So,If MS-13 Are Not Animals,What Are They?,The Left All Over Trump Over These Remarks.

I had a fluffy white bunny as a kid. It was also a drug smuggling rapist, but it was still cute as all hell.


So cute and cuddly....
MS-13 is an American gang that originated in Los Angeles, California.

MS-13 - Wikipedia

from your link it sounds like illegal immigrants made up the gang

The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.[23]

Originally the gang's main purpose was to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other, more established gangs of Los Angeles, who were predominantly composed of Mexicans and African-Americans.[24]

Many Mara Salvatrucha gang members from the Los Angeles area have been deported after being arrested.[25] For example, Jose Abrego, a high-ranking member, was deported four times.[26] As a result of these deportations, members of MS-13 have recruited more members in their home countries.[27] The Los Angeles Times contends that deportation policies have contributed to the size and influence of the gang both in the United States and in Central America.[25] According to the 2009 National Gang Threat Assessment, "The gang is estimated to have 30,000 to 50,000 members and associate members worldwide, 8,000 to 10,000 of whom reside in the United States.[1]

Since the first decade of the twenty-first century the gang has expanded into the Washington, D.C. area, in particular the areas of Langley Park and Takoma Park, Maryland.[28]

In 2004 the US FBI started the MS-13 National Gang Task Force. The FBI also began teaming with law enforcement in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.[29]

In 2005 the office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement started Operation Community Shield. By 2011 this operation had made over 20,000 arrests, including more than 3,000 arrests of alleged MS-13 members.[30]

NYPD said that MS-13 were responsible for 17 murders between January 2016 and April 2016 in Long Island.[31]

On July 28, 2017, one day after 113 suspected MS-13 gang members were arrested by Salvadoran authorities,[32] President Donald Trump declared his goal of "eradicating" MS-13, calling them "animals" whose victims "die slowly because that way it's more painful."[33]

In an interview with Bill Ritter in late 2017, Nassau County, New York District Attorney Madeline Singas, referring to crimes committed by MS-13 gang members, stated: "The crimes that we're talking about are brutal. Their weapon of choice is a machete. We end up seeing people with injuries that I've never seen before. You know, limbs hacked off. And that's what the bodies look like that we're recovering. So they're brutal. They're ruthless, and we're gonna be relentless in our attacks against them."[34]
can I adopt one of these cute and cuddly animals? I'm sure it will get along with my kittens
Sorry bout that,

1. Animals is a nice term for MS-13.
2. Actually animals is a worthy description, but still rather nice, they are inhuman and have no value for life, in themselves or others, so that does describe the mindset of an animal quite well.
3. Animals are animals they don't need and excuse, because they are animals, MS-13 are actually people with the mindset of animals, or even lower than an animal. A lion doesn't kill to just kill, it kills to eat, so thats no surprise, expected, these MS-13 kill for no reason but to do the devils bidding, making them the lowest creations on the planet.

Ah the right and their racist fear mongering . That’s all they do/. First Isis, then that whole Antifa fail, now MS 13.

People are offended because Trump pains every illegal as if they are murdeous gangsters . Thats why people are pissed.
I guess CNN and MSNBC must think that Freddie Kruger and jeoffry dalhmer are just 2 of the most wonderful people in the world
Ah the right and their racist fear mongering . That’s all they do/. First Isis, then that whole Antifa fail, now MS 13.

People are offended because Trump pains every illegal as if they are murdeous gangsters . Thats why people are pissed.
Only stupid or dishonest people are offended because the President has not done that.

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