So FBI Knew Steele Dossier was Russian Disinformation, But Used it for FISA Warrants anyway


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is disgusting.

The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with Americans right to privacy, using known fraudulent material to obtain survielance on American citizens.

The FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team investigating the Trump 2016 campaign received multiple indications that former British spy Christopher Steele -- one of their key informants in their investigation -- was part of an elaborate "Russian disinformation campaign," according to several newly declassified footnotes from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FBI misconduct.
“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation," Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who had pushed for the declassification, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. "These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.”
At the same time, Grassley's office added that "the senators expect a fuller declassification in the coming days," including a version of the footnotes that does not redact the names of those who raised the alarm about Steele.
One of the footnotes, which was previously redacted in its entirety, read: “The [REDACTED] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations." That subset referred to the activities of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Steele's dossier claimed had traveled to Prague to meet with Russian agents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unable to substantiate that claim, and Cohen has denied it...
The footnote goes on to state that a 2017 report “contained information … that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [REDACTED] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltra[ing] a source into the network’ of a [REDACTED] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”
Nope. I suppose that now Joe Biden is the Democratic presumptive nominee, there is going to be more of this Recycled Political Garbage posted on USMB.
My only wish is that this AG, Barr, will stop thinking about the virus and the economy and do his job. That would be to prosecute the DOJ people who were responsible for the coup to overthrow Trump.
That shit is funny. He's Trumps man. Trump has been in office for how long, going on 4 years. If they, The Deep State, wanted Trump overthrown it would have happened by now. Think. Trump had complete control of the federal government for this first two years in office. This shit is funny.
This is disgusting.

The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with Americans right to privacy, using known fraudulent material to obtain survielance on American citizens.

The FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team investigating the Trump 2016 campaign received multiple indications that former British spy Christopher Steele -- one of their key informants in their investigation -- was part of an elaborate "Russian disinformation campaign," according to several newly declassified footnotes from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FBI misconduct.
“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation," Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who had pushed for the declassification, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. "These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.”
At the same time, Grassley's office added that "the senators expect a fuller declassification in the coming days," including a version of the footnotes that does not redact the names of those who raised the alarm about Steele.
One of the footnotes, which was previously redacted in its entirety, read: “The [REDACTED] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations." That subset referred to the activities of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Steele's dossier claimed had traveled to Prague to meet with Russian agents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unable to substantiate that claim, and Cohen has denied it...
The footnote goes on to state that a 2017 report “contained information … that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [REDACTED] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltra[ing] a source into the network’ of a [REDACTED] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”
lock her up !
the only people that colluded with the rusians were democrats and their middle man Steele.
Red Alert! Russian Troll Bot Alert!
rusians are communist ...... i am a proud conservative and a patriot ! the fact is it was the left [communist] working with the russians .....traitors with your political leanings.
My only wish is that this AG, Barr, will stop thinking about the virus and the economy and do his job. That would be to prosecute the DOJ people who were responsible for the coup to overthrow Trump.
That shit is funny. He's Trumps man. Trump has been in office for how long, going on 4 years. If they, The Deep State, wanted Trump overthrown it would have happened by now. Think. Trump had complete control of the federal government for this first two years in office. This shit is funny.
fag alert ! communist cock sucker alert !
This is disgusting.

The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with Americans right to privacy, using known fraudulent material to obtain survielance on American citizens.

The FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team investigating the Trump 2016 campaign received multiple indications that former British spy Christopher Steele -- one of their key informants in their investigation -- was part of an elaborate "Russian disinformation campaign," according to several newly declassified footnotes from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FBI misconduct.
“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation," Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who had pushed for the declassification, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. "These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.”
At the same time, Grassley's office added that "the senators expect a fuller declassification in the coming days," including a version of the footnotes that does not redact the names of those who raised the alarm about Steele.
One of the footnotes, which was previously redacted in its entirety, read: “The [REDACTED] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations." That subset referred to the activities of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Steele's dossier claimed had traveled to Prague to meet with Russian agents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unable to substantiate that claim, and Cohen has denied it...
The footnote goes on to state that a 2017 report “contained information … that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [REDACTED] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltra[ing] a source into the network’ of a [REDACTED] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”
Again, i have said before, there better be people arrested and sent to jail, for this shit. Otherwise there will be hell to pay by the citizens of the US as we take back this government from the radical leftists who want to turn it into the United Soviet States of America.
the only people that colluded with the rusians were democrats and their middle man Steele.
Red Alert! Russian Troll Bot Alert!
rusians are communist ...... i am a proud conservative and a patriot ! the fact is it was the left [communist] working with the russians .....traitors with your political leanings.
Lot of BS in that comment. City Street Sweepers just moved right along and cleaned up your comment. Poof.
I refuse to even go there anymore, tramp is in with a lot of Russiana and so is Giuliano.

