nothing else this outed all evangelicans and every other right winger who claim to be Christian as liars.

They are not Christians. You people have taken your mask off in the public square for all to see. At least we've learned this.
We know there's not much separation between religion/culture & politics.
Those who use religion for moral arguments are selling their "souls" for attempted political gain.
We'll see if Trump really gives a shit about their concerns. If he does, then we'll know he'll be running for re-election in a few years.

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