So How Will Libs React To Conservatives Describing Paul Ryan As "Kennedy-Esque"?

Mar 16, 2012

Although it's early, the term "Kennedyesque" has already been used by a conservative commentator on Fox today (Sunday).
Once the description goes viral, many on the right will agree with it, especially with Paul Ryan being 42, attractive, articulate, etc.,just like Kennedy was.
And remember how Obama was perceived to be the modern day jesus&moses rolled into one (in 2008),and at least half of America laughed at the comparison?
The left will be outraged once America sees a little of Kennedy and Reagan in the persona of Paul Ryan. You can just vision Chris Matthews saying "What?!! Paul Ryan is the next John Kennedy? !!! This is a Travesty! Have Americans gone to hell thinking Paul Ryan is some kind of saint !!!!
You have to feel sorry for Chewbaca, Elmer Fudd, Dumbo, Bambi, Bozo The Clown, Beevis&Butthead, Sponge Bob and Big Bird being they have all been compared to Obama. They and the rest must feel so embarrassed.
have u all noticed the size of the crowds paul ryan has been attracting? 8000? 10,000? and lately Obama's rallies have been averaging around 300?
"Kennedy-Esque"? The closest persona and ideology Paul Ryan represents is this man.

Both propagandists and staunch advocates of social Darwinism.


In 2005, Ryan revealed “the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand,” the cult figure who in the turgid 1200-page novel “Atlas Shrugged” proclaimed money as “the root of all good” and labeled those who don’t agree as “moochers” and “looters.”


"Only the born weakling can view this as cruel, but he after all is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development of organic living beings would be unthinkable.

In the struggle for daily bread all those who are weak and sickly or less determined succumb, while the struggle of the males for the female grants the right or opportunity to propagate only to the healthiest. And struggle is always a means for improving a species’ health and power of resistance and, therefore, a cause of its higher development."
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Please quote me one liberal reporter, pundit, or elected offical that ever called Obama, moses or jesus like.
The Kennedy administration gave us Medicare and Medicaid.

Ryan wants to end them.

How is that Kennedy-esque?
you wont hear too much of the comparison till RNC week. well at least Ryan is handsome, that will help him take away a few thousand of those "Stupid Naive" single woman block Yobama has a hold of.
The Dems are in total panic being the RNC will make them all look like felons in their speeches,,so of course they are on the warpath already speaking for Paul Ryan,,,what a bunch of yellow bastards,,,,,Let Paul Ryan Speak For Himself, then let the millions of undecideds make their decision.
I cant wait for the day 200 million people will be saying,,,,,,ITS OBAMAS FAULT !!! for years to come, even the day after the astroid lands in the pacific ocean.

Although it's early, the term "Kennedyesque" has already been used by a conservative commentator on Fox today (Sunday).
Once the description goes viral, many on the right will agree with it, especially with Paul Ryan being 42, attractive, articulate, etc.,just like Kennedy was.
And remember how Obama was perceived to be the modern day jesus&moses rolled into one (in 2008),and at least half of America laughed at the comparison?
The left will be outraged once America sees a little of Kennedy and Reagan in the persona of Paul Ryan. You can just vision Chris Matthews saying "What?!! Paul Ryan is the next John Kennedy? !!! This is a Travesty! Have Americans gone to hell thinking Paul Ryan is some kind of saint !!!!
LOL, thanks for the laugh!
you wont hear too much of the comparison till RNC week. well at least Ryan is handsome, that will help him take away a few thousand of those "Stupid Naive" single woman block Yobama has a hold of.

Ryan and Palin are the same.

At the bar, they're attractive, until they start talking, and the more they talk, the less good-looking they appear.
I hope there is a massive crowd in Iowa tomorrow and a miniscule crowd of teen-age drop outs for Obumma. lets see if the media covers it.
you wont hear too much of the comparison till RNC week. well at least Ryan is handsome, that will help him take away a few thousand of those "Stupid Naive" single woman block Yobama has a hold of.

Ryan and Palin are the same.

At the bar, they're attractive, until they start talking, and the more they talk, the less good-looking they appear.

That sounds a lot like Obama when he doesn't have the teleprompter.

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