Its old news, and Barr is so up tramps arse, its redundant anything he does or says.
This is disgusting.

The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with Americans right to privacy, using known fraudulent material to obtain survielance on American citizens.

The FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team investigating the Trump 2016 campaign received multiple indications that former British spy Christopher Steele -- one of their key informants in their investigation -- was part of an elaborate "Russian disinformation campaign," according to several newly declassified footnotes from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FBI misconduct.
“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation," Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who had pushed for the declassification, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. "These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.”
At the same time, Grassley's office added that "the senators expect a fuller declassification in the coming days," including a version of the footnotes that does not redact the names of those who raised the alarm about Steele.
One of the footnotes, which was previously redacted in its entirety, read: “The [REDACTED] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations." That subset referred to the activities of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Steele's dossier claimed had traveled to Prague to meet with Russian agents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unable to substantiate that claim, and Cohen has denied it...
The footnote goes on to state that a 2017 report “contained information … that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [REDACTED] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltra[ing] a source into the network’ of a [REDACTED] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”
Again, i have said before, there better be people arrested and sent to jail, for this shit. Otherwise there will be hell to pay by the citizens of the US as we take back this government from the radical leftists who want to turn it into the United Soviet States of America.
You better come to realize no one of significance will be prosecuted. Barr won’t do shit.
While I think there are numerous people that should be sitting in jail I also realize there are two justice systems. One for the normal people and one for the elite.
I refuse to even go there anymore, tramp is in with a lot of Russiana and so is Giuliano.

Its old news, and Barr is so up tramps arse, its redundant anything he does or says.
Deny, dney, deny...This is why Hitlery was allowed to kill 4 US citizens one of them an Ambassador in Benghazi. You idiots never hold your political hacks responsible. Fuck you all.
This is disgusting.

The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with Americans right to privacy, using known fraudulent material to obtain survielance on American citizens.

The FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team investigating the Trump 2016 campaign received multiple indications that former British spy Christopher Steele -- one of their key informants in their investigation -- was part of an elaborate "Russian disinformation campaign," according to several newly declassified footnotes from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FBI misconduct.
“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation," Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who had pushed for the declassification, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. "These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.”
At the same time, Grassley's office added that "the senators expect a fuller declassification in the coming days," including a version of the footnotes that does not redact the names of those who raised the alarm about Steele.
One of the footnotes, which was previously redacted in its entirety, read: “The [REDACTED] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations." That subset referred to the activities of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Steele's dossier claimed had traveled to Prague to meet with Russian agents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unable to substantiate that claim, and Cohen has denied it...
The footnote goes on to state that a 2017 report “contained information … that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [REDACTED] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltra[ing] a source into the network’ of a [REDACTED] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”

Keep digging. Those dogs won't hunt this time around.
My only wish is that this AG, Barr, will stop thinking about the virus and the economy and do his job. That would be to prosecute the DOJ people who were responsible for the coup to overthrow Trump.
The chinese disease is pretty difficult to ignore

just as impeachment was the dominant topic when the virus was sneaking up on us in January
This is disgusting.

The FBI and DOJ have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with Americans right to privacy, using known fraudulent material to obtain survielance on American citizens.

The FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team investigating the Trump 2016 campaign received multiple indications that former British spy Christopher Steele -- one of their key informants in their investigation -- was part of an elaborate "Russian disinformation campaign," according to several newly declassified footnotes from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on FBI misconduct.
“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation," Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who had pushed for the declassification, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. "These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.”
At the same time, Grassley's office added that "the senators expect a fuller declassification in the coming days," including a version of the footnotes that does not redact the names of those who raised the alarm about Steele.
One of the footnotes, which was previously redacted in its entirety, read: “The [REDACTED] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations." That subset referred to the activities of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, whom Steele's dossier claimed had traveled to Prague to meet with Russian agents. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was unable to substantiate that claim, and Cohen has denied it...
The footnote goes on to state that a 2017 report “contained information … that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [REDACTED] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltra[ing] a source into the network’ of a [REDACTED] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”

My only wish is that this AG, Barr, will stop thinking about the virus and the economy and do his job. That would be to prosecute the DOJ people who were responsible for the coup to overthrow Trump.
That shit is funny. He's Trumps man. Trump has been in office for how long, going on 4 years. If they, The Deep State, wanted Trump overthrown it would have happened by now. Think. Trump had complete control of the federal government for this first two years in office. This shit is funny.
fag alert ! communist cock sucker alert !
Thanks for the warning, be we already knew you were here.

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