So How Will Pelosi/Schumer/Bernie React If All Goes Well By March 1st?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: Let's say close to 600,000 jobs are created these next two months. We are hovering around a 25,000 DOW. :biggrin:
Now Keep In Mind, 10's of thousands of people were supposed to have died by then!
Odds are, none of them will want to be interviewed knowing the reporter will be asking them questions about the continuing economic boom that started the day Trump became President on November 9 when he beat the bajesus out of Hillary who still thinks the Russians Voted !!!
:iagree: :hitit: :poop:
The reporters won't ask those questions.

They will be asking questions about the manufactured outrage of the day.

Like they have been.

What I really take from all of this, is that these lefties KNEW they would have to have a process in place to distract from Trump's record, as we begin to see it.

Consider that for a second.

They knew that the moment that we changed course that good stuff would follow, yet they fought and are fighting against it tooth and nail.
If the economy stays the course and nothing happens between the U.S. and China puppet regime in North Korea then the Democrats have little they can run on because Red America does not care about Russia...
They will just say it was Obama’s policies finally coming to fruition...and plenty of fucking idiot Progs will slurp the shit up like Gumbo.

There is not a chance in fucking hell they will give any credit to Trump, they can’t do it.
They will just say it was Obama’s policies finally coming to fruition...and plenty of fucking idiot Progs will slurp the shit up like Gumbo.

There is not a chance in fucking hell they will give any credit to Trump, they can’t do it.
it seems that according to Bernie, yes we are all gonna get a tax cut, and a year later we are gonna die?
They will just say it was Obama’s policies finally coming to fruition...and plenty of fucking idiot Progs will slurp the shit up like Gumbo.

There is not a chance in fucking hell they will give any credit to Trump, they can’t do it.
it seems that according to Bernie, yes we are all gonna get a tax cut, and a year later we are gonna die?

It would be great if someone would call them on their idiotic panic mongering predictions.

I could see Ann doing it, maybe Tucker Carlson...
:2up: Let's say close to 600,000 jobs are created these next two months. We are hovering around a 25,000 DOW. :biggrin:
Now Keep In Mind, 10's of thousands of people were supposed to have died by then!
Odds are, none of them will want to be interviewed knowing the reporter will be asking them questions about the continuing economic boom that started the day Trump became President on November 9 when he beat the bajesus out of Hillary who still thinks the Russians Voted !!!
:iagree: :hitit: :poop:

They will not have to worry about this considering that we have only added an average of 170,000 jobs a month since Jan, there is zero chance we go to 300,000 overnight. Especially when you factor in the tax cuts will not have taken effect yet and we are basically at full employment.
:2up: Let's say close to 600,000 jobs are created these next two months. We are hovering around a 25,000 DOW. :biggrin:
Now Keep In Mind, 10's of thousands of people were supposed to have died by then!
Odds are, none of them will want to be interviewed knowing the reporter will be asking them questions about the continuing economic boom that started the day Trump became President on November 9 when he beat the bajesus out of Hillary who still thinks the Russians Voted !!!
:iagree: :hitit: :poop:
We still have a lot of debt, and a lot of infrastructure to upgrade.
i cannot think of any ailment that would wipe out 330 Million People in one year, aside from a really bad cold or flu

What do you think you are proving with your post?

That GE hasn’t been horribly mismanaged for years. Let’s break down the GE layoffs, specifically.

Why is GE cutting jobs?
:2up: Let's say close to 600,000 jobs are created these next two months. We are hovering around a 25,000 DOW. :biggrin:
Now Keep In Mind, 10's of thousands of people were supposed to have died by then!
Odds are, none of them will want to be interviewed knowing the reporter will be asking them questions about the continuing economic boom that started the day Trump became President on November 9 when he beat the bajesus out of Hillary who still thinks the Russians Voted !!!
:iagree: :hitit: :poop:

Didn't you make a dopey totally wrong prediction about jobs a month or two ago? lol
I think we all know how the game is played.

