So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.
I am curious to read his exact verbiage, in context, relative to fighter jets and nukes to quell insurrections. How about you providing that verbiage in context for the readers.


The context was pretty clear that he intends to use fighter jets and nukes against United States citizens if people disagree with him.

Live with it.


I am curious to read his exact verbiage, in context, relative to fighter jets and nukes to quell insurrections. How about you providing that verbiage in context for the readers.

View attachment 509573

The context was pretty clear that he intends to use fighter jets and nukes against United States citizens if people disagree with him.

Live with it.



If it is ok with you, I will live with the truth. Obviously, you have a vivid imagination. Show me.
"Live with it" is a stupid response like many right-wing responses.

“If you wanted, or think you need weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,” Biden said. This is what Biden said, yes? So stop the babbling and "fake"
Last edited:
I am curious to read his exact verbiage, in context, relative to fighter jets and nukes to quell insurrections. How about you providing that verbiage in context for the readers.

View attachment 509573

The context was pretty clear that he intends to use fighter jets and nukes against United States citizens if people disagree with him.

Live with it.



If it is ok with you, I will live with the truth. Obviously, you have a vivid imagination. Show me.
"Live with it" is a stupid response like many right-wing responses.


There! There! Now! Didn't your white sheets come back from the cleaners died black so you could go out and burn, loot, and murder, on the trust fund left to you?


This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?

Moronic given it was Democrats, not Republicans, who want to start up an investigation.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.
How can congress explore that deadly day at the capitol without addressing the killing of the only one to die that day?...
Others did die
One peaceful protester was trampled to death when the police forced the OUTDOOR protesters back.
Turns out, the alleged trampled girl died of a drug overdose.

MAGA rioter, 34, who was fatally trampled in the Capitol mob actually died of acute amphetamine intoxication, medical examiner says​

  • Roseanne Boyland, 34, was among four Donald Trump fans killed during the violent insurrection on January 6
  • The DC medical examiner's office confirmed Wednesday that Boyland died of a drug overdose and that the manner of her death was an accident
  • Boyland was seen earlier January 6 carrying a Gadsden flag around DC
  • Graphic bodycam footage obtained by in January showed fellow rioters trampling over her to attack Capitol cops as her friend screamed for help
  • Medical examiner also confirmed cause and manner of death for 3 other rioters
  • Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50, both died of heart failure rather than injuries sustained in the insurrection
  • But Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick's cause and manner of death is still 'pending' - three months after he was killed in the line of duty
  • Wednesday marks 90 d
“Fellow rioters trampling over her as her boyfriend screamed for help “
Some people just will not believe the truth if it doesn't compute to their ideological many times does the truth need to shown to you? are brainwashed by the MSM....
How can congress explore that deadly day at the capitol without addressing the killing of the only one to die that day?...
Others did die
One peaceful protester was trampled to death when the police forced the OUTDOOR protesters back.
Turns out, the alleged trampled girl died of a drug overdose.

MAGA rioter, 34, who was fatally trampled in the Capitol mob actually died of acute amphetamine intoxication, medical examiner says​

  • Roseanne Boyland, 34, was among four Donald Trump fans killed during the violent insurrection on January 6
  • The DC medical examiner's office confirmed Wednesday that Boyland died of a drug overdose and that the manner of her death was an accident
  • Boyland was seen earlier January 6 carrying a Gadsden flag around DC
  • Graphic bodycam footage obtained by in January showed fellow rioters trampling over her to attack Capitol cops as her friend screamed for help
  • Medical examiner also confirmed cause and manner of death for 3 other rioters
  • Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50, both died of heart failure rather than injuries sustained in the insurrection
  • But Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick's cause and manner of death is still 'pending' - three months after he was killed in the line of duty
  • Wednesday marks 90 d
“Fellow rioters trampling over her as her boyfriend screamed for help “
Some people just will not believe the truth if it doesn't compute to their ideological many times does the truth need to shown to you? are brainwashed by the MSM....
Thinking of the 2020 election your post back to yourself.
I've seen the evidence of a stolen still won't even look...why not???
I've seen the evidence of a stolen still won't even look...why not???
A pity Trump couldn't find it or he would have been president. You should have shared your "evidence" with him.
Republicans no longer declare the Jan. 6 insurrection was caused by antifa. They no longer say it was a peaceful protest. They no longer say the intruders of our capitol were tourists who "stayed between the ropes."

