So Global Warming Causes Tornado Outbreaks,According To Who?Obama Kool-Aid Drinkers?

Feb 13, 2011
Right, So All Of The Intense 90 Degree Weather Coming From Canada,Shifting South Into The Lower U.S. States is creating all of these F4 and F5 Tornado's that have been wiping cities off the map. Who can't wait for MSNBC and CNN try to explain this phenomenon? Only braindead dufass staunch Obama Supporters would believe this and will blame conservatives for it. As if it's all the Republicans fault for driving SUV's and Mini Vans. It's so sad when around 20% of our population think the other 80% are just plain uneducated and as naive as anyone who voted for Obama only because he was black and could read cue cards without stuttering.
Until the Warmers can show us one (1) repeatable lab experiment demonstrating that a 60PPM increase in CO2 does any of that they need to shut the fuck up. They can continue to serve as Fluffers for Obama,of course
Until the Warmers can show us one (1) repeatable lab experiment demonstrating that a 60PPM increase in CO2 does any of that they need to shut the fuck up. They can continue to serve as Fluffers for Obama,of course

Equipment needed:

Two large, thick-wall, insulated pressure vessels with IR transparent sealed ports.
IR generator
dry Nitrogen source
dry CO2 source
precision temp. measurement equipment
vaccuum pump

Purge the two vessels, carefully fill one container with 100% dry Nitrogen and then fill the other with 99.99994% dry Nitrogen and 0.00006% dry CO2. Seal both vessels affix IR source to IR transparent port and power up, await equilibration of systems (shouldn't take more than a few hours--EDIT--depending upon the size of your samples! --end EDIT--), and then measure the ambient air temperature within the container to the nearest ten thousandth of a degree. Carefully repeat entire procedure three times carefully recording all data. At this level the temperature differential will be small, but if laboratory practices are duly rigorous, you should be able to record a significant difference between the to sample atmospheres in accord with mainstream physics findings and understandings.

There are more simple ways to test and verify the GHG potential of CO2 (or any other GHG) but this methodology fulfills your specifications and will produce verification of the more traditional obtained results. If you have any questions or problems please feel free to ask or share them.

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