If things are good, it will be because of Obama's policies.

If things are bad, it will be because of Trump's policies.

And the opposite would also happen. We all know that.

What do you think you are proving with your post?

That GE hasn’t been horribly mismanaged for years. Let’s break down the GE layoffs, specifically.

Why is GE cutting jobs?

Guess you can't live with facts, can you, unless of course, you post them and then you can't back them up most of the time because it's just shit you pull out of your ass.
They will just say it was Obama’s policies finally coming to fruition...and plenty of fucking idiot Progs will slurp the shit up like Gumbo.

There is not a chance in fucking hell they will give any credit to Trump, they can’t do it.
can you imagine if somehow a reporter yelled a question to bernie or pelosi? "Can you please explain how millions of Americans are going to die if they start paying lower taxes !!!!!!"
I think we all know how the game is played.

If things are good, it will be because of Obama's policies.

If things are bad, it will be because of Trump's policies.

And the opposite would also happen. We all know that.

Not for me, Trump has been in office almost a year everything is all on him.
You think good economic news will stop lying Democrat filth? Pelosi ranted that 4.5% unemployment under Bush was horrible, these filth don't care what the facts are that won't change their narrative and spin.
They will just say it was Obama’s policies finally coming to fruition...and plenty of fucking idiot Progs will slurp the shit up like Gumbo.

There is not a chance in fucking hell they will give any credit to Trump, they can’t do it.
can you imagine if somehow a reporter yelled a question to bernie or pelosi? "Can you please explain how millions of Americans are going to die if they start paying lower taxes !!!!!!"

I’d like any reporter to ask Pelosi and Schumer why they are taking credit for balancing the budget when they voted against the bill.
They will just say it was Obama’s policies finally coming to fruition...and plenty of fucking idiot Progs will slurp the shit up like Gumbo.

There is not a chance in fucking hell they will give any credit to Trump, they can’t do it.
can you imagine if somehow a reporter yelled a question to bernie or pelosi? "Can you please explain how millions of Americans are going to die if they start paying lower taxes !!!!!!"

I’d like any reporter to ask Pelosi and Schumer why they are taking credit for balancing the budget when they voted against the bill.
wait till about May. Pelosi wont take any questions, but bitch that over 70 Million people are still unemployed. yah, but she sure was quiet when we had 30% unemployment with 94 Million people werent working during the Obama 0.0 growth years
You think good economic news will stop lying Democrat filth? Pelosi ranted that 4.5% unemployment under Bush was horrible, these filth don't care what the facts are that won't change their narrative and spin.

This article on Pelosi is outstanding.

She gave all credit for the economic turnaround to the new POTUS....SO WHY DOESNT TRUMP GET CREDIT FOR 2017?

Pelosi blames GOP, Bush for unemployment

Pelosi blames GOP, Bush for unemployment


08/06/2010 12:46 PM EDT

Updated 08/06/2010 12:56 PM EDT

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Republicans are “fighting against the economic recovery every step of the way,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday after worse-than-expected job numbers were released.

Pelosi also took a shot at former President George W. Bush, saying the 71,000 private-sector jobs added to the economy in July is a “sharp turnaround from the 700,000 jobs per month lost under President Bush.”

Nowhere in the statement, though, does Pelosi characterize what exactly she makes of the jobless numbers.
“Today’s report shows our teachers, police officers, firefighters, and nurses are still feeling the worst of the Bush recession — while Republican leaders demean them as ‘special interests’ and try to block legislation that will grow our economy,” Pelosi said. “Democrats will return next week to save or create hundreds of thousands of jobs for our teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers — and close loopholes that allow corporations to ship American jobs overseas.? This is critical as over the last three months, state and local governments have cut more than 46,000 jobs in education.”

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called the numbers “encouraging.”

“That fact shows that our economy is making progress. Nevertheless, total employment fell this month, due largely to the end of temporary census jobs. As long as millions of Americans remain out of work, we clearly have more work to do,” Hoyer said in a statement.

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