In fact, they don't say anything about the insurrection that resulted in five deaths and over a hundred capitol defenders were injured.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is tasked with selecting five Republicans for the committee. He has failed to do so and has remained silent about the House committee.

Why are Republicans leaders silent about Jan. 6? Their lives were at risk on that day, and all we get from them is silence? That doesn't make sense.

Maybe this does.

In December President Trump, for all practical purposes, circled the date. The Times reports, "For weeks, President Trump and his supporters had been proclaiming Jan. 6, 2021, as a day of reckoning. A day to gather in Washington to “save America” and “stop the steal.”

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”

Then we come to Jan. 6.

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."

“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
*******************************************************************************Donald J. Trump

Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, chimed in.

“If they ran such a clean election, they’d have you come in and look at the paper ballots. Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence. Not honest people. Over the next 10 days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent, and if we’re wrong, we will be made fools of. But if we’re right, a lot of them will go to jail. Let’s have trial by combat.”

Little wonder as to why Republican leaders wish to remain silent on the subject.

In the meantime, Trump remains beloved by the members of his cult, grassroots Republicans. That is a dilemma for the Republican Party.
How can congress explore that deadly day at the capitol without addressing the killing of the only one to die that day?...
Others did die
One peaceful protester was trampled to death when the police forced the OUTDOOR protesters back.
Turns out, the alleged trampled girl died of a drug overdose.

MAGA rioter, 34, who was fatally trampled in the Capitol mob actually died of acute amphetamine intoxication, medical examiner says​

  • Roseanne Boyland, 34, was among four Donald Trump fans killed during the violent insurrection on January 6
  • The DC medical examiner's office confirmed Wednesday that Boyland died of a drug overdose and that the manner of her death was an accident
  • Boyland was seen earlier January 6 carrying a Gadsden flag around DC
  • Graphic bodycam footage obtained by in January showed fellow rioters trampling over her to attack Capitol cops as her friend screamed for help
  • Medical examiner also confirmed cause and manner of death for 3 other rioters
  • Ashli Babbitt, 35, died from gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder.
  • Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50, both died of heart failure rather than injuries sustained in the insurrection
  • But Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick's cause and manner of death is still 'pending' - three months after he was killed in the line of duty
  • Wednesday marks 90 d
“Fellow rioters trampling over her as her boyfriend screamed for help “
Some people just will not believe the truth if it doesn't compute to their ideological many times does the truth need to shown to you? are brainwashed by the MSM....
Thinking of the 2020 election your post back to yourself.

I've seen the evidence of a stolen still won't even look...why not???
What nonsensical evidence is that?
Like the fact that millions more ballots were sent out and fewer disqualified ballots ever in our nations modern day history...and it was blue districts that had the fewest ballots disqualified....because of covid ballot harvesting was allowed...a tactic proven to increase fraud....

Trump was ahead by millions of votes and was on his way to a landslide win when the counting stopped in the middle of the night for no good reason.....this has never happened before....too many firsts for me to not believe shenanigan's were afoot....if the out come was different you would be losing your mind right now and you know it.....and so would every elected dem in DC...they would be auditing states everywhere....
I've seen the evidence of a stolen still won't even look...why not???
A pity Trump couldn't find it or he would have been president. You should have shared your "evidence" with him.
We and he found it...he called it when the covid rule changes were enacted...illegally enacted...we all knew the fix was in then....
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?
Don’t be more of a dumbfuck than is necessary.

Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.
Your FactCheck.Org piece fails to answer why and how Democrats were concerned but did not push harder or insist for more back up despite the timelines. We already knew all of that. Again, have your hearings. Your side’s goal is really not about preventing another 1/6 event as much as it is to hinder Republicans and punish Trump. That’s it.

Because the Dems had nothing to do with giving the order to deploy troops on 1/6, dope.

Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
Because the Dems have something to cover up. If someone in the White House did a stand down or deny, it would be out by now. Don’t you think?
No Because “the Dems” are not in the chain of command of the NG, dope. McCarthy himself said he directly requested the WH order the NG to intervene several times. As did others. Some even directly to the DOD. Someone certainly was hesitant to give the order.
Stop being a dumbfuck.

All the more reason it would be out and confirmed… who, where, when. Here we are 6 months later and the Democrats need the Republicans.

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