So how are the Liberals dealing with the recent GANG RAPE of a 13 year old.

This must be part of that whole "Hispanic family values" thing Lindsey Graham keeps talking about.
Obama is going to give a press conference and Holder is going to launch a thorough investigation into the matter
The big problem with the lack of border security is that anyone, and I mean anyone, can come in. No one knows who these people are or what their backgrounds are. How are they going to grant amnesty until they put each and every person through some process to ensure that violent criminals and terrorists don't get handed citizenship? It seems like they are talking about a blanket amnesty, then sort them out later. Many criminals who were captured and slated for deportation were released. This is insane.

Illegal immigration sharply increased once the talk of amnesty got serious. Ads were running in Mexico, an effort by Obama and Mexican officials, that practically encouraged people to get their ass over here.

We don't know most of their identities, let alone any criminal records. Anyone believe that criminals are going to come out of the shadows when amnesty is granted? No, not if they think they'll actually be deported.

Meanwhile, they pour in. We already have enough violent criminals without importing more, but they've all been invited and they keep coming.
13-year-old girl raped by more than a dozen illegal aliens in Texas - National Immigration Reform |

Hey Liberals, this is what you SUPPORT!!!!!!!!

ARE YOU HAPPY?!!, you will have excuses...... You are so sad and wanting...but so are the NEO CON Supporters...

Are you suggesting that all Mexicans rape children? You're so obviously a racist. What's your excuse?

Probably not.

But I AM suggesting that this particular group of 13 (and I'm sure they're not alone) would be granted amnesty and given the keys to our country to spread they're brand of perversion
Tell you what, every liberal I know supports finding and punishing the sick bastards that did this.

Now please list anyone you can think of that supports the Raping of anyone, much less a 13 year old.

Typical of a rabid partisan to make such a disturbing accusation, when any normal person, left or right, finds this type of behavior despicable regardless of the immigration status of the offender.
13-year-old girl raped by more than a dozen illegal aliens in Texas - National Immigration Reform |

Hey Liberals, this is what you SUPPORT!!!!!!!!

ARE YOU HAPPY?!!, you will have excuses...... You are so sad and wanting...but so are the NEO CON Supporters...

Sick - definitely.

But does this change my view on immigration? No. It's an outlier event and not a common occurrence. Should I find an article where one french person in the US murders a child and say that all French people are X?

Seems like folks are becoming much more susceptible to propaganda these days...

Don't be one of them.

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Should I find an article where one french person in the US murders a child and say that all French people are bad?

You don't even need an article and I'll agree with the statement.

Bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys...

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